We Sure Get Into A Lot Of Scrapes

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Kiers P.O.V:

I look over to Luke who’s pacing in front of the van muttering to himself. Drew walks out an icepack on his head “good thing we got those” Laurence mumbles “well we sure seem to get into a lot of scrapes here” Barrone sighs “I wonder what that was about, What did you even say?!” I ask turning to Drew.

 “we look like an abused person centre right now” Barrone laughs light heartedly. Luke suddenly stops his face darkening “No. No – he couldn’t have – no he wouldn’t, right?” he asks “What?” I ask confused “so do I get a kiss sweet. You’ll like it” Drew frowns answering my question. It suddenly clicks and I stand up enraged “I’ll kill the bastard” I shout “w-what? I’m not – I don’t understand” Barrone mumbles. So innocent I think to myself. “What if he didn’t just hit her” Luke says quietly “oh” Barrone sighs. I walk over to the wall and punch it “FUUUUCK” I scream holding my fist “I’ll get an icepack” Laurence sighs going inside “I – I should ring her” Luke trembles “It’s okay I’ll do it” Barrone frowns taking Lukes phone. Laurence comes back out with an ice pack and puts it on my hand gingerly “still no answer” Barrone sighs placing the phone in Lukes hand who throws it in frustration. The back files off and the battery falls out. I think the screen smashes too “well I guess we’re not calling her on Lukes phone” Laurence sighs “What If someone’s got her” Luke panics “I’m sure she’s fine just pissed off” I mutter looking down at my hand which is throbbing with pain now.

“Drew?” Shane asks looking over at him. Drews not said a word since he answered my question. He’s sitting against the wall his head in his hands “hey” Barrone murmurs walking over to him and sitting beside him “It’s not your fault you didn’t” “IT IS I’M SUCH A SCREW UP” Drew cries tears falling down his face “hey, hey I’m here” Barrone sighs hugging him “how’s your hand?” Laurence asks causing me to snap out of it “oh – ugh it hurts?” I say confused “well you did give a wall a good showing” Laurence sighs. My stomach grumbles “right guys lunch! Not eating isn’t going to help” Laurence exclaims walking inside.

Laurences P.O.V:

I boil the kettle grabbing four pot noodles and the apple out of the bag. I grab my coffee. It’s cold “great” I sigh sticking it in the microwave to warm it up “I – I don’t want” Kier frowns looking at the pot noodles “don’t worry” I smile chucking the apple at him “thanks” he sighs grabbing a knife out of the draw and cutting it up. He brushes against me a few times. We’re practically fighting for space. It’s not even a kitchen really just a sink and three side units with cupboards underneath.

The microwave goes off and I grab my coffee placing it next to the kettle which has just boiled. I quickly pour water in the pot noodles and follow Kier into the other room leaving them to finish off. Kier sits on the ground cross legged methodically eating his apple slowly piece by piece. Did he always do that? I wonder to myself. “I don’t want anything” Luke says his tone emotionless “well you have no choice Luke. Christ even Kiers eating” I hiss causing Kier to look at me and place the piece of apple he was playing with down. “for fucks sake” I mutter under my breath getting up and walking into the kitchenette come storage room. I grab the pot noodles and take them into the other room. Barrone takes his arms from around Drew grabbing his pot noodle eagerly. Barrone and Luke continue to stare into space “guys please I’m worried enough about Kier” I whisper “you’re worried? You, Imagine if Kier just walked off and we couldn’t get hold of him!” Luke mutters angrily “He did and you nearly killed him” I frown. Lukes face drops “No Luke. I didn’t mean –” he interrupts me “no you’re right” he sighs. He looks at his food with disinterest and starts picking at it “thank you” I murmur. “Drew please” I hear Barrone plead “Drew” I say sternly “snap out of it, it’s not going to help” I assert shoving his food at him “I don’t want” I interrupt “I don’t care what you want it’s what you need” I frown getting up and taking mine and Barrones empty pot noodles into the kitchenette.

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now