Breakdowns and Nerf guns

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Laurence P.O.V

It was a good thing we accounted for the car breaking down because well, it did. I sat on the side of the road flicking through my notebook trying to figure out where the story should go next while Kier fiddled with god knows what under the bonnet. “Hey mate should we call triple A or something” I asked not really paying much attention to what Kier was doing. “No! I can do this and it’ll cost a lot, they’ll want to take her in to the garage”. Kier had decided our car was a girl I’m not sure why, he’d tried to name her but that’s where I drew the line, I’d suggested if he wanted to name something to buy a hamster, which he did. We had to give the hamster away though because of touring and stuff, I remember Kier looked like he wanted to cry when he handed nibbles over to a kid from another flat in the building.

After another 40 minutes of Kier messing around with the car I had managed to continue writing the story in my book and was about to start another chapter when I heard the car splutter into life and Kier shout enthusiastically. I closed my book quickly and jumped in before the car had a chance to change its mind.

Kiers P.O.V

We arrived to band practice an hour late. Most of the guys were chasing each other around the car park with nerf guns whilst Barrone slept in one of the converted parcel shelves of our ‘Tour bus’. It used to be a delivery van for parcel force but when they got new ones they sold the old, somewhat unreliable vans for a really good price.

The guys didn’t ask where we had been they gathered it was the car again and Drew went up and shook his finger at the car telling her off for misbehaving. God Drew is something special. About 10 minutes after we arrived and we decided we should probably wake Barrone up. Drew quietly snuck into the van and grabbed the air horn of the front seat trying not to burst out laughing as he made his way across the van to Barrone. The rest of us all stood outside waiting for the carnage to happen when we heard a loud hoot followed by a thud which presumably was Barrone falling off the top shelf.

Barrone stumbled out of the van dazed, his hair was dishevelled and he was gripping onto his guitar for dear life. By the time we had made it into the building and soundchecked he had woken up somewhat. 

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