So much for a nice night in

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Kiers P.O.V

Laurence gets in the car and Immediately stop messing around “Laurence what happened at the coffee shop?” I ask gently “Kier” he warns. He tries to start the car and it stalls “Laurence please” I murmur Laurence just looks at me before trying to start the car again. It stalls again “for fucks sake” he mutters getting out and walking to the front of the car. I turn the key in the ignition and it starts immediately. Laurence shakes his head and gets back into the car “I can’t even start the car right I’m such a screw up” He sighs “Laur” I murmur placing my hand on his, he looks me in the eye before looking away and pulling out of the car park. “We went to school with her Kier” he mumbles “huh?” I ask confused “one of the girls who tutted at us, it was Vikki. She was my friend at school” he sighs “oh” I reply “we were friends for years” he says a tear in his eye “hey” I murmur placing my hand on his again. Before I know it we’re back at the flat “you know why she stalled?” I ask grinning “what?” Laurence asks confused “It’s because you don’t like her name isn’t it liberty” I smile patting the bonnet. Laurence laughs and shakes his head happy to stop talking about Vikki.

We get up to the flat and after finally finding the keys on me actually get inside. I go and lie of the sofa “tired” I mumble closing my eyes “It’s only 5” Laurence frowns “Oh” I sigh tiredly “you haven’t eaten all day again” Laurence scolds walking into the kitchen. Great now he’s going to feed me. I lie on my face so not to scream in frustration.  I hear him opening a can and turning the gas ring on, my senses heighten and I can feel my heart hammering in my chest. Not long after I hear him messing around with bowels and he comes in with a bowl of soup. He places it on the coffee table in front of me. I stare at it defiantly. “Kier its 72 calories, please” he begs “per half can” I mumble trying to keep panic out of my voice. It doesn’t work, Laurence looks at me concerned “hey you haven’t eaten either” I grumble “I’m not really hungry” Laurence replies walking over to the tv. “That’s not fair. You need to eat” I whine. Laurence sighs walking back to the kitchen. He comes back immediately with left over pasta “better” he asks “yeah” I murmur. He walks back to the tv “Laurence?” I ask “what?” he asks back “Sherlock?” I ask looking him in the eye “again?!” he replies exasperated “Please” I whine high pitched impersonating Moriarty. Laurence looks at me and sighs before reaching for the box set “series one or two?” He asks “two, A scandal in Belgravia please” I chirp, still not eating my soup “You only like it because of that scene with Irene naked you perve” He accuses. I feign mock hurt “Laurence how could you!” I exclaim holding a hand to my chest. He puts the disc in before turning to me “blanket?” “Absolutely, my dear Watson” Laurence sighs grabbing the blanket from next to the tv and placing it on me.


We end up watching the whole of the second season and I end up crying at the Reichenbach fall episode, again “Promise me something” I sniff looking at Laurence “what?” Laurence asks confused “don’t ever jump off a building, even for me” I say letting out a sob “Okay time for you to go to bed I think” Laurence suggests pulling the blanket off of me and picking me up “Hey! Let me down!” I protest, my protest falls on death ears and Laurence throws me onto the bed. I roll over onto my face. “Hey get up and change!” Laurence demands grabbing his pyjamas from under his pillow. He is the only man in his twenties who still wears pyjamas I swear.

Laurences P.O.V:

I manage to get Kier to eat something which makes me feel less anxious. Me and Kier end up watching the second series of Sherlock, which ends with Kier sobbing as always, before heading to bed. I change into my Pyjamas and watch Kier rummaging for a hoodie. I glance over ta him getting undressed and gasp. I try to cover it but Kier notices “what?” he asks tiredly. I can see his ribs jaunting out, he reminds me of one of those starving kids on the charity adverts. “Kier when did you last look in the mirror?” I ask worried “this morning when I straightened my hair” he replies confused “go look now”. He goes to put his hoodie on “no like that right now” whimper. Kier looks at me worried before walking into the bathroom. I follow him. I watch him look in the mirror taking in his hollow cheeks then noticing his ribs. His breath stalls and his eyes widen before he breaks down in front of me. I want to hug him but I’m scared I’ll break in. Kier wails and I walk up to him and embrace him gently, I can feel his ribs. We stand like that for a long time before Kier puts on his hoodie and gets into bed. We both lie awake in silence most of the night.

Kiers P.O.V:

I lie in bed awake thinking, Laurence is awake too but I’m too shocked to speak. You can see my ribs. My individual ribs. Fuck. I look terrible. How did I let this happen. Why can’t I just eat normally? I wonder if Laurence is blaming himself? Of course he is. I turn onto my side to face him, he’s staring at the ceiling. I still say nothing. I lie on my back again. I’m such a coward. Laurence gets up and goes into the front room. I think I can hear him crying. I’m crying too.

Barrones P.O.V:

I’m drawing when I get a text. My phone shows me the time when I unlock it 3:50 That’s weird who’s texting me at this time? I hear Drew snore softly and murmur in his sleep on the sofa. I quickly put my phone on vibrate so it doesn’t wake him up. I check my messages.


3:50 Shane, you awake? I need someone to talk to, Laurence


Shit he called me Shane not Barrone, he only does that when he’s upset.


3:50 Sure I’m drawing more merch stuff I’ll show you tomorrow. Whats wrong? Barrone

3:50 It’s kier, I saw him getting undressed and

3:51: and what?

3:51 You can see his ribs Barrone

3:51 you want me to call you?

3:51 No he’s still awake

3:51 Want to go out and talk

3:53 yeah. I’ll drive over, Laurence


I look over at Drew sleeping. We’ll have to go out and talk. I rip a page out of my sketchbook, write a note for Drew and wait.

It takes Laurence less than fifteen minutes to get here. He texts me to let me know he’s outside and I slip outside quietly. His eyes are red from crying. I hug him before saying anything “Shane, I could see his ribs” he sobs “okay, it’s okay” I comfort him. He looks exhausted “lets go to subway” I smile walking with him out of the flats “I’m not hungry” he replies “you eaten?” I ask concerned “yeah a little” Laurence replies absentmindedly “I meant for coffee, I always go there when I need some peace this time of the morning and you look exhausted” “Oh” he replies opening the main door. The cold hits me instantly and I regret not bringing a coat. Laurence notices “theres a hoodie in the car you can borrow” he smiles sadly. Even his smiles look sad “okay” I mumble shivering.

Laurences P.O.V:

Me and Barrone are sitting in subway at half four in the morning drinking coffee. The place is empty and the girl who served us and her colleague at the counter keep looking at us oddly. I suppose they don’t get many sober customers this time of the morning, especially customers who order coffee. I sip on my flat white coffee in silence for a while before opening up to Barrone. After nearly two hours I feel no less anxious. But I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, though from the look on Barrone’s face it looks like I’ve only placed it on his. We place our empty coffee cups in the bin and leave just as drunk people arrive from the now closed clubs. I drop Barrone off then go home myself. As soon as I step into the flat I can hear Kier snoring. I turn out the light and go to sleep on the sofa not wanting to risk waking him.


A/N: I wrote a ridiculously long Authors note but Wattpad went and screwed up my upload cutting out half the chapter so I had to edit it and cannot be bothered with rewriting it at 10 past 4 in the morning. So here’s the short version. Sorry for the Drama been listening to melancholy music. I dedicated this chapter to thisonesforthefreaks as she commented so much :D 

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