This Is Gonna Hurt

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Kiers P.O.V:

We’re taking a break between songs when my stomach grumbles loudly. Lauerence looks at me and opens his mouth about to say something when ‘I’m still standing’ by Elton John suddenly blares loudly making me jump. I look around confused then notice India fumbling in her pockets. That makes sense I guess it’s her ringtone. “your girl likes Elton John?” I ask Luke. India smiles at me calling her his girl. She answers her phone and a voice suddenly blasts down the phone causing everyone to jump. She quickly holds the phone away from her ear and puts it on speaker “INDIA PARKER WHERE ARE YOU YOUNG LADY?!” a voice shouts angrily down the phone “I – I’m” she stutters “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE RUNNING THE SHOP!” the voice who we’ve figured out to be her dad screams down the line “I – I’m sorry daddy I for” he interrupts her “YOU’RE AS BAD AS YOUR MOTHER YOU’RE BOTH UNRELIABLE WASTES OF SPACE!” he shouts before the line goes dead and the dial tone kicks in. India locks her phone dropping it to the floor before bursting into tears. We all stare at her shocked. Is her dad always like that? I wonder to myself. She continues crying loudly and I raise my eyebrows at Luke who suddenly snaps out of it and pulls her into a hug muffling her sobs with his chest. ‘what the hell?’ I mouth at him. He just raises his eyebrows before kissing India on the top of her head and murmuring things to her. I cough drawing everyone’s attention and nod towards the door. We all leave Luke to comfort India in peace. I soon realise that Luke has the keys to the van sighing “keys?” Laurence asks “Luke” I sigh looking up at the sky. At least it’s a fairly nice day. I walk up to the van “lift me up?” I ask Laurence “you’re going to hurt yourself” he sighs. I pout at him causing him to sigh and walk over to me, I swear I pout and he’ll do anything. “careful” he murmurs lighting me up so I can climb on top of the van “I wanna go on top of the van” Drew whines. Barrone sighs lighting him up but soon realises even with his help he’s too short. Laurence laughs warmly holding out his arms. Barrone passes Drew to Laurence who lifts him onto the roof with ease “thanks” he grins pulling a bag out of his hoodie pocket “you get a cookie” he grins chucking it al Laurences head “ouch” he exclaims rubbing his head. He goes to pick up the cookie but Barrone dives grabbing it and quickly pulls it out of it’s wrapper whilst running away. Laurence quickly gains on him his long legs giving him an advantage. Barrone licks the cookie as Laurence tackles him. They both fall to the ground and start fighting amongst themselves “such children” Drew frowns turning up his nose. I stare at him “really? You calling them children?!” he ignores me grabbing a cookie out of the bag and chucking it at me. I frown at him. He quickly realises “oh sorry it’s just like the old days” he says sadly taking the cookie back off me “that was so long ago” I smile remembering the brief period when we were between drummers “I wonder what he’s up to” Drew muses obviously thinking of our old drummer too. We hear loud panting and look down to see Laurence and Barrone leaning against the side of the van “Hows the view?” Barrone pants between breaths. I look around properly for the first time taking it all in “wow” I breathe “you can see for miles” I shout down to him “I wanna see” he says looking at Laurence “for Gods sake” Laurence mutters “we need a bloody ladder” he sighs melodramatically hoisting Barrone up. “I didn’t know India like Elton John” Drew says suddenly I look at him strangely and notice the pile of empty wrappers in front of him “are you sure you should be eating those up here” I question as he shoves another cookie in his mouth “I swear to God I’ve had enough of A&E for a lifetime” Laurence frowns pulling himself up onto the vans roof “agreed” I mutter looking out at the rest of London stretching for miles into the distance.

Lukes P.O.V:

I held India in my arms in silence. After a while the sobbing subsided. I gave her a quick squeeze before stepping back still holding her shoulders “is he always like that?” I ask gently. She says nothing for a while and I can see her deciding what to tell me. She sighs softly looking down at her feet before looking me in the eyes again “I don’t really want to talk about it” she mumbles. I look at her seeing the sadness in her eyes I can feel my heart breaking “he’s right” she mumbles “I deserve it. I should get back to the shop” she sighs defeated. With every word I can feel my heart breaking more and more. “he’s not, you’re the most beautiful, smart and kind girl I’ve ever met” I smile hugging her tightly. She smiles at me sadly “are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” I ask again carefully not wanting to push her “not right now. Can you just hold me?” she says sadly “of course” I breathe into her ear embracing her again.

Kiers P.O.V:

“I wonder what’s taking them so long?” I frown “maybe they’re ... you know” Drew winks raising his eyebrows. I lean back on my elbows looking him in the eye “Did you not notice the crying?!” I exclaim “well maybe Luke’s err comforting her” he smirks. At that moment Luke and India walk out, Luke’s arm around her waist. India’s eyes are red and puffy, it looks like she continued crying for a while after we left. They look around quizzically “up here” I shout. They both put their hands over their eyes shielding them from the sun “what the hell are you doing up there?” India laughs not quite happily “sunbathing we look positively vampiric” Drew chortles at his own joke “I better find some garlic then” Laurence mutters deadpan “anyway” I start sitting up “whats happening?” I ask “well erm we talked inside” Luke looks to India who nods “and we’re going to her place to collect some of her things” Luke mumbles. I jump down from the van landing on my feet with ease “so you staying at his or do you all wanna crash at our place?” I ask “ooh sleepover! Sleepover!” Drew cheers happily “I guess that settles it then” India says quietly. Me and Luke exchange quick worried glances before she can notice. I hear a lot of commotion behind me so I turn around to find Drew alone on top of the van “let me down” he wails at Barrone and Laurence who are now grinning at him “you racists” he shouts down at them “how are we racist?!” Laurence exclaims between fits of giggles “yeah midgets aren’t a race drew” I wink at him earning a death glare shot in my direction “someone let me down pleeeeease” Drew pleads “fine since you asked so nicely” Laurence laughs grabbing him. Once he’s firmly on the ground he hits Laurence on the head before running away as if his life depends on it. Laurence watches him narrow eyed, yawns then casually jogs after him catching him with ease and picking him up again. “no. No don’t put me back up there! Put me down!” Drew screeches kicking and flailing. Laurence looks at me rolls his eyes and suddenly drops Drew to the ground causing him to squeal in fright. We all burst out laughing and I even see a small smile tugging at the corners of Indias lips. “right” Luke claps his hands “lets get this show on the road!” he grins jingling his keys.

Indias P.O.V:

The van pulls up outside my flat, the atmosphere suddenly darkens and silence falls. I try to swallow the lump in my throat but it won’t go away. I don’t even realise I’m shaking until Luke takes my hand giving it a quick squeeze before getting out of the van and holding his hand out to me. I grasp it like my life depends on it and take a deep breath. This is gonna hurt

A/N: Well heres another chapter guys :) In case anyone was wondering the chapter is named after a Sixx: A.M song, I've been listening to them again a lot lately. I  promised another upload shortly so here you go third update of the weekend, I said I'd try to make up for the long gap between previous updates! I've dedicated this chapter to hollymclellan1 as her comments were so nice, thank you :D

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