Buzzing like bee's

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Kiers P.O.V

The van just misses me and collides with the iron fence. The sound reverberates down the street. The screaming has stopped and Enter sandman is still blaring from the van. Smoke is billowing from the engine and the front of the van is crushed. I’m in a state of shock but then i look at the van really look at it for the first time and my heart stops in my chest. Its our van. “Oh my god” I cry out. I can hear people now running towards us. I’ve heard that after an accident you should get away from the vehicle in case it bursts into flames or something but I don’t care. I pull at the door with all my strength trying to open it; It doesn’t budge. The door is warped from the impact of the collision. I’m crying hysterically pulling at the driver side door. Who was driving. The thought is circling round my head. Was it Laurence? Luke? One of the other guys? I figure that it’s either Luke or Laurence in there as the others were at the hospital. I think back to what happened. “Oh my God” I scream through the tears, this is all my fault. I feel arms grabbing me around the waist and dragging me from the Van. I’m screaming “Laurence? Luke?” who was driving the van? For a second I hope it was Luke and I feel an immense sense of guilt. Whoever it is one of my best friends is in that van and I can’t get them out.

Lukes P.O.V:

I open my eyes. Everything feels heavy and my head hurts. Something is in my face chocking me. I feel so confused. I try to scream but no sound escapes. Then I suddenly remember everything. Kier in the road, swerving. The impact. I start to cry, did I manage to avoid him? I think I hear sirens in the distance but I lose consciousness again.

Shanes P.O.V:

I hang up for what must be the 5th time now. “Shane leave him, he probably needs some space” Drew frowned. I sighed and put my phone away. I contemplated calling Laurence but he never picks up the phone anyway. Amy walked back in cookies in hand. She chucked one at me “I thought it might cheer you up, they have smarties in them” she smiled. I played with the cookie in my hands for a while before finally unwrapping it and taking a huge bite out of it. I smiled; I can’t eat a cookie without smiling. Fact. Drew laughed from the end of the bed “I swear we need an endless supply of cookies you’d never frown again”. He grabbed his bag of stuff and swung it over his shoulder; he also grabbed Kiers things and shoved them in my bag before chucking it at me. “I’ve text Kier so he knows we’ve left come on we better go”. “But Drew the cookies here are so good” I whined. We walked out and Amy followed, “forget something guys?” she asked jingling my keys. “Thanks” I exclaimed catching them as she threw them my way. I got my phone out again to call a taxi, I had a feeling we wouldn’t be getting a lift back tonight.

Kiers P.O.V:

The sickening crunch echoed down the street as the door was removed from the van by the fire brigade. I was sitting on the back of an ambulance a safe distance away. I was wrapped in a Mylar blanket one of the paramedics had given me. The paramedics said I had been lucky and just experienced shock, they were more worried about who ever the driver was. They stood near the van looking anxious. When the door came off things became hectic, almost like the world had been turned onto fast motion.  They dragged Luke out of the drivers seat and for a second i breathed a sigh of relief glad it wasn’t Laurence. Then I saw Luke was unconscious and my throat closed up, tears threatened to spill over my eyes. The paramedics were buzzing around him like bee’s. I suddenly heard coughing and a paramedic looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. A sigh of relief came from the crowd that had now gathered intrigued by the accident. I got up and Luke was loaded into the ambulance, I handed the paramedic the blanket back and made my way towards the van. The ambulance drove off its sirens blaring, I should have gone with Luke but I needed some fresh air before heading back to the hospital, he was unconscious again but I was told not to worry. He would understand I’m sure.

As I approached the van one of the fire men asked me to step away, I flashed him the keys and said it was my van. He asked me to move again regardless. I told him I quickly wanted to check the back to see if any of our instruments were in there. I hoped Luke was on his way to the rehearsal space and not back because we couldn’t really afford new instruments and we’d grown attached to our guitars. The fire man sighed obviously frustrated and told me to hurry saying he’d get in trouble if anything happened to me. I ran to the van grateful he’d let me near it and fumbled with the keys for the back door. I finally found the right key and slid it into the lock. The lock clicked and I opened the door. The first thing I saw was blood. There was blood everywhere. Then I saw Laurence crumpled up on the floor and let out a gut wrenching scream.

A/N two upates in one day go me! I think I'm subconciously trying to avoid doing my food tech coursework :) Also thoughs anyone? What do you guys think so far? ... And oh my Gosh I hit 250 reads today :D

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