Enter Sandman

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Kiers P.O.V:

I open the door and see Shane with his mouth locked on Drews and I drop my coffee. It spills all over the floor but I hardly notice. I just stand there in shock before turning and running out. I hear Drew exclaim “shit” loudly and Amy screaming my name. I keep running. I don’t know where I’m going. I don’t understand the feelings coursing through me, I think I recognise rage and I’m not sure why. I run to the back of the hospital and shove the fire doors open. That sets the fire alarm off but I don’t care I keep running. I run out of the hospital grounds into the streets of London.

Amys P.O.V:

I scream his name as he runs away. I consider running after him but he has a few feet on me and theres no way I could keep up with someone that much taller than me running away. I lean my back against the wall and slide into a crouching position. A nurse must have heard the commotion as she comes over and see’s me slumped against the wall shaking and starts talking to me. I don’t hear the words just noise. Kier don’t do anything stupid please I think the thought crashing around my mind.

Drew’s P.O.V:

“Shit, shit, shit” I scream. Shane tells me to stop screaming but I can’t, my throat hurts and my head is aching. Shane grabs me and pulls me into a hug. I push him away and continue screaming. I feel the blow of his hand striking my face and stop, I just glare at him my breath short. “There you go now breathe for the love of god Drew breathe” Shane begs on the verge of tears. I don’t know if it was the slap to the face or the expression Shanes wearing but I stop and just breathe. I sit in silence for what seems like an eternity the breath escaping and returning to my lungs. The buzzing in my head stops and clarity begins to return to my mind. I look over to the spilt coffee and hear a girl crying outside my room.

“Who is she?” I ask Shane. He looks at me confusion on his face and mouths “I don’t know”. We walk into the hallway careful to avoid the coffee. Shane goes to find someone to clean the mess up whilst I just stand next to the nurse who is trying to calm the girl awkwardly. “Who is she?” The nurse asks turning to look at me. “I don’t know I reply” My thoughts on Kier now. She looks at the hospital wristband the girl is wearing and speaks the name Amy Quinn aloud. This gets the girls attention then I realise who she is. “Oh you’re the twitter girl” I say to no one in particular. “Hey don’t call me twitter girl timid” she spits back at me before laughing. This is why Kier talks about her nonstop she is just like him, way too much sass. Her face drops and I realise she’s just remembered Kier. The nurse leaves me to take care of her whilst she gets her some water. “He’ll be fine you know, it’s just a shock, he’ll be fine” I whisper trying to reassure myself as much as her. “He’s just too hot headed for his own good” she sighs. “He is” I sigh.

Shane returns shortly with a mop and a bucket. I take one look at him and laugh. Amy’s face is one of the most confused faces I’ve ever seen. “When I said get someone to clean it up Shane, I meant someone else” I laugh at him. “Well err erm It’s just it’s our err fault, the mess and I” I cut him off “For god’s sake boy if you’re going to clean up the mess yourself just do it” I laugh. Shane disappears into the room mop in one hand bucket in the other. After a few moments he calls out “Guys I’m not sure how this thing works”. Amy bursts out laughing “It’s a mop and a bucket idiot is that too tech for you?” before getting up and heading into the room to help. I follow behind her picking up the coffee cup and placing it into the bin in the corner of the room.

Kiers P.O.V:

I finally breathe properly for what feels like the first time in ages. I realise I don’t know where I am and start to panic again. “Calm down Kier” I mumble to myself, I reach for my phone to call Laur then remember I can’t. He doesn’t know and it’s not my place to tell him. I notice a park across the road and go to cross. A big red van comes hurtling towards me and when I notice I only just have time to wonder if it’s too late to move.

Lukes P.O.V:

Enter sandman by Metallica starts playing and I smile hearing the iconic guitar solo and turn it up. When I look back up to the road I see a guy in the road. I recognise his hair almost instantly and only have time to scream as I swerve trying to avoid him. Everything becomes a blur as I pull the van to the right narrowly missing Kier and crashing into the wrought iron fence of the park. I manage to shout “shit” before the airbag explodes into my face and I pass out.

Laurences P.O.V:

I wake up to enter sandman blaring out of the vans speakers. I try to shout Luke to turn it down but he doesn’t hear me. I realise he doesn’t even know I’m in the van. I suddenly hear screaming and the van swerves sending me flying off the bunk. My body hits the side of the van with a crunch and pain spreads through it. I see my blood on the floor before I pass out.

A/N sorry for so much P.O.V jumping, also sorry oh my god I hurt Laurence I am so terrible *sobs* My music got pretty intenese when writing hence the crash, damn you william control. Also I dedicated it to MythSolarVenom as she is the first person to have commented on the story :D also I don't think I'd have updated this soon without her so thank you!

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