Lovers Tiff

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Kiers P.O.V:

I check my @replies on twitter 500 and counting “I think this is the most @replies I had at once” I groan “Well you did just tell over 6000 fans simultaneously you’d died” Drew teases “yeah they’ve obviously realised you have nothing better to do now you’re in hospital” India giggles “hey don’t you have a paper shop to run” I grumble. India feigns mock hurt “How could you Kier you’ve hurt my feels” she gasps “plus screw work YOLO!”. I roll over and stick my face into the pillow “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore” I reply my voice muffled “well technically Kier’s lived twice now” Barrone comments “thats a point you can’t say yolo now” Drew says sadly. I lift my face from the pillow “Laaaaurence please do something” I call exasperated “do you say you only live twice now then or what?” Laurence asks I repeatedly smash my face into the pillow “I thought it was too soon for death jokes” I grumble “these are life jokes duh YOLO” Drew says sticking his tongue out at me. Luke looks at me his face portraying the annoyance I feel is probably mirrored on mine. I sit up quickly “right rehearsal then!” I exclaim “Okay, okay no more yolo or yolot or whatever” Laurence sighs “you always ruin our fun Kemp” Drew pouts “yeah meany” India smirks “so are you all ganging up on me now great!” I grumble sarcastically grabbing my phone and checking my twitter again “nearly 700” I sigh. I’m too busy frowning at my phone to notice Luke sneak up, he quickly snatches it out of my hands “problem solved” he smiles putting it in his pocket “Hey I don’t want my baby smelling of sweaty drummer!” I tease “I’ll use you as a drum kit in a minute” Luke grumbles “ooooh Luke wants to bang Kier” Drew shouts before him and Barrone burst into laughter. A nurse walks in her face serious, everybody suddenly stops laughing and looks at her concerned “Mr Kemp we need to run another blood test” she smiles apologetically “sure” I sigh holding out my arm. Barrone looks at Drew wide eyed, Drew looks back at him oblivious to why he looks so freaked out. As the nurse draws blood I look over to Barrone who’s looking away “Hey whats up?” I ask ignoring the slight pain in my arm “I don’t like blood” he says looking at me forgetting himself before paleing and throwing up all over the floor “eurgh thats gross” India squeals jumping into Lukes arms. Luke only just responds quick enough to catch her “Oh my God my shoes” Drew cries in disgust looking down at his now sick covered shoes. The expression on his face is priceless and I burst out laughing, luckily the nurse manages to remove the syringe first, she walks out smiling “I’ll get a cleaner she laughs”. I realise how much pain I’m suddenly in, Drews screaming “My shoes you beautiful shoes” in the background but I hardly notice. I put my hand to my wound pulling it away quickly wincing. I look at my hand its red with my blood “ahhh Laur” I whimper he looks over confused. Suddenly his face clicks with recognition “Nurse” he shouts, this causes everyone to look at me my hand bloody and my shirt soaked “I think I’m gona” Barrone mutters before falling to the floor with a thud “great” Luke mutters before realising why he’d fainted “shit” he groans just as the nurse walks in “whats the problem?” she asks chirpily before seeing my blood soaked shirt her face drops and she walks over lifting the shirt gently “honey your stitches have come loose don’t worry I’ll fix it. Try and stop the bleeding whilst I go get what I need” she smiles walking away briskly. I gulp looking at Laurence, I’ve heard stitches hurt.

*time lapse*

I flinch as the nurse pulls the last stitch into place “all done honey” she smiles “you’ll need a new shirt though do you have one with you?” Drew lifts up the jagermeister bag full of clothes in response “right well I’ll leave you to get changed” she mumbles “Oh you should probably move to one of the empty beds too” she smiles looking at the blood stained bed clothes before leaving. I wince as I lift my arms to remove my shirt. I slowly put on a new one trying to do it as painlessly as possible “aww Kier what am I going to do with you” Laurence smiles before kissing me. The kiss deepens and becomes rather intimate rather quickly “GUYS” Drew shouts we break apart glaring at him before noticing a nurse her face scarlet standing in the doorway “I ... err ... I came to ... change the erm sheets” she stutters avoiding eye contact “oh sure” Laurence says nonchalantly kissing me on the lips quickly before walking over to the bed Barrone’s now lying on “He’s been out for a few minutes is that normal?” Drew asks worried “it’s fine” the nurse says sheepishly from across the room “are you sure?” he asks anxiously “absolutely if he’s not awake in a few minutes get someone okay?” she says leaving. A few seconds after she leaves Barrone opens his eyes and takes a deep breath “what, what happened?” he asks dazed “you fainted” Drew says worriedly holding his hand “Who knew blood freaks you out that much” India mused “he didn’t pass out when he found kier” Laurence mutters confused “I ... I don’t like needles” Barrone shudders “you weren’t even the one who got stabbed!” I exclaim jokingly. Drew and Laurence's faces drop. Barrone slowly gets up shaking his head “that was so strange” he mumbles “I think you mean scary” Drew replies wide eyed “You’re such a pansy Barrone” I smirk causing him to look at me sadly “woah I was joking it’s okay don’t take it to heart” I announce quickly “I think he’s still dazed” Laurence smiles “mmmm” Barrone replies before leaning into Drew.

*the next day*

Laurences P.O.V:

“Are you sure you’re okay to practice?” I frown concerned “yep” Kier grins at me “I mean really if it gets too much just” Kier interrupts me “LAURENCE I WANT TO SING!” He exclaims excitedly “Okay, Okay calm your horses” Luke mutters “Who even says that?” Drew digs at him “is that even a thing ‘calm your horses’” Barrone says confused “Can you just rehearse please” Luke sighs. I forgot he can’t practice without a drum kit “Hey do you and India want to go for a walk?” I smile at Luke “y...yeah sure. I mean if you want to?” he asks looking at India “Yeah!” she exclaims with too much enthusiasm for just ‘a walk’ “Don’t eat each others faces whilst your gone” Drew winks sticking his tongue out “What?” me and Kier aks confused “they practically devoured each other whole the other day, it was disgusting” Barrone sighs melodramatically. Luke glares at Barrone and Drew before taking Indias hand and practically skipping out with her. “When the hell did they become a thing?” Kier asks confused “oh when we all went to leave you and Laurence alone” Drew smiles “I really hurt my butt” Barrone frowns “What the hell were you bloody doing?” Kier asks shocked “not that you perve” Drew laughs “I just fell on my butt” Barrone frowns “awhh want me to kiss it better?!” Drew smirks, Barrone just stares at him in shock. Laurence coughs “right erm practice?” he asks sheepishly. Kier manages a few songs before I stop him “Guys, Guys stop!” I shout “what why?” Barrone asks looking up from his guitar. I look over to Kier who’s trying his best to hide the pain he’s obviously in “Kier you can stop acting” I frown “Oh my God” he says breathlessly before falling back onto the bed “erm what did I miss?” Drew asks confused “he’s obviously in pain” I frown. Kier remains silent for a few moments before gaining his composure and sitting up “right guitar” he says through gritted teeth motioning at the guitar in my hands “No this isn’t working we’re cancelling” I grumble “No. we. are. not. it. will. work.” Kier says carefully “NOW PASS ME THE BLOODY GUITAR BEVERS” he exclaims causing him to flinch “you are insufferable sometimes and really stubborn oh and don’t forget an idiot” I frown handing him the guitar “thanks you done insulting me?” he doesn’t wait for a reply “just sing please?” he begs pouting. He knows I can’t resist his pouting the conniving bastard. I sigh before starting to sing.

*time lapse*

“you guys are really good” the nurse that gave Kier the pain meds mumbles from the doorway. She looks as if she’s about to cry and expects to be shouted at “hey its okay” Kier frowns “it it isn’t” she says tears forming in her eyes “hey it was a mistake it’s fine” Kier smiles. I stand still saying nothing “I .. I came to say I’m sorry and that I quit” she says her voice wavering “you didn’t have to quit!” Kier exclaims “sorry but erm who is she?” Drew interjects “the nurse that killed him” I frown causing her to sob audibly “Laurence shut the fuck up” Kier frowns. I turn to face the door to see she’s gone “great well done Laurence” Kier groans placing the guitar on the floor and lying on the bed “are you sulking?” I mutter. Kier says nothing. I walk out angry and walk straight into Luke “hey watch it” he says before realising it’s me. I step to the side storming off “Hey Laurence...?” he calls after me.

Lukes P.O.V:

I raise my eyebrows at India before walking into Kiers room “right why the fuck did Laurence look murderous?” I ask looking to everyone for an answer “they had a lovers tiff” Drew smiled “he was a bitch to a crying nurse” Kier fumes “she did kill you” Barrone says simply “Wait. What?” I ask more confused than before “the nurse who accidentally killed me came to apologise, explain she’d quit and compliment our musicianship and Laurence made her run away crying” Kier grumbled “Oh” I say “yep” Kier frowns enraged. This is going to be fun I think to myself before looking apologetically to India and sitting down. She quickly climbs onto my lap causing “awwws” to escape the timids. “Oh we’re going to K! Tour by the way” Kier says monotone before turning over to lie facedown “oookay” I mumble before pecking a very uncomfortable looking India on the top of her head “wanna go grab a bite to eat?” I whisper into her ear. “yep” she says jumping off my lap and practically dragging me away by my hand.  

A/N: So it started pretty badly with puking and blood but I turned it around by the end of the chapter right? I figured Luke deserves someone too and a little happiness is desperately needed in this story right? :') Hope everyone enjoyed it I'll update again soon, Promise! 

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