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Kiers P.O.V:

I suddenly become aware of the pain by my ribs. The pain blinds me. Suddenly everything becomes intense white and my ears roar. I feel like my whole body is on fire.  I’m dying. I think I’m dying. I scream in agony the pain too much to bear. “help” I gasp out before the pain takes over everything again. It comes in waves getting worse and worse. The light becomes harsher. The roaring in my ears abruptly stops. It’s as if resurfacing from under water and I can suddenly hear everything at once. Frantic chatter, My Chemical Romance playing in the background, Crying and screaming. I realise the screaming is my own. My lungs feel as if they’re about to collapse I can feel my body failing me, giving up. In this moment all I wish for is death anything to make the pain stop. I can’t breathe. I try to fight through the pain but It keeps pushing back harder and harder then I hear a single voice amongst all the noise “Kier it’s Laurence OH MY GOD Kier”. I can hear Laurence I’m not dead I’m very much alive I think to myself and It fucking hurts.

Laurences P.O.V:

The machine beeps and we all look at Kier expectantly. He’s still. I feel disappointment surging through me. I close my eyes the tears flowing freely. He’s never going to wake up I think. Then I hear the most pained tortured scream I think I’ll ever hear in my life. It’s raw and powerful harsher than my screams when I found out Layla had been stabbed more pained than when I’d found out she’s died. In that moment I pitied whoever possessed that horrific scream and then I realised. It was Kier’s. It’s only been a few seconds but it seems like eternity his scream feels as if it’s ripping through me, tearing me apart. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain the way you feel when you hear the scream of a loved one, a scream that echoes pain that begs for death. It haunts you in the moment and I’m sure it’ll haunt me for years to come. The music suddenly fades into the background unimportant. I hear doctors and nurses rush in my closest friends crying and frantically chattering trying to comprehend what’s happening. For a moment we all think he’s dying, for a brief second we think our lives are going to change forever and then we realise he isn’t dying he probably just wishes he was. “Kier it’s Laurence OH MY GOD Kier” I scream through the noise. His body writhes in pain, his back arching. Doctors and nurses rush in and everything becomes frantic too fast for me to take in. The screaming stops and I can hear Barrone sobbing loudly into Drew’s shoulder who’s standing staring in Kiers general direction shocked. Lukes holding India trying to comfort her. In that moment I realise everyone has somebody apart from me the person I need right now is causing all this distress.

I walk towards his bed and peer over a nurses shoulder Kiers face is contorted in agony and he’s biting his lip so hard it’s bleeding, his eyes are scrunched shut. Beads of sweat are gathered on his forehead yet his face is the palest I’ve ever seen someone look naturally. His eyes jerk open and we make eye contact for a second before he closes them “Laurence” he cries out “I’m here” I shout “I think I’m dying” he sobs “you’re no dying Kier!” I shout again “It hurts” he screams. He whimpers and his body falls back against the bed. “The worst is over now Mr Kemp” A doctor says in the background. I hear Kier whimpering and then he goes silent. “Oh my God is he dead” Barrone screams “not ... that ... lucky” Kier says through gritted teeth before whimpering again.

Barrones P.O.V:

The machine beeped and we all looked at Kier nothing happened so Laurence closed his eyes again defeated. Luke went back to flicking through the Kerrang magazines India had brought in, India walks back over to him happy she’s scared the shit out of me and Drew is giggling now next to me. I sigh before lying back down on the floor. I hear the most tortured scream I hope I ever hear in my life and jump back into the sitting position in shock. Nurses and doctors rush in and I get to my feet shakily. Drew grabs my hand pulling me out of the way all whilst Kier continues screaming. I bury my head into Drew’s shoulder crying. I can hear The frantic chatter of doctors and nurses. I don’t really take in much else all I really hear is Helena in the background kicking in as the CD starts again. Everything becomes quiet and I scream “Oh my God is he dead” not sure I want the answer. “not ... that ... lucky” Kier says through gritted teeth before whimpering.

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now