Notebooks and guitars

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Laurences P.O.V:

Kier has been gone for nearly two hours i thought anxiously tapping the pen against my notebook. I was writing new stories; maybe they could be released alongside the new album I thought. I was currently writing about Grandomina and its new king. He had killed the previous king in the last album so it made sense. I struggled to write my thoughts constantly wandered back to kier. Is he okay? Has something happened? I worried putting my note book down and walking to the bedroom.

I stood staring at his black beaten up guitar as if it held the answers to my increasingly worried questions. His guitar was covered in scratches and had a fearless vampire killer’s decal sticker covering a small dent. It also had a mismatching tuning peg. The guitar had acquired most of the damage on the last tour. I walked over to the bed and sat down with my head in my hands. Please be okay Kier I silently prayed.

Kiers P.O.V

I ran home frantically having a near miss or two with a few cars. I wasn’t concerned about the traffic though. I just wanted to make sure Laurence knew I was okay. I rang his mobile but as usual his phone was switched off. Why does he bother owning a phone anyway, It’s never on! When I finally got to our building I ran up the stairs; the lift was out again.

 I reached the top of the stairs breathless and fumbled for my key, finally opening the door I fell into our living room and kitchen. Laurence wasn’t there but his notebook was lying abandoned on the sofa, this worried me Laurence always took care of his notebook. I ran through the flat calling his name until I finally found him in the bedroom holding my guitar.

“Hey” I mumbled breathlessly worried he would be mad. “What took you so long?!” he cried out an edge of anger creeping into his voice. “I’m sorry but look” I said handing him the magazine. “wow Kee your number 20” he exclaimed joyfully no hint of the anger that was in his voice just moments ago. “You better keep practicing on this is you wanna reach number one” he said handing me the guitar.

He was happy for me but i could tell he was disappointed it wasn’t him at number 20 but me. “Yeah thanks” I said taking the guitar. “We better be heading off towards band practice, I know it’s early but the car might break down again” I laughed walking through the house towards the door grabbing my keys on the way out.

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