Spilled Coffee

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Kiers P.O.V:

The following morning After another restless sleep in a hospital chair I grab my toothbrush out of my jacket pocket and head to the bathroom. I can’t believe less than a week ago I was back home with Laur singing My chemical Romance into the same toothbrush. “Its been a crazy few days” I say out loud. Drew replies “I know” as he stands beside me before brushing his teeth. After a few minutes we both wash out our mouths and look at each other debating whether to say anything. I finally decide I should and star “Hey about last night...”. Drew looks at me and I swear I see hurt in his eyes “Just stop please Kee Okay, he didn’t mean it I’m sure”. I look back at Drew and ask “Well did you want him to?”. Drew looks at me as if I’ve hit him and mumbles something before walking out. I figure now might be a good time to go see Amy, Drew looks like he doesn’t want to see me for a while.


I walk down to the desk and ask the Lady at reception about Amy. She asks me her last name and I hesitate for a second before remembering. She shows me to Amy’s room then leaves. I open the door and don’t even manage to say anything before I hear my name being shouted and see a bundle of black with bright pink hair flying towards me. I hit the ground exclaiming “Ouch”. We must have been quite loud as a nurse comes rushing in. She takes one look at us attempts to be professional but fails and laughs at us before asking if we’re okay. I tell her that my arm hurts and after quickly checking it over she tells me it’s fine and leaves. “Well hello to you too Amy” I finally say after the Nurse is gone. “Sorry” she giggles “I just got excited is all, I didn’t actually think you would come”. “Well now why wouldn’t I?” I ask the hurt showing in my voice. Amy picks up on this and replies “I thought you might have been busy with Drew and Barrone”. When she says Drews name I sigh and she looks at me questioningly. “We fell out, well at least I think we did” I tell her. 

Drews P.O.V:

I feel so guilty for walking out on Kier. He probably thinksd I’m mad at him now, I’m not. I am mad but only at myself. Why can’t I just tell Shane what I think? I catch myself thinking he won’t feel the same way. “It was just the drugs” I mumble to myself. “What was the drugs” Barrone asks looking up at me with those big eyes of his. “It doesn’t matter, just something you said” I mumble looking away. I hear Barrone take a deep breath before replying “It does Drew”. I look back at him holding my breath before he replies “Because I meant it”.

Barrones P.O.V:

I take a deep breath preparing myself for what I’m about to say. I don’t give myself time to back down I just say it “Because I meant it”. In the seconds silence after saying those four ridiculously important words a million thoughts race through my head. Was that a mistake? What if he doesn’t feel the same way? Oh my god he doesn’t feel the same way. What’s going to happen to the band now? Why am I so stupid? It was only maybe two or three seconds before Drew moved but the longest of my life. He’s freaked out, he’s backing away I think to myself before he leans forward and places his lips on mine.

Kiers P.O.V:

After explaining the situation to Amy she said I should go talk to Drew. We head down to the room together, she’s just been discharged so I said she could come and hang out with us until Barrone is discharged too. We grabbed coffees from the machine on the way down which is how I happened to be holding one when we opened the door to Barrone’s room. I looked over to his bed to see him and Drew kissing. I drop my coffee it spilling all over the floor. Both Drew and Barrone immediately look our way, shock on their faces.

A/N: So guys erm, yeah. What do you think? Sorry I've been shipping the timids for a while, they are so darn cute. Actually I saw the band at Bristol the other night they were amazing as always, can't wait for the new album in March :) Also yay for 10 parts now :D

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