The love of my life

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Lukes P.O.V:

India yawns as I open the flat door trying to be quiet. It creaks loudly giving us away. “You’re alive!” Barrone exclaims running over and practically knocking India over as he hugs her “calm it!” she squeals placing the pet carrier down carefully. “oooh whats in there?” Kier asks raising an eyebrow. Neither of us get a chance to answer as Barrone who has now opened the carrier case exclaims “JIM!”  loudly grinning like a maniac “thought you’d probably be staying here till we leave so I brought him back” India smiles. “thank you” Barrone mumbles snuggling the rabbit contently. “he’s going to miss him even more on tour now” Laurence sighs “yep he’s going to be insufferable” Kier agrees. I look around suddenly realising we’re a man short “where’s Drew?” I frown. Everyone falls silent the room suddenly taking on an awkward vibe. “he... he’s...” Kier starts “we don’t actually know” Laurence sighs. Barrone places Jim on the floor and he hops away happily. “he left because he didn’t want to upset you again when you got back” Barrone mumbles. “he didn’t upset me it was” India trails off “I’ll call him” I mutter checking Jim’s nowhere near the door before opening it and slipping out of the flat quickly.

The phone rings out going to voice mail. I sigh before ending the call and dialling again. This time Drew picks up on the third ring “hey Drew where are you?” I ask concerned “hey” he replies sadly “where are you?” I ask again “out” he says quietly “Drew?” I ask worried “are you okay?” he says nothing “Drew where are you I’ll come and get you” I say quickly “I’m not coming back” he says quietly “what?! Tours in two days!” I exclaim “I know” he says before the line disconnects. What the hell. I knock on the door aware that Jim is probably still hoping around happily. Barrone opens the door immediately his face pale “he okay?” he asks not wasting any time. I push the door open wider and walk in past him “guys we need to talk!” I shout sitting down on the sofa. I hear Barrone take a deep breath behind me.

Barrones P.O.V:

Everyone gathers quickly and everyone apart from me sits either on the sofa or the floor. “Shane quit pacing” Kier frowns. I make an effort to stand still but am soon pacing again regardless. “seriously Shane sit I can’t focus” Luke frowns. I don’t bother to fight sitting on the floor. “right guys I rang Drew and-” Lukes interrupted my multiple buzzes and text tones. Everyone gets out their mobile to check their texts apart from me. “It’s from Drew” Luke frowns “mine too” Laurence sighs “oh God” Kier exclaims reading his text. Everyone’s faces drop as they read their texts. I check my phone. Nothing. He didn’t text me, his best friend, his partner. He didn’t text me when he texted everyone else. I don’t realise I’m crying “shane” India mumbles. I look up tears in my eyes “Shane you want to?” Kier asks holding his phone out at me. I stare at it for a moment scared what the words lit up on the tiny led screen say before reaching out and grabbing it. My hand brushes against Kiers as I grab the phone I hardly notice how cold they are. I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a moment before opening them again and looking down at the screen.

Drews P.O.V:

I’m sitting under the tree we found Kier sitting under after he ran off. It wasn’t really that long ago but it feels like a lifetime ago. I shiver pulling my coat tighter around me. I didn’t expect to be out here this late in fact I don’t know what I expected. The abandoned park is almost pitch black apart from a few streetlights on the pathway in the distance. I can see the lights on in a few houses outside the park and London seems to stretch on forever beyond the iron fence. I sit in the almost silence contemplating life. I can hear the low hum of life in the distance but for now I’m alone. Suddenly my phone rings making me jump. It seems too loud in the silence that surrounds me. The ringtone stops and for a moment I’m enveloped in silence once again. The phone starts ringing again and I grab it answering after a couple of rings. It’s Luke. He tries to talk to me to ask where I am but I don’t feel like talking and after a brief exchange of words I cut him off. I place the phone on the cool ground watching it until the screen fades and turns black. I hear dogs barking in the distance and lean back against the tree trunk closing my eyes. Suddenly everything clicks into place in my mind and I grab my phone and begin to text.

Fetish For The Finite ~ A Fearless Vampire Killers TaleWhere stories live. Discover now