It's going to be a long night

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Barrones P.O.V:

Drew is standing opposite my bed in Kiers arms bawling his eyes out whilst a nurse checks my vitals. After a few minutes she seems content, she stops making small talk, she puts my chart back on the end of my bed softly saying a doctor will be with me shortly before she leaves. After she’s left i look up and make eye contact with Kier. I hope my eyes ask what the hell is up with Drew, Kier just shakes his head slightly as if to imply i should ask him.

 I cough gently trying to draw his attention but he’s still crying. “Drew why are you acting like somebody died?” I ask. In response he sobs even louder, Kier looks at me light he wants to hit me on the head. “Drew” I say softly this time, “come here”. Drew looks at me and sniffs, his eyes are red and puffy and his nose is running. I grab a tissue from the box on top of the stand next to the bed and wipe his face with it. “Drew why are you still crying i ask him” my voice soft and confused. “Its ... my fault ... your here” he cries out between sobs. Kier looks at Drew the emotions pity and concern on his face. “Drew i don’t remember how i got here but I know you wouldn’t do it on purpose so for whatever you did i forgive you okay, just please stop crying” I whisper looking into his big sad eyes. Drew grabs another tissue and wipes his eyes before pulling me into a huge hug repeating “I’m sorry” over and over.  I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.

Kiers P.O.V:

After an hour or so Drew is worn out and falls asleep on Barrones bed curled up next to him. It makes me think of the guys possibly sleeping in their flats back home and i suddenly realise I haven’t called them to say Barrone’s awake. “shit” I exclaim getting my phone out of my pocket, at that moment a nurse comes by and politely asks me to use one of the hospitals phones or take my call outside. I put my hand in my pocket looking for any spare change but come up empty. “I better go call the guys they were worried sick” I explain to Barrone before heading out of the ward.

Its really late now and the hospital wards have an eerie feel to them. I make it outside and shudder, it’s so cold i say to no one in particular getting my phone out of my pocket. “I know” someone says and i jump. “sorry to scare you want a cigarette?” the girl asks holding her packet out towards me. “No thanks i don’t smoke” I went to ring Laurence when i realised the person looked familiar. I think the not quite stranger recognised me at the same time because she shouts “oh my gosh kier” staring at my wide eyed. “erm sorry to be rude I recognise you I can’t remember where from?” I say a questioning tone to my voice. “ we talked a load on twitter, I brought tickets to your gig but couldn’t get there because i had to be in hospital” she replied a sigh escaping her lips as she finished.

“Of course! Amy” I burst out hugging her. She hugs me back being careful not to burn me with her cigarette. “You really shouldn’t smoke you know, you’d think you’d be more careful with your life after nearly dying and all” I remark concerned. “I know I’m going to try as soon as they let me out cigarettes are the only think keeping me sane in this place!” she declares a smile on her lips, “Actually I’m getting out tomorrow, I don’t know what i’ll do I’ve been here for what seems like forever. Six months I can’t believe it”. I hug her again congratulating her when a thought hits me. “Amy?” I question. “Yes kier?” she asks putting her cigarette out on the wall behind her. “I was wondering since you couldn’t make it to the last gig and since we have a show next week, would you want free tickets?”. At that point she starts crying with happiness and I get her mobile number agreeing to call her once I’ve spoken to the manager.

She eventually asks why I’m here and after telling her repeatedly not to worry and that Barrone is okay she calms down and heads back inside telling me I’m free to visit her before she leaves tomorrow afternoon if I like. I eventually call the guys to tell them Drew is okay, they ask when he woke up and i realise I’ve been out here for nearly an hour talking to Amy.

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