Chapter 54

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Mirriella pov

"Is that why you're so worried about who can go in your room and who can't? Because it used to be your only safe place?" I asked him, still being cautious.

"Yes. Even though I'm in a completely different home with different surroundings, the memories are still there." He answered.

"How did your sister die?"

"She was assassinated. The Russian mafia to be exact. Three years ago. Their intel hadn't had been updated and as far as they were concerned, she was the heir to this mafia. They wanted her gone so they could take it over, but by then I had already been initiated three years prior to this time." He explained.

"How did you know it was the Russians?" I asked him, intrigued as to how he knew.

"Every car they own is a Mercedes. I knew almost instantly." He shrugged.

"So that whole ordeal with Katrina was a revenge plot. Not just an assertion of dominance over the Russians?" I questioned, piecing together the puzzle.

"Exactly. It's simple when you take in other factors." He perked up when I figured it out.

"Is Louie the new heir then?"

"Absolutely not. I will appoint someone else the heir. But he is not going to be any part of this. Only Kai, Stefan, Remi and you know about him. And that's the way it's going to stay. No one can know about his existence." He defended quickly.

"Have you ever brought him here?" I asked as I pet the little bunny that had hopped up next to me, emerging from the bushes.

"I will. There are still some things here that I'm not ready to show to him. He doesn't need to see all of this yet." He answered.

I had ran out of questions I desperately wanted to know. It surprised to me as to how compliant he was being. We quickly fell into a comfortable and peaceful silence, the only thing that could be heard was the rustling of the water and the little snuffles from the bunny.

"What about you?" He asked me, breaking the silence.

"What about me?" I asked him, needing him to be more specific.

"Can I ask you questions?"

"If you want to." I shrugged.

"What's your brothers name?" He asked me.

"Daniel." I answered.

"Did you still talk to him?"

"He doesn't really know who I am. Because of all the drugs he used to take when we were kids, he lost his memory of who I am now. Still on his mind, I am that little baby he can sort of remember seeing before he fell down that hole of drugs. Now he knows that I'm his sister and he knows my name, but he doesn't want to make a connection. Or doesn't know how to make a connection." I explained.

"That's gotta be hard though right? I mean, he doesn't know who you are or what he did, but you know everything he's ever done and you're still trying to make some form of connection with him, right?" He questioned as he brought his knees to his chest, taking his feet out of the water.

"Not really. I mean it was hard at first, there was always the constant fear that he would snap. But when he had Celia, I could see a physically change in him. He became so much more caring and gentle. I mean I don't look at him and see the little boy that used to hurt me. When I look at him I see my brother who is the father to my niece. He may not look at me as his sister, but I'm grateful to still have him in my life." I brushed off.

"If you had the chance, would you forgive your mom?" Why are you asking me philosophical questions?

"Probably not. She never had an intention to change nor was she influenced by any substance. She never took drugs, she never drank. She smoked like her life depended on it, but she never took anything. So she did all of that to me because she wanted to, no other reason." I answered.

We fell into a silence again. Just the two of us sat there. The only sounds being heard was the rustling of the leaves as the wind picked up and the ripples in the water. Until I remember something he said a while ago.

"If only you knew what happened to daddy dearest."

He knew what happened to my dad. He knows where he is.

"What happened to my dad?" I asked quickly, breaking the silence.

"I don't think you want to know what happened to him." He replied.

"Why the fuck not?"

"Look, Mirri-"

"Is he alive? You at least owe me that." I interrupted.

"Parts of him are."

"Jaden." I gritted.

"Okay, okay fine. He was taken about six years ago after your car crash. He didn't make it through the first few days. But there was something strange about your dad. He had different blood types. Each organ he had could combine with any other blood type because of his rate condition. The people that took him saw that and harvested his organs. They have them stored for whenever they need to use them.

And that's why I took you. You have that same condition and if anyone were to find out about it, you would have met the same fate." He explained.

"How do I know you aren't using me for my organs? How do I know that you aren't just going to kill me one day? How do I know that you aren't just going to strip me down for parts when you need them?"

"Because if I wanted to do that I would have already done it." He explained.

"Then why did you take me?" I shouted at him.

"Because I love you." He shouted back to me.

"Y-you what?" I stuttered, not believing what I heard.

"I mean that Mirri. I love you." He said back, much calmer this time.

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