Chapter 100

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100 chapters 🥳🥳

Jaden pov (2 months ago - one day after  Mirri left)

"Why the hell would you say that to her?" He asked me for the fifth time.

"Oh, don't act like what I said wasn't true." I rolled my eyes as I drank the whiskey that was in the glass.

"No Jaden, it wasn't true. What happened was not her fault, and you know that. You were in that room when the doctor told you what happened. So why on earth would you say that to her?" Stefan asked again.

Truth is, I don't know why I said that to her. I know I didn't mean it. Any of it. I know it's not her fault our son died. I know I definitely don't hate her, nor did I want her to actually leave.

"She deserved it." I shrugged before walking out of my office. No she didn't.

I avoided the kitchen because I knew Remi was going to be there, and I wanted to avoid a repeat of the same conversation. Instead, I made my way to my room. I walked in and almost immediately my eyes started to sting.

Just looking over at that patch of blood still on the bed makes me feel so bad. I knew how much pain she was in. I saw how much pain she was in, and yet I still said all of that to her. I still told her that I hated her.

I sighed and walked over to the bed. I didn't want to wash it, but I also didn't really want it on the bed that I need to sleep in. I decided to just fold it up and put it in the closet for now and I'll figure out what to do with it later.

I walked into the closet and was shocked to see the majority of Mirri's clothes still hung up. A few had been knocked off, from yesterday I'm assuming, but most of it was all hung up neatly.

I sighed again and put the sheet on one of the shelves. I made sure it was tucked back and wasn't likely to fall down before stepping away and turning around. Because of all her clothes still being here, her smell was still prominent.

"Just admit you made a mistake." Someone said from behind me, making me jump.

"I don't know what you're talking about Remi." I denied as I walked out of the closet, shutting the door and turning off its light.

"Come on Jaden. Put your fucking ego and pride away for once and admit to yourself that you miss her and you fucked up." She rolled her eyes as she tried again.

"I don't need to put either of them away because I didn't make a mistake, nor do I miss her, nor did I fuck up." I denied again as she huffed, getting tired of my shit.

"You're so goddamn fucking stubborn." She rolled her eyes again before leaving the room. Well
No shit sherlock.

2 month time skip

I fucked up.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asked as I grabbed my keys.

"To fix what I fucked up." I answered as I opened the door and walked out.

I heard cheers coming from inside the main part of the house. I laughed to myself and rolled my eyes as I got in the car and started my journey over to the east side.

"Well, would you look who it is." Benny said sarcastically as I pulled up. Shit. "Seems you've got some real balls coming over here after the shit you pulled." He stated as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"So everyone knows, huh?" I asked as I locked the car and leant against it.

"If Mirri had anything to say about it, I wouldn't even know. But Daniel had different ideas." He answered.

"Of course he did." I mumbled. "Look, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here to fix what I did." I explained to him.

"I don't know if I should let you Jaden. You really hurt her." He shrugged, causing me to nod.

"I know. I know how badly I hurt her. That's why I'm here. I want her to at least know why. And that I'm sorry." I elaborated. He stayed silent for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and opening the door.

"You know I'm only letting you through because I know you're gonna run into Daniel, right?" He asked as I walked over.

"Yeah, I know. I appreciate it though." I nodded as I walked through and started making my way through the town.

I made my way down to where Mirri showed me before. She had shown me where her apartment was, and some of the places she used to work at. I made my way over there and was just praying I didn't run into Daniel.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Well that went well.

"Hello Daniel." I sighed as I turned around to face him.

"You know, if it wasn't for the fact that my daughter is here somewhere I'd be knocking your teeth out right now." He threatened. So now you care about what your daughter does and doesn't see?

"Yeah, I'm aware of that. I was thoroughly warned." I responded.

"Why are you here? She has just started getting herself back, so why the fuck are you here?" He asked as he put down the tyres he was holding and walked over.

"I've just come to talk to her. I owe her an apology and at least an explanation. If she doesn't want me here after that, I will leave, but she should have the right to make that decision." I answered.

"She's not here." He stated.

"Well then, where is she?" I asked him. He looked down at his watch before crossing his arms back over his chest.

"It's nearly sunset. She'll be up on the hill over there." He said as he pointed to the hill where you could make out the small silhouette of a woman.

"Thanks." I was going to make my way over before he stopped me by pushing my chest back.

"If you hurt her, I swear to god. I don't fucking care who works for you or how much power you have. If you hurt her, your ass isn't making it out of the east side." He threatened. I nodded to show I heard him and he let me go.

I started making my way up the hill. I remembered her saying she used to always come out here and watch the sunset. I also remember sometimes losing her for hours back at the house because she was up on the roof watching it. As I got closer to the top, the wind picked up. I watched her shiver slightly and pull the hoodie she was wearing close and tighter against her body. She's wearing my hoodie. The wind changed direction and came from behind me instead. I watched her inhale, and as she did so, her head shot up. I decided now would be a smart time to make myself known to her.


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