Chapter 28

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Mirriella pov

Living with PTSD isn't fun. Especially when I'm in an environment that can cause triggers. I don't even know what necessarily started this one, all I know is that I don't want to remember it.

What I often do during these little episodes is drink. I'll drink until I can't even remember my own fucking name, just to stop the memory. And that's exactly what I was going to do.

I remember seeing a few bottles of vodka in my closet upstairs. I quickly ran up the stairs and then ran back down them. I could've got a cup to drink it in, but at this point, I was more concerned about stopping the flashback than I was what I'm fucking drinking out of.

I opened the bottle and started taking sips from the bottle, the alcohol burning my throat. I pulled a bit of a face after the first few sips, but it was soon pretty easy for me to put back big gulps without having a reaction. I had drank about two thirds of the bottle when I decided to just sit back and wait for it to hit. Which didn't take too long considering the alcohol content was over 40%.

Jaden pov

I walked back downstairs a few hours after that phone call with Maria. My nephew would be staying at a safe place today, and he'd be on his way here tomorrow evening.

I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of scotch. I then walked into the living room to see Mirriella put a bottle of something in the table. I noticed the label almost straight away and walked over. Almost two thirds of a 2.5L bottle of Russian Standard vodka was gone.

"Jesus Christ. Did you drink this?" I asked her an obvious question.

"N-no it was the wall." She slurred.

"Why the fuck would you drink this much? You're going to kill yourself." I said as I put the bottle down.

"I drank it because I could. You got a problem with that?" She asked as she tried to stand up.

"Yes I do. I fucking hate babysitting." I mumbled as I grabbed her arm and took her upstairs. "You need to have a shower." I said as I lifted her arms to take her top off.

"Are you trying to sexually assault me Mr-" she paused for a minute. I don't think she knows my last name. "Actually, oh I remember. Mr Hassler?" She asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"It's Hossler, with an 'O'. But no I am not trying to sexually assault you. I am trying to sober you up." I said as I brought her into the bathroom.

I decided it was going to be easier to take her pants off if she was laying down. I told her to lay down in the shower and she did. She allowed me to take her pants and underwear off. That was when I saw the string.

"How long have you had that tampon in?" I asked her.

"Two hours." She mumbled.

"Thank fuck for that. You can change that when you're sober then." I said as I reached in and turned the water on.

I nearly put the heat on, but quickly remembered she would've thrown a fucking fit over it. People do tend to sober up quicker when in cold water anyway. What I didn't expect was for her to pull me.

"Oh fucking hell. This is freezing." I shivered as the cold water directly hit my back.

"Come and sit with me." She said as she patted the floor next to her.

I groaned but gave in. I didn't want to leave her alone in here and my body was pretty much numb at this point so it didn't really make a difference. I sat down next to her just like she had asked.

"Do you think the guy that took me will let me send money to my niece?" I think she may have forgotten who I am. "I mean, I know I act like I hate him for taking me, but it's a lot better than my place here. I just hope he'd let me send money to my niece. Her dad isn't the best person and I was one of the only people in her life." She ranted.

That made me feel bad slightly. I didn't take into consideration who else I'd be hurting when I took her. But I wasn't about to give her up because of a little sob story. She's mine, and will be mine.

"I'm sure he'll sort something out for her." I said to her.

"Really?" She asked as I nodded. "Can I tell you a secret?" She asked me.

"If you want to." I shrugged.

"I love the guy that took me." My eyes widened. "I know I know, I should be like 'I hate him because he took me away from my life' but I think he can be really nice. I don't think he likes to show love people because every time he has they've abused it. I can tell a part of him is scared to love someone again. He already loved one person, he's probably scared that the more people he loves the more vulnerable he is. What do you think?" She just accurately described me without even knowing it.

"I think you've had too much to drink and need to get some sleep." I said as I stood up.

"No, don't leave me." She whined as she put her hands up like a baby.

"I'm not leaving you, I'm getting you a towel." I countered as I reached over to get a towel.

I turned the water off and stood her up. I wrapped the towel around her body and directed her I to the bedroom. She laid down on the bed while I walked into her closet to get her clothes. I quickly put the clothes on her and put her under the covers. I turned the light off in her room and left to my own to go and get changed.

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