Chapter 78

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Jaden pov

"Hey." I said as I sat down next to her, hanging my legs of the edge as well.

"What do you want?" She mumbled, not looking up from the streets below.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said to you. I should've been more understanding about why you felt like that." I admitted as she nodded.

"You're right. You shouldn't have said that." She sniffled.

"What's going on princess? Talk to me." I asked as I moved closer to her so our legs were touching.

"I've fucked it. Big time this one." She mumbled as she started to pick at the skin around her fingers.

"What do you mean Mirri?"

"Celia doesn't want to see me. She thinks that my work is more important than her and she doesn't want to risk me making even more promises that I can't keep. When I told her I was gonna come home soon and the minute the plane landed I'd be on the first bus down, she basically told me not to fucking bother. She even resorted to telling Daniel not to let me talk to her." She answered as a few tears fell down her face. I

"Mirri, I'm so sorry." She started to properly cry as she rested her head on my shoulder. "She's only saying that to protect herself. I can already tell that even though she has said she doesn't want anything to do with you, she'd still run into your arms if she saw you stood there." I told her as she shook her head.

"No. Not Celia. She's ana amazing person but she doesn't give second chances. I've always taught her to never give second chances. If she's learnt anything, she'd have learnt that." She mumbled as I grabbed one of her hands to stop her picking at the skin.

"I don't think so. That little girl holds too much love for you to just give everything up. If you were stood there when she got off that bus, she'd be crying with joy. She's just trying to stop herself from getting hurt." I argued.

"You think?" She asked as she looked up at me.

"I know." I answered as a slight smile played her lips. She rested her head on my shoulder again and looked over at the lights below.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked as she gave a hum in response. "Why didn't you tell me about the pills?" She lifted her head and looked up at me.

"What pill-"

"Don't lie to me Mirri. Remi told me about them and told me what they're for. So why didn't you tell me?" I asked, trying to stay calm, knowing she was going to lie to me.

"Well Remi needs to know how to keep things to herself. It doesn't matter why I didn't tell you. All that matters is that you weren't supposed to know." She sniped.

"But why Mirri? You're supposed to be my girlfriend, so why the fuck are you keeping things from me?" I asked, trying to figure out why she's keeping things from me.

"Because it's none of your fucking business. That's why. Why do you want to know so badly?" She defended as she shuffled away from me.

"Because you're my girlfriend Mirri. I care for you, I don't want to see you drag yourself down every fucking day, relying on some pill to make it go away."

"Yeah, well guess what Jaden? That's what my life is. Every fucking day I rely on a pill to make all the pain and the suffering and the negative thoughts go away. As much as you may fucking hate it, you can't just snap your fingers and have money fix this problem. I am fucking broken, and there isn't jack shit you can do about it." She choked out as she brought her knees to her chest.

"You aren't broken Mirri. You're hurt, there's a difference. But what I want is for you to trust me enough to talk to me about it. I don't want to have to find out from my best friends girlfriend that MY girlfriend takes anti-depressants. I want to hear that from you. I want you to tell me when you're not okay, or that you take medication." I explained as she stood up and tried to walk off. "Where are you going?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry. Y-you're right. I shouldn't have hidden it from you. I should've told you, I should've talked to you. I- I let you dow-"

"Woah, woah. Princess, you haven't let me down. You haven't let anyone down. You just need to learn to trust me and talk to me." I denied as she broke down in my arms.

"I just wanna go home Jae." She sobbed as her knees gave way.

"Fine, that's completely fine. We'll go home. I'll tell the pilot to bring the jet here and we can be gone by three." I promised as I kissed her head and rubbed her back to calm her down.

"No, Jaden you can't. You still need to sort this out with Chelsea and Melanie." She protested.

"I don't give a shit about this stupid deal. If Stefan cares so badly, he can stay and sort it out. But my top priority is you princess. We'll go down to the room, pack our bags, and make our way back to Heathrow." I explained as I pulled her to stand up.

"Are you sure?" She choked out as she stood up and wiped her eyes.

"Of course I'm sure Mirri. I'm taking you home. You're gonna go and fix things with Celia first thing." I answered, holding the door open for her.

"Thank you." She smiled as she leant into my side.

"Anything for you baby." I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head as we walked back to the room.

She walked in and packed the bags. I sent a message to Stefan and the jet pilot. I sat down on the bed and she came over and sat on my lap wrapping her arms around me.

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