Bonus Chapter 4

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Mirriella pov

Ever since Ellie-Ann was born, Jaden has never wanted to put her down. I knew the notion of almost losing her that day in the hospital completely broke him and scared him half to death because that was the first time he ever actually properly cried at any of my births. Of course he had tears when our sons were born, but never like the ones he did that night.

So now, he'll hold her every chance he gets. He even happily gets up during the night when she cries, which kind of counters the reason she is crying because it's normally down to the fact that she's hungry. Kind of like tonight. Her little cries came through in the baby monitor and he was almost straight up and out of the room.

"Hi baby." His voice rang through the monitor. "What's wrong chicken?" She wants feeding dumbass. "Come here bub." His voice goes so soft when he's talking to her. If it wasn't for the slight rasp in it, you wouldn't even be able to comprehend that's the same man I married. "You want food don't you?" Yes she does. "Alright then, let's go to mommy."

I heard his footsteps getting quieter on the monitor. I groaned and sat up on the bed to try and wake myself up. I love that he's attached to her, I really do. But it's also one of the most annoying things in the world because if she needs feeding, if I go and get her, I'm already starting to wake up a little bit, but because he always shoots up, I don't get that opportunity.

His footsteps got louder as he walked up the hall to our room. He pushed the door open with his foot and walked in cradling Ellie as she whimpered softly. He ran his finger over her cheek as he walked over and sat on the bed.

"I think she's hungry."

"She normally is." I laughed as he passed her over to me.

She soon stopped crying as she started to feed. I don't even think she was that hungry because she was back asleep within minutes. I'm beginning to think that she has an ulterior motive for crying every night.

"You know, I don't think she's crying because she's hungry." I spoke as I laid her in between us for a little.

"What makes you say that?" He sat up properly and put his phone on the side.

"Because this is the fifth night in a row that she's woken up crying and then hardly fed. She was pretty much asleep as soon as you walked in the room with her." I answered.

"What do you think is the cause?"

"I think it's because someone keeps her in here too much and she's not used to seeing her own room." I replied as I stated him dead in the eye.

"Well I don't know who is doing that." I shook my head at him as I laughed quietly.

"She just wants to be in here because this is all she knows. You've got to stop bringing her in here. By all means, cuddle her as much as you want. But in her own room. Otherwise we're gonna end up with a little roommate in here with us." He rested his head on my shoulder as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I don't see a problem with that." He shrugged.

"Well yeah. You don't now because I can't have sex. But what are you gonna do when you wanna fuck me all night in every position imaginable, and she's down at the end of the bed? That's not going to be an easy task now is it?" I laughed as he shifted and groaned at my words.

"You know, I think it's time she learns what her own room looks like." He mumbled out.

"Of course you do." I laughed. "Oh hey look, your hair is growing out again." I pointed out as I separated the strands seeing the brown roots come through.

"Don't even mention that. It needs to be cut and dyed again." He groaned as he stood up and picked up Ellie. "Come on baby, back to bed for you." He whispered as he walked out of the room.

His footsteps got quieter for a few seconds before getting louder as the baby monitor picked them up. I knew he had placed her down but then immediately picked her back up because she started to fuss.

"No no baby. Go back to sleep." He whispered as light kissing sounds came through the monitor. "That's it bub. Sweet dreams angel." This man, I can't.

The sound of the door shutting echoed through the monitor. I laid down with my back facing the door and turned off the lamp. His footsteps got louder as he walked further into the room. He shut the door and made his way over to the bed. He got in and pulled me back so his chest was flush with my back, moving his hands under my sweats and rested them on my hips. I groaned slightly because he knows I hate it.

"Stop touching my hips like that." I whined as he chuckled lightly.

"I'm just holding my wife while we sleep. What's so wrong with that?" You could hear the smug in his voice.

"You know exactly what's so wrong with that." I grumbled.

"There's nothing wrong with anything I'm doing. I'm just running my fingers over the beautiful marks that litter my beautiful wife's hips that she earned after she looked after and nurtured my four beautiful children for thirty six and a half months." He emphasised the word "beautiful" every time he said it, making me roll my eyes.

"They look ugly and feel horrible." I countered as he scoffed.

"Excuse me? You've known me long enough to know that I don't like it when people disrespect what's mine, Mirriella Hossler." He mumbled into my neck as he left warm kisses on it.

"Since when was I yours?" I teased, he stopped kissing my neck and lifted his head, using his fingers to move my head so I was facing him. I smirked when I saw his unimpressed face.

"You know, if it didn't hurt you and potentially create other issues I'd happily fuck that attitude out of you. But since I can't, I'll settle for the next best thing." He mumbled as he rolled over with his back facing me. He didn't.

"No, wait. No stop it. Turn around." I tried, but he didn't budge. "Jaden please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was kidding. Of course I'm yours. It was a joke. Turn around." Well that caught your attention.

"Say it again." He demanded as he rolled on his back and turned his head.

"I'm yours." I repeated.

"And again."

"I'm you-" I was cut off by his lips connecting with mine.

"One more time." He instructed against my lips.

"I'm. Yours." I stated, kissing him between the words.

"Great. Now that's been established, go to sleep." He mumbled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

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