Bonus Chapter 1

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(Jaden-30//Mirri-28) year - 2034

[you guys are gonna do me a favour and we are going to just pretend that all the ages match up to the original timeline okay? Okay.]

Mirriella pov

"Boys, come here." I called out to them as Kai dropped them off. Jaden was at the work building with Remi and Stefan and I had just gotten back so we asked Kai to pick them up.

"Yes mom?" Callum asked.

I waited for all four of them to come in before I spoke. It wasn't long before all four of my boys were stood in the kitchen waiting at the island. I had three biological sons, and one adoptive son.

I remember a few weeks before I gave birth to Callum, Louie asked Jaden if he could call him dad instead of Jae Jae. It absolutely melted my heart and of course he said yes and I said yes when he asked if he could call me mom. We had managed to legally adopt him a few weeks after Callum was born.

He's 16 now. Callum is 10 and then there's my second son Axel who has just turned 6. And finally there's my youngest son Alfie who turned 3 a few months ago. They all have Jaden's eyes; big, bright and blue. They all have his smile but he claims they all have my nose.

"Mommy?" Axel asked as he broke the silence.

"Right, so you know how it's dads birthday in a few days?" I asked to which they all nodded except Alfie who was in his own little bubble. "How would you guys like to help me surprise him?" They all nodded excitedly at me.

"What are you planning mom?" Callum asked.

"Axel baby, can you and Alfie go and play in your room? I have a special job for the big kids and then I've also got a special job for you two as well. Can you do that?" I asked as I turned my attention away from those two. I can't trust they're gonna be able to keep it a secret for a whole week.

"Okay mommy." He got up and held Alfie's hand as they wandered out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I waited until I heard the door shut before I started talking again.

"Can you explain now?" Louie asked as he grabbed us out a bottle of water each.

"Right. So you know how I went out earlier, to the doctors-"

"Wait. I think I already know. Is it actually?" Callum asked, Louie nodding along with him.

"It is." I smiled as they both cheered and wrapped their arms around me.

"You aren't playing are you? You're being deadass right now?" Callum asked.

"Hey. Watch your language." I lightly tapped his nose as he rolled his eyes at me. "But yes. I'm being deadass." I confirmed. "But you cannot tell either of the little ones. They'll tell your dad before his birthday and it'll completely ruin the surprise." I said becoming serious with them.

"My lips are sealed Mom." Louie said as he did a zipping action across his lips.

"Mine too." Callum agreed.

"Okay. Go do your homework." I laughed as they both groaned and trailed out of the kitchen.

(Time skip to Jaden's birthday)

"Come on baby. Go to Louie." I said as I handed Alfie to him. "You gotta get ready cause daddy will be down in a minute." I smiled as he kissed my nose and hugged onto Louie.

"Mom. You forgot this." Axel pointed out as he held out the little box with the main gift in.

"Thank you baby. Okay you four sit up at the island and I'll go get your dad." They all did as I asked as I left the room to go and get Jaden.

"Can I leave this room yet? I'm really fucking bored." He asked as soon as the door opened.

"Good morning to you too Jaden, nice to see you too." I mumbled sarcastically as I walked further into the room and straddled his lap.

"I'm sorry your highness. Good morning Mirri, it's nice to see you. Now can I fucking leave this room please?" He asked making me laugh.

"You can now yes. Impatient ass." I mumbled as I kissed him quickly before getting off his lap.

"Finally." He groaned dramatically as he followed me out of the room.

I playfully shook my head as we got closer to the kitchen due to all the shushing that was heard. Jaden side eyed me weirdly, already growing suspicious of what I was doing.

"By god. Someone needs to mark the date because all of you lazy fucks are up before ten o'clock." He laughed sarcastically as he walked further into the room. "What's going on here then?" He asked as he walked around the island.

"Happy birthday daddy." Axel said to him when I stood next to him.

"Thank you baby." He smiled as he ruffled his hair.

"Louie?" I prompted.

"Right. Here you go." He clocked in as he placed Alfie on the counter standing in front of Jaden.

"Thanks for my son." He laughed.

"Read the shirt dad." Callum said.

Little sibling due to arrive _______

He pulled the sticky label that had been placed over the date and read it out.

"Little sibling due to arrive July 14th 2034. So you did find out the date and just lied to me?" He asked as he turned to me.

"No. I just hid the truth. There's a difference." I shrugged as I bent down and picked up the box.

Louie had taken Alfie back and now there was just one factor left of this present. I placed the box wrapped in blue and pink paper in front of him. The boys watched as he tore the paper and removed the silver box from under it.

Proud to welcome...

I watched with a smirk on my lips as he lifted the lid but immediately put it back down. They all laughed as he slowly lifted it off and put it back down again, not believing what he read. He turned to me with all the amount of hope his eyes could physically muster.

"Are you being serious?" He asked me. I didn't say anything, my smile just kept getting bigger and bigger.


"Proud to welcome... Daddy's little girl on July 14th 2034." They all recited as his eyes started to gleam.


"Jaden. We are proud to welcome daddy's little girl on July 14th 2034." I couldn't even finish the sentence before I was being picked up and spun around, the tears already falling from his eyes.

What's one the one thing he's always wanted since we found out we were having our second child? A baby girl.

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