4- Ryle.

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Elias' pov:

"Adelynn!" I shout up the stairs. "Yea! What's up?!" She replied back, "Are we going out to the pool or something later?!" I ask.

"Umm sure we can go now if you want I just have to get dressed I'll only be like 5-10 mins!" She yells. "Ok hurry though it's a nice day and the pool is outside!" I yelled up the stairs.

When we got to the pool I see this random guy staring at me! I couldn't see Adelynn so I just went down the water slide after her. Once I got down there I saw her "Addie there was this brown haired guy who kept staring at you and then me." I scream at her, after I said it everyone started staring at me and her.

Woops. "Right ok so? Maybe he just wanted to be friends and doesn't have social skills?" She suggested. Maybe she's right but it was still weird.

Anyway after a while me and Adelynn were racing to the our room but while I was running after her I bumped into the same guy! "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologize. 

"It's fine neither was I." Holy shit this guy has a deep voice. Kind of expected he looks emo.

He had dark brown hair which I think I already mentioned and green eyes, dressed in all black and is definitely an emo. "I'm Elias." I say "Ryle." He replies, wow not a name you hear everyday. Oh shit I forgot about Adelynn!

"Look I'm really sorry about running into you but I'm here with my friend and I totally forgot about her I'm gonna have to go it was nice to meet you thou-" I say before he says, "That's fine what's her name?"

I wonder why he asked for her name "Her name?" I repeated him.

"That's what I asked." He replied. "Adelynn.." I said back with slight caution. "You should come back with me I can introduce you to her, we have a really big suit there's plenty of room." I say without thinking!

Oh my god what the hell is wrong with me?! New friend I guess.. "Of course. I'd love to meet her." He says back.

I was shocked I didn't expect him to want to meet her or even come with someone he just met like for all he knows I could kidnap him. I obviously won't but like what a dumbass. Wait what if he kidnaps me?

Anyway after a while of awkward silence and me talking to myself in my head and him following me we finally made it to the suit and I walked in..

Adelynn's pov:

"Oh Elias your finally back I know we didn't eat anything this morning so I made waffl-" I start to say and then I turn around

"Oh? Who's this?" I question. "Oh Adelynn this is Ryle, Ryle this is Adelynn." Elias replies.

"It's so good to finally meet you" Ryle says to me. "Um have we met before or cause it seems you know of me." I say with confusion.

Why did he say it's good to finally meet me like he's been wanting to meet me like I don't even know who this dude is he just walks into the suite like he knows me and Elias.

"No I don't believe we have put your name seems familiar." He replied. My god this dude is creepy what if Elias brought a pervert here ew!

"So Ryle how old are you me and Adelynn are 16 but I'm older by just over a month?" Elias says out of nowhere. "Oh I'm 17." Ryle explained. God I want this guy to leave.

"Um Adelynn did Evan tell you when he was going to be here I miss him." Elias asks me.

Oh shit he doesn't know well I can't tell him I'm just gonna have to lie to him if he finds out the real reason. No I did the right thing, I did it for Elias.

"Um he got into a car accident on the way here I was gonna tell you when we got back from the hotel cause I didn't wanna ruin the fun time we were having here." I feel really bad for lying but if he found out the real reason, he'd be heartbroken.. or not. I don't know.

"Oh.. I think we should visit him after all he is my boyfriend." After Elias said that I saw that guy raise his brows.

I can't say no because he will ask why not, I really shouldn't of did what I did but Evan was a dick. "I think we should visit him after we get to know this Ryle." I reply.

This is really bad, I have a really bad feeling about this dude like he's dressed in all black and reminds me of my dad.

I shouldn't think about it to much maybe he's just one of those emo or goth kids who are still in that phase. Wait does that make my dad emo? Never mind, he also kind of looks older than 17 for a start, maybe I should say something.

"Hey you said you were 17 right?" I ask him. "Uh yeah?" He says. He said it with hesitation god I don't like this Ryle dude. "You don't look 17 you look older, You're sure your 17?" I questioned him.

"Adelynn! If he said he's 17 he's 17 chill out." Elias interrupted. I don't like this Ryle dude at all he's got a weird vibe and I know loads of people who have a weird vibe. "Oh my god I totally forgot!" I shout slightly.

Elias and Ryle look at me confusion like what the fuck is this crazy girl on about. "I'm meeting Jax later and by later I mean in an hour so I need to go get ready."

I walk out to get ready. After about 20 minutes I had my hair done.

And then after 15 minutes of looking for an outfit I finally found one that's really nice and it's to die for

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And then after 15 minutes of looking for an outfit I finally found one that's really nice and it's to die for.

And then after 15 minutes of looking for an outfit I finally found one that's really nice and it's to die for

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I got this dress for my 15th birthday off my dad. You wouldn't think someone's dad wouldn't buy them that but my dad doesn't care what I wear as long as I'm comfortable in it.

So after I got ready did my makeup etc I went out to show creepy dude and Elias to see what Elias thought, not Ryle cause I'm not really arsed what he thinks.

"Guys is this cute?" I ask. "Yeah it's nice." Ryle said, I just looked at him. "That is so cute!" Elias exclaimed. I mean if they both think it's nice then I guess well hope Jax will like it. And oh my god I only have 10 minutes to get there!

Hey guys, what do you all think of Ryle? Weird guy? Cute guy? Give me opinions on your imagination for his future.

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