74- Deceive.

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Adelynn's pov:

I don't know what to believe, Ryle says Dante worked for Haze and it sounds realistic since the families were at war for so long but again if Dante really did work Haze, wouldn't Ryle warn me? I mean I know he did but wouldn't he tell me?

I just don't know, something has definitely happened that I don't know about. I should know but I don't and the thing is if I don't know I'll want to figure out what it is but I don't know what I should know so I can't figure it out.

There's something off about this whole thing, the whole thing with Elias dying and Haze being the one that Dante worked for.

Some part of all of it doesn't make sense but I don't know which part.

I know Ryle wants to speak to me about something, he said it wasn't good news but it could be in some way. He told me he wanted to see me right away about 10 minutes ago, I'm kind of scared because he said it wasn't good news but also he said it could be in some way I just don't know what way.

I hope it's not too bad because with me and Haze arguing and whatever Ryle is going to tell me, the stress isn't good for the baby. I used to stress out a lot more than I am now, I found out that stress can cause a miscarriage and I really don't want one of them I really want this baby.

I am trying not to stress myself out though, at times it's hard but I just keep telling myself it'll be worth it, it'll be worth my child.

I put a loose t-shirt on, joggers and a jacket then walked out of my room. I stayed at my dad's house last night since me and Haze have been arguing more than usual, we shouldn't be arguing we're having a child together but I can't do anything to stop the arguments. He keeps saying he's not ready to be a father but then a couple hours later he'll lay on my legs and kiss my stomach and he'll thank god that he's having a child and that I'm carrying it, he's confusing me because I don't know whether he's ready or not, I don't know whether him being ready is all a big act.

Luckily, the place Ryle called me to was in the same area as my room. They moved everything over to the house so it'd be easier for me and Ryle to get there because obviously it's Elias we are talking about.

As I was walking across the hall I was trying to brace myself for what I was going to hear, I didn't even know if I needed to brace myself but I did because I don't know what I'm about to hear. I don't know whether it'll be good or not, I'm honestly quite scared. I don't know what to expect from this.

I reached the door and I opened it, Ryle was sitting there with Jason and the PI but they weren't doing anything. They weren't speaking, they weren't moving, there were just sitting there.

"I'm sorry I took a while, you can start now." I spoke as I walked more into the room and took a seat next to Ryle, he looked at me with sad eyes. "What?" I asked him, why did he look so sad?

"We've finished the investigation." The PI spoke, how? "We found the bullets he was murdered with." The PI added on, Elias. It's about Elias, oh god.

"Go on." I replied to him with a deadly serious tone in my voice, I wasn't serious at all I'm terrified. I'm terrified to find out.

"The bullet was a type 94 pistol. As far as we know the only people that have this sort of gun is your family and." He stopped mid sentence. "And who." I didn't have an asking tone, I demanded to know.

"And the Diaz family." He replied to me. No, I refuse to believe it.

"So what exactly are you saying?" I asked him with my voice ever so slightly breaking. "Aiden Coleman has admitted to murdering Elias Heart under the orders of Haze Diaz. He admitted in torture." He explained, I let out a deep shaken breath.

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