71- Expose.

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Ryle's pov:

It's been a few days since I found out that Adelynn is pregnant and she hasn't come out of her room since. Not only that she's carrying Haze's baby. This baby will be both Rivera and Diaz and Addie still hasn't told our dad.

She should because she's pregnant and she's 18, she's hardly old enough to be having a child especially with Haze. Maybe I should take it into my own hands and tell our dad since she won't.

She hasn't told Haze yet either but I won't tell Haze, Jason has planted the gun in his office so he's waiting on my order but I need Haze to know first so they can't get back together over the kid.

So I'll go to my dad and tell him, I walked to his office and knocked on the door. I heard nothing so I opened it and he was there on his computer.

"I need to talk to you." I said to him and he looked up and turned to me. "About?" He asked me. "Adelynn. There's something you need to know that she is refusing to tell you." I explained and he looked slightly confused. "Go on then." He replied and I took a deep breath, I am slightly worried about his reaction.

"She's pregnant, Adelynn is pregnant." I finally said to him after a few seconds later, he didn't say anything but I could tell he was annoyed his face said it all. "With Haze's baby, when she ran away he got her pregnant." I added on and his face became more annoyed like he was about throw something or start yelling.

"How long have you known." He didn't even seem like he was asking, more like demanding to know. "A few days, I found out by accident. I found out the same day she did and she doesn't want you to know probably because it's Haze child as well as hers." I explained to him and he seemed to of calm down a bit now.

"And why didn't you tell me when you found out?" He questioned me and I didn't speak for a little bit. "Because I thought she was going to tell you and she hasn't so I thought I'd tell you." I explained to him once again.

"I'll have to speak to her then, you will be with us when I talk to her. After all, it was you that told me." He stated and I nodded. "Let me know when you are going to speak to her." I said as I was about to walk away.

"Now." I turned around and gave him a confused look. "I'm going to speak to her now, go and get her." He added on replying to my confusion. "She hasn't come out of her room in days, are you sure this is the best time to speak to her?" I asked him. "Go get her now." He replied and I nodded, turned back around and out of the room.

He didn't yell at me which is surprising but it doesn't mean he won't yell at her and I can't afford that right now. I walked up to Addie's room and knocked on the door.

"Go away." I heard her yell through the door, she sounded upset. "Addie it's me." I replied as I raised my voice through the door. "Even worse! Go away!" She yelled again, this time I heard her voice begin to break.

I opened the door to see her laying on her bed on her side while holding a pillow close to her body. "I said go away." She spoke, now it was clear that she had been crying. She looked up and her eyes were all red and puffy.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I walked over and sat on the side of the bed. "Elias was supposed to be here, to watch me raise my child but he's not. He's dead and it's my fault." She explained, it's not your fault Addie it's mine.

"Ryle you don't understand, he was supposed to be here for my wedding, my first child. We wanted to go and see the world together and now we never will." She added on as she cried more.

"Dad wants to talk to you." I said to her and she turned her head to me and she sighed as she got up. "What about?" She asked me as she was wiping her tears. "I don't know." I answered her. "I do know that he wants me to be in the room though." I added on, I knew what he wanted to say but I don't know if she'd forgive me for telling him.

She finished wiping her tears and stood up and we walked out of the room down to our dads office. We walked in and he was standing in the same place he was when I left him.

"What did you need?" She asked him, you could tell she had been crying and he could definitely tell by the sound of her voice. "Adelynn. I'm going to ask you once and I need you to be honest with me." He spoke and she turned to me and she looked worried. "Okay." She replied to him and he took a deep breath.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked her and she turned to me instantly. "You told him? When I told you not to?" She questioned me raising her voice. "So you are pregnant." My dad said to her and she turned back to him.

"Yes I am with Haze's child but I didn't want to tell you." She spoke back to him. "Why?" He asked her with a confused look on his face. "I was scared that you would kick me out and if you did Haze doesn't know so I'd have to drop it on him." She explained to him and his eyes widened.

"No, it's a child your child. My grandchild, I don't care if it's Haze's child as well they will have Rivera blood and that's all they need." He explained, why is he being so nice? "You're accepting of this?" She questioned him with a smile on her face.

"Of course, it's your child." He replied, she hugged him in excitement. "Thank you!" She said and he nodded. "Tell Haze though, he's the father he should be with you for every part of your pregnancy." He explained, something seems off. "I will, thank you again." Adelynn spoke once more and left the room.

"What." My father's tone changed from nice to serious. "Nothing, I'm just surprised you're okay with it." I replied back to him. "Of course I'm okay with it." He stated and I raised my brows in question. "Why wouldn't I be?" He replied back questioning what I had said.

"You hate the Diaz family, you hate Ethan and keep in mind that this child will be his grandchild too, you don't exactly like Haze and he will be the father." I stepped closer to him explaining.

"Maybe it's time to get over this family feud. Maybe I will ask Adelynn to tell Ethan that I want to organize a meeting." He replied and I let out a short laugh. "You? Ending a family feud? Please, don't make me laugh." I stated while rolling my eyes. "I bet." I replied as I turned away.

"How much?" He asked and I turned back to him. "What do you mean how much?" I replied back to him questioning what he had just asked. "How much will you bet that I can't do this." He replied to me.

"500 thousand." I replied with a slight smirk. "So I'll give you 500k if I can't do it but if I can you have to give me 500k. Deal?" He was serious about making this deal, of course he was. "Deal." I shook his hand with a slight laugh.

"Let's go have a drink." My dad suggested. "Sure." I replied. I

like nights like this where we actually get along, it doesn't happen a lot because our family isn't normal and normal nights like these are just what we need sometimes. We spent the night drinking whatever looked nice enough in the wine cellar or what was the strongest, laughing and blacking out eventually.

Adelynn is dealing with guilt. Ryle is enjoying time with his father. Adelynn has no idea that Elias got to Ryle safely but he wasn't safe when he got to Ryle.

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