59- Scheme.

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Ryle's pov:

I called Jason and Zach into my office for a mini meeting about something that I need to do. Something that my father has told me needs to be done. A knock at the door, I walked over and opened it. Jason and Zach were there, I rushed them in quickly then closed the door.

"Sit down in the two seats in front of my desk." I ordered them, they did as I said and sat down. I sat down after them, opposite them. "So why were we called here?" Jason asked me typing on his phone. "Put your phone away and both your phones on silent." I said to them and did so, they looked nervous and/or uneasy.

"We need to discuss a plan." I spoke out and they looked at me confused. "A plan for what?" Zach questioned me, I took a deep breath. "To kill Elias." I replied coldly and both their eyes widen in shock.

"Wait I thought we weren't killing him?" Zach asked me. "Well we are. It needs to be done." I stated still not showing any emotion. "What's the plan." Jason said and Zach turned his head to Jason faster than light and looked him in shock, Jason turned his head to Zach as well. "He's our boss Zach, it's our job to listen to him." Jason replied to Zach's shock, at least he knows the rules.

"The plan?" Jason asked me leaning back into his chair. "Look Zach if you can't do this. Leave." I spoke to Zach and not answering Jason. "No, I'm fine. Just tell us the plan." He replied to me.

"First thing, Adelynn won't know. If anyone tells Adelynn you die with Elias. If either of you tell anyone else whether they work for me or not, you die. Do you understand me." I was basically threatening them, well I was threatening them. "Yes sir." They both answered me in unison.

"Good. Second thing the plan. I'll get him when I know Adelynn isn't there." I turned to Zach. "Zach. When I've killed Elias I want you to get rid of the body and you need your own way back." He nodded so I turned to Jason. "Jason. You'll be waiting in the car to get me away and drive me back here." Jason nodded as well, I turned back to facing them both.

"Adelynn won't know what's happened we won't tell her. We'll put him as a missing person, give it a week and I'll send Zach to search for Elias one last time. This last time you'll say you found the body in the woods a few miles outside of the area and you'll say you found him dead. Say he was murdered. Say there was a gun shot with the same gun I used to kill him." I explained and they both look at me confused.

"Why though? Won't that make you look suspicious?" Zach asked me. "No because we are framing Haze for the murder. We'll find someone who works for Haze and to make it better we'll have Adelynn kill them or have her have them killed. Framing Haze will stop Adelynn from going to him and investigating more than she should with him. I'll keep the gun in my drawer in this office so no one finds it." I explained more of it.

"When Elias is confirmed dead by Zach and everything blows over, we will of gotten away with it." I added on the last bit of the plan. "Do you understand? Do you understand what you have to do?" I asked them both. "Yes sir." They both replied again unison. "You can both leave now, if anyone asks you this meeting never happened." I stated to them, they both stood up and walked out of the room closing the door behind them.

I started typing an email to both of them explaining the plan once more so they wouldn't forget, once I sent it I walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I was walking down the stairs and got to the door. The choice now is car or motorbike? I'll go with car and I'm going to see my dad after all and he's always saying how he hates motorbikes.

While I was driving over I decided to call him and he picked up quite fast to be honest. "What's up Ryle? I don't have a lot of time I'm doing work." He stated. "We need to talk. It's important. I'll be there in 5." And then I ended the call, I arrived after those 5 minutes.

I got out of the car and walked to the door then opened it. I walked over to my dads office and knocked on the door. "Dad it's Ryle!" I yelled through the door, opened it and walked in. He was on his computer typing, probably emails for more business deals.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" He asked me still staring at the computer screen not looking at me once.

"I need to inform you of a plan." I stated and he still didn't look up at me. "What plan would this be?" He questioned me again, god knows how he's going to react to this. "To kill Elias." I spoke and he stopped typing and looked at me. "You? You're going to kill Elias?" My dad asked me and laughed at the end. "Please. Don't make me laugh Ryle. You wouldn't hurt your sister like that." He stood up and walked around his desk to the other side.

"She doesn't need to know that it was me." I explained. "Do you want to know my plan or not?" I added on questioning him. "Go on." He said.

"It'll be in a couple days and I'll shoot him, Zach is getting rid of the body after and Jason is getting me away. We'll put him as a missing person for a week or so and then I'm going to have Zach 'find' the body but Elias is going to be dead so that clears it up for Addie." I began to explain. "He'll be identified as dead by from a murder then we'll frame Haze for the murder or frame him like he set it up. Adelynn will leave him so she can't become suspicious because if Adelynn is anything she's smart. Once she leaves Haze and we have her kill or have her order the persons murder I would of gotten away with it." I added on explaining the last bit of my plan.

"Are you sure you want to hurt your sister in that way? Are you sure you want to watch her go through all that pain and then lie to her? You've never hurt someone you actually care about Ryle, it comes with a lot of guilt." He replied to my explanation.

"I killed Dante didn't I? How much harder will it be." I spoke trying to prove a point to him. "After you killed Dante you shut yourself away for 2 weeks and refused to go to work let alone have anyone mention it to you. Elias hasn't been a traitor or betrayed you, it'll break you Ryle and you won't even be able to tell your sister the whole truth." He really doesn't believe I can do it, I somewhat understand that but I can do it I'm a Rivera for gods sake.

"I'm your son, I'm a Rivera. It's not hard for me to kill someone. It won't hurt Adelynn to know it was me because she won't know it was me, I'm going to get away with this I have it all planned out." I stated and he just sighed.

"You put them on the list you can't act like you don't want me to do it now. I'm killing Elias first, Adelynn is after that." I added on, I hope I got my point across because he never listens to me. "Alright, let me know when you've done it and I'll keep your secret from Adelynn." He replied and I was kind of shocked he agreed to it.

"Right okay, I'll be leaving then. And yeah I'll let you know when it's done." I walked out of the room closing the door behind me, I feel like nervous to kill him.

I don't know how to exactly word it or how I exactly feel. What I do know is that this needs to be done.

Well guys this is it. Elias is going to die or is he? Will Ryle actually be able to do it? Do you agree with Ryle that he'll be able to do it or do you agree with Lucien that he won't be able to do it? Let me know.

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