31- Talk.

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Ryle's pov:

She hasn't spoken to me for hours and we are almost back, maybe I should try to speak to her. "Addie.." I spoke.

"Don't speak to me." She replied. Moody much. I sighed and turned to her. "Look I did and said what I had to for you to get away from him." I said trying not to loose my patience.

"What? By threatening Elias and Haze? Threatening to kill them?!" She yelled.

"Look can you calm the fuck down, I'm trying to talk reasonably with you." I added on. "Can you just leave me alone, I don't want to speak to you Ryle!" She screamed. again.

"Reasonably my ass." She mumbled. I didn't say anything, I don't want to argue with her. We got back to the main building and I got out and opened the door for her.

She got out and slammed the door behind her. "Hey! Don't slam my doors." I yelled to her. "Fuck off!" She screamed back. God this girl.

I walked in behind her and I saw her swing the doors open. I caught up to her and closed the doors. I heard whispers of 'don't say the wrong thing Adelynn looks pissed off.'

I think she may of heard them.. "The fuck did you just say?" She went up to them. "U-uh nothing miss." They spoke and stood straight. "No please, repeat yourself." She spoke gritting her teeth.

"Addie leave them alone and stop being snappy." I got in the middle of them. She walked away and I followed her after, I turned around to look at them and they mouthed 'thank you' so I just nodded.

She went into my office and fell onto the sofa. "Adelynn you can't just snap at people because they said something." I'm trying to be reasonable with her she just won't listen. She's so arrogant.

"Will you just piss off. I know where you keep your guns Ryle, left side second draw down. Now. Go away." She spoke coldly.

"Don't threaten me in my own office." I added on. "And what are you going to do? Kill me?" She laughed slightly. "Don't test my patience Adelynn."

"Don't fucking test mine. Now get the fuck out of my sight!" She screamed. I walked out of the office.

Jesus that girl needs anger management she has some serious anger issues. I went down to Jason's office. "What's up with her now?" He asked.

"She's still annoyed that I threatened Elias and Haze." I replied sitting next to him. "You did what you had to to get her back here. Lucien wants to talk to her anyway, did you know?" He questioned.

"No, how did you know?" I asked him. "Well I got back here earlier than you and he was at your office door and I asked him if he was alright and he said he wanted to speak to Adelynn. I told him you weren't back yet so he said to let Addie know." He explained.

"Right well she's in a mood with me so Alec is going to have to take her." I said running my fingers through my hair. "Please let him know." I added on.

Adelynn's pov:

I'm actually done. I can't deal with his bullshit anymore, He's exactly like dad always coming up with a new bullshit to ruin everything for me.

"Adelynn?" I shot my head to the door and saw Alec. "Go awayyy." I spoke in an aggravated tone. "I need to take you to your dad, he wants to speak to you." He spoke.

I groaned in annoyance. I got up and walked out of the room. "Atleast wait for me!" He yelled chasing after me. "It's my dad not yours I'll go alone." I said walking down the stairs.

He grabbed my arm and turned me around, I kept my head down. "Look I know you're annoyed at Ryle but don't be annoyed at me." He spoke lifting my face up.

"You don't understand Alec just please, let me go alone." I spoke softly. He let me go and I walked to my car and got in.

I started the engine and drove there. "Name." One of his men said. "Adelynn Rivera, here to see my dad per his request." I spoke back.

He opened the gate and I drove up the driveway. I got out and left my car in front of the stair way up to the front door. I walked up the stairs and opened the door to see him just standing there.

"I've been waiting for you what took so long?" He asked. "Ask Ryle." I replied walking towards the living room. "What happened?" He asked following me and sitting down.

"I got another friend and Ryle doesn't like them so what does he do? Threaten to kill them and Elias because I wanted to get away for a week." I replied back wiping a slight tear from under my eye.

"Who is this new friend? I might know why Ryle is being so rude."

"Haze Diaz." I spoke. My dad raised his eyebrow and just looked at me. "What? Family enemy?" I added on.

"We had a couple problems with his father a couple years ago. Ryle probably thinks he's protecting you." He said.

"But that's his dad not him, plus his dad isn't all that bad. I've met his dad he's actually really nice." I realise now that if I didn't go with him it wouldn't of been a threat, Ryle could and probably would kill him.

"His father was a family friend but he turned on us and that's why we are no longer friends but this is a new generation. If his son treats you right I won't stop you and I'll speak to Ryle about his behaviour."

I just sat there trying to take in the fact I know Ryle would kill him in a heart beat. "What did you need to speak to me about? I mean you wanted me to come here to speak to me. What was it about?" I asked him.

"Ryle had told me you ran off and I wanted to know why but I have my answer now and I believe Ryle is in the wrong so I'll speak to him. And Adelynn don't be scared to see Haze, Ryle won't do anything if I say he can't."

He's very reassuring. "Okay." I answered back. "I'm going to have to go, Elias will probably be back and he'll want to know why I left with Ryle. Thank you for the reassurance, bye." I added on.

"I understand, see you soon Adelynn." He replied back. I walked out of the room and out of the door.

All I'm thinking about is how on earth am I meant to explain this to Elias without saying I'm basically in a mafia family. I got in the car and started the engine.

I started driving and still the only thing on my mind is how am I going to tell Elias.

How can I explain I had to leave him and Haze or else Ryle would of killed them both? Sometimes I wish I'd never met Ryle, there's just so much stress with this family..

Is Ryle still right for this or is he in the wrong? Can't Adelynn fend for herself she's a strong woman.

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