52- Planning.

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Adelynn's pov:

It's a been a month since Elias's birthday and he seems happier than ever, I think it's because he's made up with Ryle. In the month just gone I finally spoke to my dad about the pressure and spoke to Elias about it, Elias also told me what he told Ryle that day they made up and it was heart breaking.

I knew Evan was hurting him obviously when I found out I killed him out of rage but I had no idea he did all of what he did to Elias.

When we both went to talk to Ryle together he asked me how I killed Evan without thinking of anything that could happen to me and I said to him that I didn't care if I was put in jail as long as Elias was safe, Elias started crying after I said that and hugged me but that was about a week ago.

Today me and Ryle have been requested to see our dad and I know not a big thing but he actually called us and asked us himself instead of getting someone else to do it. I'm not sure what it's about but me and Ryle are going today, we are making our own way there because I think Ryle is there already.

I'm on my motorbike right now driving over there and to be honest I'm slightly nervous, it's not everyday both me and Ryle get called by our dad to speak about something like the event that happened a couple months ago he didn't even tell us both at the same time so I'm wondering whether it's more important than that.

The question is, what's more important than that? Elias was with Haze today, they're hanging out because they were friends when Elias started his job at the bar he still works there and so does Haze but only sometimes because it's meant to be a cover up for his actual job.

I've no idea what they are doing but knowing Haze he's probably taken Elias to Italy or something. I arrived at the gate finally and it opened instantly, that's a good thing I think.

I drove up and parked my bike, I didn't wear a helmet because it's a little uncomfortable. I headed up the steps and opened the door and saw Alec?

"Addie! Hey!" He spoke in excitement and hugged me. "Hey..?" I replied in a confused tone. "Right yes it's weird I'm at your house. Ryle and your dad, they are in your dads office." He replied to me so I walked away, I know it's kind of rude but I know he's interested in me and I'm taken now so. And I love Haze, he's probably everything I've dreamed of since I was 14 and I had wild fantasies when I was younger.

My phone went off as I was walking down the hallway so I took it out of my purse to see a text from Elias that read 'Going out for drinks with Haze. Probs won't be home tonight.'

This guy I swear I just replied back with 'Okay' I mean I guess I could always stay here at my dads house. I've never actually spent the night here so it could be nice but also I'm not 8 again I'm actually almost 18.

I knocked on the door to my dads office. "It's me!" I yelled through the door and a few seconds later the door opened to my dad, Ryle, a random woman and a random man sitting around my dads desk. I walked over to my dad bent down slightly to his face level.

"So what's going on?" I asked him and he turned to me. "Go take a seat next to your brother and we'll explain it. Again." He replied, when he said 'again' he sounded pissed off but I did what he said and I sat next to Ryle and put the side of my face into the palm of my hand.

"As I was saying, since the last event didn't exactly go as planne-" My dad started to speak before I interrupted him.

"Who are these two people?" I asked my dad as I stared at the two people. "Close family friends, don't worry they won't hurt you." He spoke again death staring me. "Okay carry on." I stated and he sighed.

"Since the last event didn't go as planned I want to plan a 18th birthday event for Adelynn." I raised my brows and tilted my head slightly when he said that, an 18th birthday event? Really? Like that doesn't have disaster written all over it.

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