70- Test.

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Adelynn's pov:

It's been two days and I can't get that google search out my head, thing is I don't why I can't. I'm on the pill and I can't get pregnant but I can't get it out of my head even though I know it's impossible.

Maybe I should just buy a pregnancy test and maybe it would get it out of my head because then I'd know I'm not pregnant.

I let my hair down since it was a bun, threw on some joggers and a grey hoodie and walked out of my room and yes I was at my dads house. Once I walked out I saw Ryle and he looked at me weirdly.

"What." I said to him with a slight bit of attitude. "You're going out?" He questioned me and I nodded. "Right. Where are you going?" He asked me again and I just rolled my eyes. "None of your business or dads, if you need me call me if dad needs me tell him to wait until I get back. I won't be long." I replied to him and I walked away.

I walked into the side door of the garage and, warning it's 'having a rich family' problems, what car do I take? I think I'm going to take the porsche 718 boxster, it's definitely in my top 5 favourite cars and it's a deep blue.

I got in it and drove out of the garage and away, while I was driving I got thinking. What if I am pregnant? I mean there is a 2% chance I could get pregnant, or I'm just overthinking it because that's what I do.

I arrived at the nearest pharmacist and parked on their car park and walked in. Pacing across the building trying to find to find the pregnancy test aisle and there it was, I walked down and picked up the most expensive one because I'm pretty sure the more money it is the more accurate it is. That's what I assume anyway.

I walked up to the counter and put it down with a bottle of water I also grabbed before getting there, the woman there scanned it and looked at me in a weird way. I took it after I paid and walked out, I know it's going to be negative because I'm on the pill but this way it gets it out of my head.

After driving back to the house trying to get it out of my head I finally arrived, I parked the car and got out with the test in my hoodie pocket. I walked in and saw Ryle again. "You went out for water?" He asked me, obviously I didn't but I don't want him to know.

"I went to go visit someone. I got water on the way back." I replied to him, I wasn't lying because I did visit someone while buying the test. And with that I walked away, up the stairs and into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me.

I sat on the toilet seat, I did everything I needed to do to take the test and I put it on the counter side and set a 15 minute timer because apparently that's how long they take. It had been a while and there was only a couple minutes left on the timer and suddenly there was a knock at the door and I froze.

Shit I forgot I locked the door. "Adelynn are you almost done!" It was Ryle, god can he stop bothering me. "Give me a few minutes!" I yelled back, fuck sake.

I really wish time would go by quicker but I wasn't going to look until the full time was up and after a few minutes the timer went off. I was nervous to find out and I don't even know why. I grabbed it from the counter with my eyes closed then I opened them.

Two lines, positive. I'm pregnant.

I instantly threw it in the bin and flushed the toilet and came out and Ryle was standing outside. "Woah Addie, are you feeling okay? You look a bit pale." He asked me and I nodded as I sped away.

I looked behind me as I saw him enter the room and close the door, I ran to my room and fell onto the bed on my back as I sighed. Fuck sake, of course the 2% that can get pregnant I'm part of it. I can't tell Haze he might leave me, I can't tell Ryle or my dad they'll go absolutely mental.

You know what, I'll worry about it later I'm going to have a long warm bubble bath and try and relax. After that I'll figure out what to do.

I ran the bath and bubble bath mixture stuff in it and lay there for the next hour and a half on my phone listening to music trying to somewhat relax, it was failing because all I could think about was being pregnant, having a child Haze's child.

What am I actually meant to do though? I don't know if Haze is ready to be a father and I know sure as hell that I'm not ready to be a mother, I've only been a legal adult for a few months and I don't even know if I could take care of a child. I got out of the bath and put a robe on with a Primark set on and I let my hair down.

I walked out of my room, I'll get a chai tea and try and calm myself down. I couldn't be bothered to put anything on so I just walked down in my dressing gown and slippers, when I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Ryle.

Why is he still here? Doesn't he had a job to do. "Don't you have a job to do?" I asked him as I got to him at the bottom of the stairs. "I want to talk to you." He replied and I rolled my eyes. "What about?" I questioned him and he sighed.

"Let's talk in dad's study, he's not in there at the moment." He stated, I took a deep breathe and followed him into the room. He leant on my dad's desk as I closed the door and I stood around the middle of room.

"What did you need? I really want to get myself a chai tea so please make this quick." I asked him and he took a deep breath. "Adelynn." That's all he said and I gave him the 'go on' look.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me, what's he on about? "Tell you what?" I questioned him and he reached for his pocket and he took out the pregnancy test I had taken just a few hours ago.

"Adelynn, it's positive and there's no other women in this house." He stated and I stood there silent. I feel like I should be annoyed why was he searching through the fucking bin! "Why were you searching through the bin!" I yelled at him, I shouldn't yell but I'm annoyed.

"I put something in it and saw the test but that doesn't matter. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me again and I sighed. "Because I knew that'd you want me to get rid of it." I explained to him and he looked shocked.

"Why would I want you to get rid of it? It's your child, my niece or nephew, dad's grandchild." He replied but questioned me. "Because of who the father is." I said quietly and he didn't seem to of heard me. "What?" He asked me and I sighed.

"Haze is the father, that's why I didn't want you to know. They'd be both Rivera and Diaz." I explained and he just stood there. "Does Haze know?" He asked me after a minute or two of silence and I shook my head. "You should tell him, he deserves to know he's going to be a father whether I like him or not." He added on and I looked down slightly.

"Adelynn it's nothing to be ashamed of." He spoke. "I know I just, I'm only just 18 and I have my whole life ahead of me and I've just ruined everything because I'm having a baby." I explained to him and he walked over and hugged me.

"Well whatever you decide I'll support you through it but you should tell Haze and dad." He stated and when I heard 'dad' I pulled back and gave him the 'are you insane?' look.

"I'm not telling dad." I stated. "Why?" He asked me, he's actually lost it and shouldn't he know our dad better he actually grew up around him. "You know dad, he'd kill me." I exclaimed.

"You also need to stop pressuring me into telling people, you may of found out today but so did I! You need to back off while I process this!" I raised my voice at him walking out the door slamming the door.

I walked up to my room and lay on the bed again. I know I should tell Haze because he's the father but telling my dad probably won't happen.

The one time google is right. Adelynn being pregnant aswel? And Haze being the dad. What an interesting plot twist (I'm sure everyone guessed it though).

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