51- Conversation.

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Adelynn's pov:

I'm at Haze's house again and I'm currently lying in his bed staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell to do. He said he was grabbing water but he's been gone ages and I can't be arsed to move to go see where he is.

He keeps asking about what happened with my sexual assault even though I've already told him. He must of forgotten. Part of me wants to talk to him about it but the other part just wants to forget it completely.

He says I got over it too quickly and that I should of given myself time to process it but I just told him I wanted to forget it and since he died there's no chance it would happen again, well not by the same person at least. He keeps asking me to explain it but I can't and I know he just wants to care for me but I just don't want to.

He also keeps asking me about Ryle and my family but I just don't like to talk about it, I'm not sure why but I've never liked talking about my family. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, I got up and opened the door to see Haze's sister, Nina, as the door.

"Oh hi Nina." I said to her smiling. "Adelynn you're here again?" She asked me. "Yeah just waiting for Haze to get back. Come in." I suggested to her and she just smiled. "I shouldn't, Haze never lets me in his room he'll go shitty with me." She answered me not moving.

"Oh don't worry about him, he won't go shitty with me so you're good." I took her hand and pulled her in the room. Nina was 16 nearly 17 and she is the sweetest person ever and Haze thinks we are a lot alike, I mean I can kind of see it but not too much.

"Come sit down." I spoke at I fell back onto Haze's bed and she sat down next to me. "So what is Haze bugging you about this week? I heard him raise his voice earlier and I wanted to make sure you were okay." She questioned me.

"A few months ago I got assaulted and he keeps asking me about it, asking if I want to talk about it, wanting me to let him take care of me. He also keeps bugging me about my brother and the fact he may of said or done a few things that hurt someone I care about so it hurt me." I explained to me and she came closer to me and hugged me.

"Growing up dad always used to tell me and Haze not to get involved with a Rivera because your dad was an arse but I don't think your an arse, I actually really like you Addie. I'm sure your dad isn't as bad as my dad made him out to be anyway and for your brother, Haze does and says things that hurt people I care about but at the end of the day we are still siblings and we are meant to stick together." She explained to me as I kept my head on her shoulder.

"I honestly wish I had you as my sister growing up." I said to her as I sat there still. "Well you have me now and when you marry Haze I'll be your sister." She replied to me as I took my head up and looked at her confused. "You want to marry Haze right?" She added on questioning me.

"It's a bit early at the moment, we've only been together for a few months. Maybe in a few years if we are still together we'll get married but at the moment I don't know. You should know though that me and Haze don't stay together I'll always be here for you Nina, you'll always be a sister to me." I explained to her once more before the door opened and our heads shot to the door and Haze was standing there.

"Nina, why are you in my room?" Haze asked her, I got up and walked towards him. "I told her she could come in, to keep me company while I waited for you to get back." I replied for her, I know I shouldn't but like she said he'll go shitty.

"Well I'm back now so she can leave." He walked over to her, basically picked her up and pushed her over to the door. "Can you be any happier?" Nina said before he closed the door in her face, he turned around and I was just looking at him. "What?" He questioned me and I laughed slightly.

"You're just so happy." I said sarcastically and he walked over to me and I just smiled at him. He sat me down on his bed and then kneeled down in front of me and held both my hands. "What's up?" I asked him with my head tilted slightly with confused.

"Why will you tell Nina a preview of what you're going through but won't tell me?" He seemed so sad and worried. "I told her because she said I seemed upset and I just told her that someone did something to hurt me and someone I care about, that's all." I explained to him and he put his chin on my hands.

"Please tell me. I want to help you." He pleaded me, I want to tell him I do I just don't want to relive it. "Which bit?" I'm finally giving in and letting him care for me, worry about me. "The assault." He answered me and I sighed.

"There's nothing really to talk about, I was walking down the street because Ryle needed me and I went down an alley way as it was a shortcut. I saw a man in all black and I asked him if he needed help and he pushed me against the wall and proceeds to assault me, nothing major happened because Ryle got there before it happened." I explained to him with my eyes closed, I had them closed because if I saw his face I'd cry and I really didn't want to cry.

"Adelynn open your eyes." He said as he put his hand on the side of my face. "This isn't the best situation for me to open my eyes. If I do I'll cry." I stated, I felt him move up and then he kissed me.

I opened my eyes slightly and I could see his were closed but they were also crying slightly. He pulled back and saw my eyes were open. "Thank you." He spoke before kneeling back down.

"Anything else you want to know?" I asked him as I looked down as him. "Is there anything you want to know about me?" He replied back questioning me. "Why does your dad tell you and Nina not to go near a Rivera but is so friendly with me?" I asked him and he sighed like I did earlier.

"Your dad and my dad never got along like ever, they always hated each other I'm not quite sure why but they have. The reason my dad is friendly with you and not Ryle is because you didn't grow up as a Rivera like you weren't known as a Rivera so he thinks you won't have that personality." He explained to me and I looked at him confused.

"Well if this personality is genetic which is what it seems with my dad and Ryle then I'll probably end up with it but I'll do my best to not get it." I replied back turning my head away slightly, he took my hands away and wiped a small tear from my cheek with his thumb and I turned back to him.

"Tell me what's wrong." He insisted, I know I should but. "It's too much I mean I've known about my family for what? Nearly a year and I've almost been killed! Ryle is hurting people I care about, I don't care whether it was an accident. I'm only accepted by your family because I didn't grow up with my family."

A few more tears fell down and he hugged me tightly. "I know it's too much, believe me I had the same growing up. I was kidnapped as a child because of my fathers selfish choices but our dads have changed, I mean 3 years ago if I met you and he knew you were a Rivera he wouldn't let you within a 5 mile radius of this house." He stated and I continued to stare at him.

"Haze I'm sorry but I think I need to go and talk to my dad about this sort of stuff." I pointed out to him and he stood up and I so did I after him. I walked towards him and I stood still.

"I think you should too, let me know how it goes." He spoke before kissing me for a couple seconds. After it ended I pulled back and hugged him, he put the side of his face on the top of my head and that lasted even longer.

"Right I'm off I will let you know how it goes." I spoke as I stopped hugging him and made my way to his door. I opened the door and waved off to him.

I honestly dreaded the conversation with my dad about the pressure and the stress of our family. I was just sick of him and Ryle and everyone! I just wish it was me and Elias like before because we were fine on our own.

Let me know about opinions on this chapter. I know I've said this before and I'll say it again I'm in love with Haze and Adelynn and their relationship it's so genuine and comforting.

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