75- Numb.

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Adelynn's pov:

It's been a few days since finding out it was Haze who set up Elias's murder. Ryle keeps torturing Aiden, he says he's trying to get more information but he's already confessed I'm not sure what other information he wants.

I never gave Ryle the gun I found in Haze's office, I have it. It's hidden from Ryle, I keep wondering what I'm going to tell the baby. I can't say the truth that I had to leave their father because he killed my best friend because it's not fair on a child to have them think their father is a monster, Haze is a monster but my child doesn't have to know that it could make them think that they are a monster and I'd hate that.

I haven't exactly left my room over the past few days, I've only left it for water but even then I put my hood up and get a glass. Ryle and my dad keep bringing food up and leaving it outside of the door, if I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't eat it but I am pregnant so even if I didn't want to take care of myself I have to take care of my baby.

My baby is the only thing pure that is left in my life, Haze isn't here anymore and neither is Elias because of Haze. I just feel so numb in a way, I feel like Ryle can somewhat understand it because Dante worked for Haze and Haze ordered Elias to be killed so that's another person Ryle lost to Haze but I was going to have his child, I was going to be a parent with him.

We were supposed to stay together. I've heard my dad and Ryle talking outside of my door, they are worried about the baby and about me but they don't know what to do, they said they might consider a therapist but we can't tell a random person everything even if it's their job.

If I'm being completely honest I haven't spoken to anyone but my baby in days and I've been reading through my old texts with Haze, makes me wonder how I ever fell so hard for his act. It was a good act and at the end of the day he is the father of my baby so I'm stuck on what to do.

If only Elias was here, he'd know what to do and he'd tell me what to do and I know it'd be the right thing to do as well. I keep wondering how Haze is but knowing what he's done it probably doesn't bother him if I'm there or not, this baby probably meant nothing to him.

He probably thought that the baby was a way of keeping me but he was wrong.

I heard a knock at the door and I sat up and looked towards the way of the door, no one walked in though. I guess they've found a way for me to speak.

"What." I raised my voice through the door, it opened and Ryle walked and I let myself drop back into my bed. "Addie you need to talk to someone." He began to speak. "No. Go away." I replied back as I covered my face with a pillow.

"You can't stay here forever, it's not good for the baby." He stated, he's really pissing me off with this whole 'I'm going to gaslight you using your baby' bullshit.

"And how would you know? You're not the pregnant one." I finally snapped at him lifting the pillow off my face and sitting up to look at him. "Will you get yourself sorted and meet me in the basement." He wasn't even asking, it was demanding.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Will you?" He added on questioning me. "Yes, now go." I answered him, he left a glass of water then left the room and closed the door behind him.

For some reason today of all days I'm listening but he is right, all this stuff I'm doing to myself I'm also doing to my baby. I ended up putting on a black crop top and joggers, got to make sure there's enough room for the baby.

I grabbed the gun that was used to kill Elias before I left, I know who is in the basement and I just kind of want it with me. I also want it because I don't trust that someone won't go into my room and try and take it.

I grabbed the glass of water that Ryle gave me and I walked out of my room for the first time in days. I did do a tiny bit of makeup because I looked like shit, I only put a bit of concealer and mascara on. It makes me look slightly more alive.

I began to walk down the stairs but I saw my father and I stopped half way down, he looked up at me so I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly as I carried on walking. I reached the bottom and tried to walk past him but he stopped me, I turned to him staring at him.

"What?" I asked him and he looked oddly worried. "You're finally out of your room?" He asked me and I nodded. "Where are you going?" He asked me and I sighed. "Ryle told me he wanted me to meet him in the basement, he didn't say why he just told me to so I'm going to him." I answered him explaining the situation.

"You might need this." He spoke as he pulled a gun from his pocket and put it in front of him expecting me to take it. "I have one." I replied as I pulled out the gun I had picked up on my way out, Elias's murder weapon.

"You have that?" He asked me. "I deserve it, no one else should have it. No one else will have it, not while I'm alive." I answered him. "Now, if you'll excuse me." I added on as I walked away with the gun still in my hand, I made my way to the basement door.

I opened it and began to walk down the steps, something about this house is that it's always belonged to the Rivera family. It was built I think just over 200 years ago and it was built for a Rivera, at the moment this house belongs to my father, it'll be passed down to Ryle and me I think and since Ryle won't be having children because he's gay the house will go to my child.

The fact I could of ended the Rivera blood line, 200 years of generations and it was my choice and mine alone. Even if Ryle adopted the child wouldn't have Rivera blood, so I guess I'm kind of the family's only hope or else the Rivera name goes to shit.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Ryle standing in front of Aiden who was chained to the wall. His arms chained up and his ankles were chained as well. I walked over to Ryle and stood by him.

"So it was you?" I questioned Aiden. "You killed Elias?" I added on. He lifted his head, he had it hanging down previously, and looked at me.

His face was bruised and cut as well as his body, he looked like he had been to hell and back. "You will have no apologies. He deserved it." He replied to me, I took a step closer to him.

"You will be killed for what you have done and the pain you have caused to the Rivera family." I stated, I was that powered by revenge I felt numb. "You will suffer in hell." I added on raising my voice slightly.

"And what about you miss Rivera?" He questioned me and I just looked at him. "You've killed before, you are guaranteed a trip to hell especially if you kill me." He added on explaining what he thinks will happen to me.

"Because this is justice. You killed because you were told to, you didn't have to you had a choice." I answered him. "You chose the wrong choice." I added on in a threatening tone.

I turned back to Ryle. "Do you want him dead?" Ryle asked me, I took a deep breathe. "Kill him." I spoke as I began to walk away. "And let him burn with his sins." I added on as I turned back and saw Ryle grab his gun.

"Do I not get the pleasure of being killed by the infamous Adelynn Rivera?" Aiden asked with a laugh added on the end. I sighed and walked back over to him.

"You want to be killed by me?" I questioned him as I stood right in front of him.

I turned back around and began to walk away once again only taking a couple steps. "Go on then, kill me like you let your friend be killed." He replied.

I turned around faster than ever, pulled the gun out of my pocket and shot him. Multiple times in the throat and the blood came gushing out of his throat and his mouth.

In that moment I knew I wasn't going to let people have the satisfaction of hurting me, not anymore.

Revenge (kind of). Let's acknowledge the fact how Ryle's manipulation is so good that it's manipulating Adelynn. I want to know what you guys thought of this chapter, I thought it was quite good I liked writing it.

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