77- Outburst.

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Ryle's pov:

It's been 2 weeks since the funeral, Adelynn is starting with morning sickness and it's not good. I'm on taking care of Adelynn duty so I bring her water when she's throwing up and making sure she's okay, it's only been a for a few days at the moment but I know that morning sickness can last a while so it's going to be tiring.

Adelynn has already thrown up this morning and my dad said he wanted to speak to me at some point today so it might as well be now.

"Addie, are you going to be okay if I go speak to dad for a second?" I asked Adelynn and yes I was still with her. "Yeah I'll be okay, I've got water so I should be fine." She answered me, I got up and walked out of the room.

She's my sister and I care about her but Lucien still wants her dead, he wants the child born first since I can't give him a child to carry the Rivera name he's waiting on Addie's child. Let's just hope it's a boy because if not I don't know how things will go down or how he will react to it.

As I was walking down the stairs to my father's office I noticed the tattoo on my finger of 'E'. I should probably get that removed at some point, there's no point in having it. I got down to the office and walked in, he was sitting in his chair as always doing paper work.

"I don't understand why you do paper work for the company, I'm the boss." I stated, he lifted his head up and put his pen down. "Because whether you can face it or not I still own most of it, you will get the rest of the company when I die. Until then I own more than you." He replied back to me, I nodded and sat down in the chair opposite his chair on the other side of the desk.

"What did you need me for?" I asked him. "I need to talk to you about something." He answered as he moved the papers that he was previously going through to the side. "About?" I questioned him. "Adelynn." He replied, of course it was about Adelynn.

At the moment the only thing he wants to speak to me about is Adelynn. "Go on." I said with a frustrated sigh. "Well to be completely honest it's about you as well." He explained and I looked him with a confused expression on my face. "About me and Adelynn?" I questioned him and he nodded. "Okay, go on then." I added on.

"When the child is born you will be in the delivery room." He began to speak and I nodded as a way of saying go on. "While Adelynn is recovering in the hospital and when the child is secure enough I need you take the child and bring it back here." He explained and I just stared at him in almost disbelief.

"You want me to kidnap Adelynn's baby?" I asked him making sure I understood what he was saying. "Yes and while you are leaving you will shoot Adelynn to kill her." He answered me. "This child will grow up as your child, they will know you as their father and nothing else." He added on, I actually couldn't speak.

"What about Haze?" I asked my father. "Haze won't be a problem and if he is then he'll pay the price of becoming a problem." He spoke back, I nodded. "I understand." I stated, he wants me to kidnap Adelynn's baby when it's born, kill her while I'm running away with it and then raise it as my own? I guess it's what I have to do, it's part of my job and I can't risk loosing it.

All a sudden one of the buzzers went off for the front gate, my father walked over to it as I stood up. "What?" He spoke. "Sir someone says they are here for Adelynn Rivera. Should I let him in?" The guard who works at the front gate asked. I walked over and moved my father out of the way.

"Don't open the gate for whoever it is, I'm coming down there now." I took my hand off the buzzer and walked out of the room without saying a word to my father.

I had an idea of who it was and if it was who I thought it was then they can't be let in, I slightly ran out of the door and down to the front gate. I was right, it was Haze. I walked through the gate and it closed quickly behind me, he got out of his car and closed the door.

"Let me see her." He demanded as he walked closer to me. "She doesn't want to see you." I spoke back to him, he began to walk closer but a few guards took their gun out and aimed at him so he stopped. "She doesn't even know I'm here." He exclaimed.

"I just want to explain to her that I had nothing to do with Elias's death, I want to be with her throughout her pregnancy." He added on basically begging me to see her. "She hates you. She wants nothing to do with you, when she found out for herself she only ate for the baby. She didn't come out of her room for days."

I'm aware that he didn't set up Elias's death but at least what I was saying was true, she does hate him. "I didn't kill him, I didn't want him dead! You know that Ryle!" He yelled at me, I just stood there looking at him with a smirk on my face.

"I know." I spoke back to him and he looked confused for a second but then he realised what I meant. "You." His face was full of rage and I smiled. "What about me?" I asked him acting innocent and his face was getting more and more full of pure rage.

"It was you. You killed Elias." He stated as he kept staring into my eyes and I just smiled. "Shh." I said as I put my finger on my lips. "You bastard!" He yelled as he began to run to me and he was jumped on by guards.

"You lied to her! You killed her best friend!" He screamed once again, I bent down to his level. "And you can't even warn her because she wouldn't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth. Not after you had Elias killed." I explained to him, I got back up and faced one of the guards.

"Get him away from his property. If he tries to come back, shoot him on sight." I spoke loud enough for Haze to hear me. He looked up at me with a horrified look on his face. "Good luck trying to warn her." I said to him as he was being dragged up.

"Warn her? Warn her about what?" He questioned me and I just smiled. "You can't kill her Ryle! If you kill her I'll come for you! I'll kill you!" He screamed as he was being dragged away and pulled off the property.

I'm aware it's a bad thing that he knows but there is no chance in hell that, even if he could get to Adelynn, that Adelynn would believe a word he says.

I walked back into the house and went back into my father's office. "Did you handle it?" He asked me. "Yeah, it was Haze. He still wants to see Adelynn and I've made sure he won't come back." I answered and explained to him.

"What did you do?" He questioned me once again. "Just know that he won't be bothering us anytime soon." I repeated myself. "Okay, go make sure Addie is okay." He said to me, I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.

I don't understand why it's always me who has to take care of her, he should take care of her too he is her dad. I don't mind it that much it's just he hasn't really spoken to her in weeks. I reached her room and opened the door to see her laying on her side curled up.

"You okay?" I asked her, she turned to me and her eyes were all puffy like she had been crying. "No." She had definitely been crying, I could tell by the sound of her voice. "What happened?" I asked her as I walked over and sat on the bed.

"Haze keeps ringing and texting me and I can't deal with it right now." She answered as her voice began to break like she was going to start crying again. "Give me your phone. I'll handle it." I said to her, she passed me her phone and I went onto contacts.

"What are you doing?" She questioned me as I scrolled down to Haze's contact. "Blocking his number, he'll just keep bothering you. He only want your forgiveness so he can take the child because it's both Rivera and Diaz blood." I explained to her as I clicked the 'block number' button and handed it back to her.

"Now tell me what else is bothering you." I added on, she sat up and looked at me then down at her stomach. "I'm scared I won't be able to raise this child right, I feel like I won't be a good mother to them." She explained, good thing she won't be raising it then.

"Elias said he'd be my future child's cool gay uncle before he died and I just feel like I can't do this without him." She added on.

Time flew by as she was venting to me and hours had gone by, I don't want to take her child or kill her but I have to. I have to do it because I need to keep my job, I can't afford to be disowned or to loose my position. I have no other choice, I have to.

Haze knows and Ryle doesn't actually wanna kill Addie, a lot is happening.

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