5- Date.

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Jax's pov:

No idea why I decided to go on a 'date' with this fan-girl she just met me and I've known about her for a while god girls these days are so dumb.

Oh and there she is in her tight red dress looking like a slut. It's literally only dinner. God sake.

"Hey, Adelynn right?" I ask and I added a flirty smile. "Yeah that's me." She replies back.

Aw such a petty girl does she ever know I'm 23 and she's 16 guess I look younger than what I am. What a gullible girl.

Plus I do look really hot. "So should we get something to eat?" I say with a slight charm in my voice. "Sure." she says.

Aw she already has a little crush on me, it's a shame really.

After we sat down we ordered, like a typical girl she ordered a salad and like a non typical person I ordered a burger.

"So Adelynn how's your day been?" I try to start a conversation cause it's kind of awkward. "Um it's been kind of odd" she replies.

I could care less but I've got to seem like I care. "Oh? How so?" I ask.

"Well basically I'm here with my friend and he brings in this weird dude and started acting like he knew me and my friend all of his life." She replies.

I mean fair if a dude came into my place I wouldn't like it either.

"I must say that is odd." I say. "Yea and what is Ryle for a name like wow!" She says slightly raising her voice. God I want this dinner to be over already.

Anyway for the rest of the dinner she talked about all of her life like I actually cared like I don't care. God this girl is too easily trusting with people.

After a while we get up to leave and as we are about to go our separate ways she says "Hey Jax this was nice we should do this again!"

I don't want to but if I want her to fall for me "Sure anytime!" I reply.

Adelynn's pov:

Wow he seems really sweet so far. If he does decide to go out with me it'll be my first proper boyfriend in all 16 years of my life.

Oh yeah I need to go back to the suite to tell Elias everything about the date but not Ryle, he's weird.

After a bit of walking I finally reach it and bust through the door "Elias the date went well!" I scream.

I couldn't see Elias so I searched round the place till I found him eating food but I never saw Ryle dude so "Elias where's the creepy dude?" I question.

"Oh him, he went back to his place he said we should visit him at some point before we leave." Elias replies.

Wow wasn't expecting that, someone actually wanting to see the "unapproachable" duo, that's what everyone would call me and Elias in high school. It's kind of true but also kind of not so. "Oh um I'll visit him if you want to." I said.

After I told Elias all about the date we both finally went to sleep and we were leaving the hotel the next day so we decided to go visit this Ryle dude.

Opinions on this chapter? I know it's short but the chapter are going to get longer and because I don't think I'm going to keep Jax in this book he's not very interesting. Also this is the only chapter I will be doing a POV other than Addie, Elias or Ryle.

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