68- Masquerade.

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Adelynn's pov:

Tonight was the night, the night I see my brother and my father. The night of bets and deals and business and I hear that when the Diaz family host the yearly event it goes very smoothly and it's enjoyable.

I feel somewhat better, I feel less sick but I do still feel dizzy. Haze did tell me if I didn't think I could go I don't have to but I have to show the people that I'm okay, that I'm not in too much grief.

I don't even know if Elias's death has gone public yet.

Although I don't think it will the only people who knew were the people Ryle and Haze told. "Adelynn are you ready?" Haze asked me as he walked in. "Oh wow you look gorgeous." He added on before I could answer him, and yes I was ready.

"Thank you, you look nice as well." I spoke as I stood up from the vanity and walked to him. "Is Nina ready?" I asked Haze as he took me in his arms. "Almost, she's grabbing her mask which you should also do." He replied, of course the mask.

How could I forget the main part of the outfit? "So where is the event?" I asked Haze as we walked out of the room and across the hall. "It's about 10 minutes from here and we use one of the Diaz owned mansions because there is a huge, what some would say, ballroom. It has stairs going down onto the main floor from the door and about mid stair there is a way up onto a platform that circles around the perimeter of the room and takes you onto a balcony. It's very beautiful." He replied to me.

"It sounds beautiful I can't wait to see it." I stated in an excited tone as we walked slightly faster since we had to be there before anyone else, there are definitely different rules than the events held by Rivera's.

"Not more beautiful than you though mi amor." Haze stated and oh my god, it kills me every single time.

"We have to go, where's Nina?" I asked Haze trying to change the topic. "Nina! Get your ass down here now!" Haze yelled and I turned to him. "What?" He said to me confused. "Don't yell at your sister like that." I spoke laughing, before he could answer someone else spoke.

"Quit yelling at me Haze because you know I can yell louder and I'm here." Nina spoke, I love Nina so much she's like the sassiest person ever. "Oh my god Nina, you look absolutely gorgeous." I walked over to her and spun her around, she was wearing a royal blue strapless slightly flowy long dress with a silver bit going around her waist.

I walked back over to Haze with Nina following me and he put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer as we walked out of the door and towards the car.

"So we have to be there early to make sure everything is ready and sorted and then people arrive a few minutes after we do so we have to be quick?" I questioned Haze making sure I knew every detail.

"Yes and my dad is riding with us today so you get to have a conversation with him, I know you haven't had the chance since the morning after u came to me." He replied to me and I nodded while stepping into the car as Haze and Nina got in after me since Ethan was already in the car.

"Evening Mr Diaz." I said to him as I sat down. "Adelynn please, call me Ethan." He replied to me and I smiled and nodded.

"How are you feeling today? Haze told me you weren't feeling very well." He questioned me and I looked at Haze then back at Ethan. "I'm feeling better, a little sick but nothing I can't handle." I replied still smiling, my mother always told me to smile at people it shows respect and kindness.

"That's good to hear. How are you dealing with Elias?" He questioned me again, my smile dropped slightly at the mention of his name but I have to stay strong for Elias. "I'm getting through it, it's hard but eventually it'll get easier to push through the days." I answered him once more smiling once again.

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