53- Birthday.

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Ryle's pov:

It was Adelynn's birthday today and for some reason Elias stayed over at my dads house with me, probably because Addie stayed with Haze.

We followed the dress code that Adelynn decided on, I wore a black suit and I haven't seen Elias since people are helping him get ready in another room. Someone knocked on the door, I got up and opened it.

"We have 30 minutes until it officially starts." Jason stated as he walked in. "I know, I've no idea where Adelynn is it's her birthday event so she can't be late to it." I replied as I ran my finger through my hair.

"Also I think Elias is ready." Oh is he? Without saying another word to him I walked out of the room and paced down the hallway to Elias's room. I knock on the door. "Who is it?" I heard Elias's voice ask. "It's me love." I spoke through the door and then the door opened and I walked into a hug from Elias.

"You seem excited." I spoke and he broke the hug and sat back down and continued to comb through his hair. "I am, I'm also happy that you're here." He answered me, I walked over to him putting my arms over his shoulders. "Me too." I said as I kissed his cheek.

"How long do we have?" He asked me while he was messing around with his hair putting it in place. "About 25 minutes, I don't think Adelynn is here yet so we can either wait another 10ish minutes or be early." I walked away and sat on the chair which was a little away from where Elias was sitting. "I'd rather be early, maybe we'll see some of my friends if Adelynn has invited them."

He stood up and so did I, I put my arm around him as we walked out of the room. "Aren't you two so cute!" I turned around and saw Jason. "Yep, do you want to be cute six feet under?" I questioned him.

"Ryle it's fine." Elias said to me. "Yes Ryle listen to your boyfriend." I looked back at Jason and raised my brows and he walked off laughing to himself.

Adelynn's pov:

"Oh my god! Why is everything going wrong!" I screamed, suddenly Haze ran through the door out of breath. "What's wrong?" He asked me panting.

"I can't find the shoes I want to wear." I answered him looking down slightly. Now that I've said it out loud it seems a little silly. "Can't you just wear another pair? We have to leave." He suggested and I just looked at him dead in the eye. "No I wanted those shoes, they're my best pair." I stated and he knelt down to me.

"What do they look like?" He asked me and my face lit up. "You know my favourite pair, the ones I wore when I first met you at the bar." I replied to him searching around the room. "You mean these?" He asked me, I turned around to him holding them.

"I love you for finding these." I kissed him as I said that. "Ok, get your sister and let's go." I added on as I rushed out of the room. "Put your shoes on!" Haze yelled as I was running down the stairs. "I'll put them on in the car!" I shouted back as I got to the bottom of the stairs.

I almost ran into his dad. "Sorry Ethan." I stopped myself. "It's alright, where are you off to in such a rush?" He asked me as Haze started walking down the steps. "Ryle and my dad have organised this 18th birthday event for me and me and Haze are about to be late. I'll talk to you about another day promise." I replied. "Alright well happy birthday Adelynn." He raised his voice as I rushed out of the door, I ran towards the limo that was taking us and got in.

I fell onto a seat and sighed. Seconds later the door opened again and Haze got in. "Ready?" He asked me and I nodded still trying to catch my breath. The car started to move and I got my shoes on.

"Do I look okay?" I asked Haze hoping for honesty. "Mi amor, you look stunning." He replied and I smiled, for some reason whenever he speaks Spanish I like die. It's probably because Spanish is like the flirtiest language ever and how lucky am I to have a boyfriend who's fluent in it.

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