18- The phone call.

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Adelynn's pov:

"Elias! I'm home!" I yell as I walk into the apartment. No response. "Elias!" I shout again.

I walk a bit further in and see him asleep on the sofa, aww. I tap him on his shoulder. "Elias." I whisper.

He woke up and flung his arms everywhere while I laughed. "Addie! You scared the living shit out of me, How many times do I have tell you not to wake me while I'm sleeping!" He whines.

I really do love him he can be so funny at times. "How long have you been back?" He asked. "Only a few minutes." I smile at him.

"Want a drink or anything?" I ask him. "Uh sure, why not. Can I have a caramel latte?"

"Yeah I'll make it now." I get up and start making his drink.

"Addie?" He said. "Yeah? What's up?" I reply back. "Can you send Zane out to get me a 20 piece chicken nuggets, large fries and a large coke." I laugh at his response.

"Sure, can you go out and tell him I told you to while I carry on making your drink?" I suggest.

He jumped out of his seat and ran faster than what I've ever seen him run. "Tell him to get me a salad as well!" I yell to the door just before he ran out.

I hope he heard me I haven't had my daily salad since I've been a bit busy this morning.

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever tell Elias the truth about me, the only thing that puts me off is his reaction.

I hear something go off. It isn't Elias' phone? It's mine?

"Hello?" I say with slight confusion because I didn't recognize the number. Once the voice spoke I instantly recognized it. "Father."

"Daughter." Was all I heard in that moment of shock.

"Aren't you meant to be busy with whatever hundreds of other children you have." I say with a slight bit of attitude.

In an instant reply what I heard was "oh Addie, don't be so happy. I wanted to ask you something."

Of course he wants something that's the only thing he wants from me after I cut off from him.

"And what would that be? Also don't call me Addie." I ask him. "What have you been doing recently?" That's seriously what he wants to say to me? I'm surprised he cares.

"I've brought a house with Elias, not that you would know who that is. I met a lot of new people and no, none of them are my boyfriend." I say coldly through the phone.

"That all?" He said with his normal serious tone. "I'd like to see you again but I doubt that will happen but yes that's all. Anything else you need."

I'm not going to lie no matter how much I hate him for leaving me he's still my dad and I want to see him.

"Adelynn listen to me, I promise I'll come see you, you know I'm a very busy man." He spoke slightly raising his voice showing no patience.

"Too busy to see his own flesh and blood? His daughter? Typical Lucien." I snap before ending the call.

I lean against the wall while a tear streams down my face and I slide down the wall. I can feel more tears stream down my face without realising.

I'm not even too sure why I'm upset he's fully never been in my life.. maybe that's why? Because I want him in my life..?

I'm not even sure I want that. He probably has hundreds of other children that I don't know about. Siblings! He stayed for what? 5 years!

And then he runs off because of a 'family emergency'! Me and mother were never family to him, not me anyway he loved us for 5 years and then he left!

I bothered with him for another 6 years and then just stopped..

I wipe my tears and get up. "Addie? You okay I think I heard you argue with someone?" Elias is back.

"Yeah I'm fine it was no one." I smile at him wiping the tears from my face. I pass him his drink. "Thank you." I just nod at him. "Now, tell me what actually just happened."

I turn to look at him with confusion. "I told you, nothing happened." I replied back and putting my head back down to make my drink.

"Don't lie to me Addie, I can see the tears marks on your face." Damn it.

Elias' pov:

Her face says it all, I know she's lying I just don't know the truth. "My dad rung me." Oh shit.

"That's um unexpected?" I say with a nervous tone. To be honest it's kind of a dick move because she like turned 11 and he just stopped texting or calling her.

"Yeah you don't say. All he wanted was to see what I had been doing recently after 5 nearly 6 years now he asks?!" She raises her voice.

"I would kick him in the balls but you know that's just me."

I spoke which made her laugh because she knows I did that to my dad once and it was very funny.

"I said I wanted to see him and all he said was that he was a 'very busy man' so I snapped!" She complained. "What did you say?" I ask her.

"I said 'too busy to his own flesh and blood? His daughter? Typical Lucien'. I called him by his actual name!"

"Damn girl good on you! I would of called him more than his name but like I said that's just me" I laughed slightly after I said that.

"Ma'am I have your order." I jump at him and grab my food. "I- uh sir." He said to me while I'm stuffing my face.

"Thank you Zane you can have the rest of the day off I'm not leaving the house again today. You can come back tomorrow." Addie said to him.

I thought she was broke? How did she afford a personal driver? Meh not my business I get a driver. Wait she can't be broke she has like 3 cars unless her dad pays for them.

I smile at my own thoughts. "Bye ma'am." He so formally said before leaving.

I've always saw him as a weirdo since the day he first came here. "Come on, what should we watch?"

I ask her while patting the sofa to come sit down. "Netflix and keeping up with the Kardashians."

"No not that anything but that!" I whine. She laughed slightly "fine how about Lucifer?" She suggested.

"Yes!" I grab the remote and turn it on. The rest of the night was filled with suspense from the show and me and Addie being bloated from eating so much.

Well more me because she was eating healthy stuff. What a boring human.

I finally did an Elias pov I know it's been ages I think but I find Adelynn and Ryle so much more interesting. I'm gonna try and do more of Elias' pov!! Also a reminder you are beautiful and you should know your worth you don't need to be society's idea of perfect, everyone is perfect in their own way <33.

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