48- Silent.

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Adelynn's pov:

It's been two weeks since the event and being shot and it's starting to scar which I think means it's healing. I haven't really spoken to Ryle in those two weeks, I know Elias has because he took my advice and talked it out with Ryle but I don't know how it went since he won't speak to me.

I feel like I should go and speak to Ryle since he won't make the effort to do it himself. Obviously my shoulder is still in pain but something has obviously happened between Ryle and Elias and since Elias won't talk I'll see if Ryle will.

I got up grabbed my phone and walked into the kitchen. I dialled Ryle's number, put it on speaker and put my phone down. While it rang I started to make a coffee. It stopped ringing so he picked up.

"Ryle." I spoke and no response. "Look I know you're going through something with Elias and I don't know what because he won't speak about it but I do need to speak to you about something, whether it's over the phone or in person." I explained.

"Ryle I don't have time for you to not speak to me, it's annoying." I said once more. "Can you not take a hint." He finally spoke and of course it was something rude.

"Can you not answer me?" I replied back to him. "I'll drive to you if I have to just tell me whether I can speak to you now or in person." I asked him, I heard a sigh but nothing else for a minute or so.

"Fine, you can come and speak to me but don't expect a response. I'm not in the mood to talk." He answered, so he's going to be silent? This'll be even more annoying. I ended the call, grabbed my coffee and headed out of the door.

You know ever since I've like known about everything I feel like I've had more money like I have a really cool car now. Let's put it this way I have a lamborghini aventardo svj roadster in rose gold and a car like this costs around 580,000 quid. That's over half a million that I decided to spend on a car.

It might seem like a lot but when your family business is multi-billionaire and me, Ryle and my dads net worth well let's say it's a lot. Mines rising by the minute because of the business and the fact it's a family business. I mean I'm literally talking to myself while driving which seems a bit depressing to be honest. My net worth at the moment is 250 million, Ryle's I think is 750-800 million and my dad's well. His is worth more than mine and Ryle's combined times by 2 or 3, I don't know the exact number or the whereabouts but I know the business is a multi-billionaire one so I guess that's worth something.

Some how we aren't the mafia that earns the most money which makes me wonder how much the one that earns the most actually earns or makes. I'm about 5 or so minutes away from the building. I was thinking about what to do for Elias's 18th because Ryle brought him his dream car and he's always talking about doing a race with it because he'll win.

Maybe if I organised a race or took him to a race so that he can do it, I know it's not as good as Ryle's gift but his was like an early gift so he'll be getting him something else. Yeah I think I'll take him to a race course and organise him a few races, I think that'll be alright.

I arrived and the gates seems to of gotten improved, seems like it at least. The gates didn't open though and my god do his guards not know who I am yet. I rolled my window down put my arm on the side of it.

"Let me in." I said to one of them. "Who are you miss?" He must be new, I can never understand why Ryle puts the new ones on guarding. "Adelynn Rivera, Ryle's sister. He's expecting me." I spoke and he looked at the other guard and that guard nodded like saying I wasn't lying.

"Like I'd lie about being his sister." I said to myself rolling the window up and parking. I stepped out with my coffee and opened the doors.

"Alec." I said and he turned to look at me. "Adelynn, haven't seen you around here for a while." He responded walking towards. "I've been with Haze, don't tell Ryle. Speaking of Ryle do you know where he is? He's expecting me." I asked him.

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