8- Games.

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Elias' pov:

It has been about a week or so since we moved in, we have both unpacked and everything and we are pretty settled in and back to today, Ryle decided to come round.

I think Adelynn is starting to like him I can't really tell, to be honest I could never tell whether Adelynn liked someone or not she's very good at being fake I've seen it before and always has a resting bitch face.

Anyway I invited Ryle to come round the house to hang out cause why not and I didn't tell Adelynn so I need to.

"Adelynn!!" I shouted from across the room. "What!" God, she sounds so happy. "Well you know our new bestie Ryle well I invited him round to hang out play truth or dare or whatever!"

Her face just dropped. Fuck! Well I'm dead, not literally, I mean she doesn't look too mad and I hope she isn-.

And with that the door got opened and Ryle had arrived and sat down.

Wow manners much! I'm kidding I don't care at all but Adelynn apparently does cause her face looks so pissed off.

Adelynn's pov:

I actually hate this, why does he have to be here! "Hi Ryle." I said it with a serious tone cause I'm annoyed I guess we could play a game to learn more about him.

"Adelynn." He nodded as he said that why is he so formal it's kind of weird. "Do you have any strawberries?" He asked and I looked at him confused. "Do you?" He asked again, I titled my head in disbelief. This guy. "Yeah, they're in the fridge. Take as many as you want." Elias spoke smiling at him.

"How about we play truth or dare?" I guess I said it with a smirk because he gave me a 'try me' look so we sat down and I went first while he was eating them.

"Ryle, truth or dare" I said it so confidently. "Truth." So he isn't daring that's unexpected he looks like someone who would be daring to be honest.

"Do you have a job?" He looks suspicious I have to ask. "Yes, yes I do." Interesting.

"What is it?" I ask I'm a curious girl. "I said truth not truths you only get to ask me one question." Well at least I know he has brains but that's fine I'll ask him next round.

"Elias. Truth or dare" Ryle said, I'm 99% sure there is something not right about this person.

"Dare!" Elias replied back with sometimes he can be such an idiot but that's his choice.

"I dare you to whisper something dirty into someone in this rooms ear." He smirked while saying that, that bastard Elias won't do it to me and he only has one other option.

Him! Elias walked over to him and whispered something but I couldn't tell what he said.

Elias' pov:

Shit really! No I can't do that to Adelynn it'd be weird but I only have one other option and that is him.. I walked over to him bent down and I whispered "How about you flip a coin, if it lands on heads then that's what you get."

When I got up his face was slightly flustered and Adelynn looked at me well maybe him but she was kind of annoyed I couldn't really tell.

Oh it's mine turn. "Adelynn truth or dare?" I was a bit embarrassed by last round so I was a bit quite. He shouldn't of done that I have a boyfriend! "Truth."

And before I could speak "Who's your father!" Ryle interrupted me. "Elias is asking me the truth, not you." Adelynn replied back.

What is his problem with her dad he has never met her! God..

"Elias go on." She said to me. "Oh yeah sorry, um what's the one job you could never do?"

I think that would be interesting to know. "Um probably something to do with murder like being a criminal I think everyone deserves a chance at life and if they mess up on their first time everyone deserves a second chance."

She smiled after she said that. She can be nice sometimes and I like it when she's nice but after she smiled she turned to Ryle faster than light.

"Ryle. Truth or dare?" Wow that smile faded quickly. "Dare" He replied back. To be honest I might as well just get some popcorn at the moment, this is getting interesting.

I could tell Adelynn was annoyed by the look on her face and that Ryle was amusing himself.

"I dare you to down your drink in one swallow." Did I forget to mention we had alcohol... Woops!

Well he did it um kind of surprised by that I didn't think he would do it, he looks to formal for alcohol haha.

Ryle's pov:

Shit why did I do that! I mean its not like I'm a lightweight because I'm not but that was strong. "Adelynn. Truth or dare." I asked her.

I have to know I don't believe she doesn't know her dad everyone knows their dad even me!

"Uh truth?" She replied she looked kind of disturbed, I think I may sound a bit tipsy.. "Who is your father!" I raised my voice a bit.

"Like I said before. I. don't. know. he died when I was young."

She is treating me like an idiot I should just kill her right now it'd make my job a whole lot easier.

The elevator door opened as soon as I was going to take out my gun.

Damn it, it was Jason. Of course it was Jason. "Hey um I'm here for Ryle, I'm his best friend we are meant to be going out. Remember Ryle?"

The fuck is he on abou- Oh shit the thing! "Um yeah yeah I remember. Bye Elias." And I turn to Adelynn. "See you soon Adelynn. Adelynn R."

She didn't pay attention to me until I said Adelynn R she knows I know. This is going to get interesting between me and her..

So I need opinions guys what do you think of Ryle now compared to the first time we met him? Do you like him more or dislike him I need to know guys like please thanks!!!

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