21- Remembering..

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TW: Death, gore (kind of).

Ryle's pov:

It's been a few days, the guilt is killing me I can't comprehend why it happened. We were only six and seven and this world did the cruellest thing I can think of.

It's been countless years since I've even thought about it and yet it still pains me to have someone mention it..

It's all I can think of, I can't get it off my mind. All I can think of were the memories of her. Amelia..

"Come on Ryle!" Amelia said. "I'm cominggg." I smile to myself. She really is the best sister anyone could ask for.

"Amelia! Come back! We get to see Adelynn today!" I yell towards her. "Ryle. Who's Adelynn? Is she your imaginary friend?" She doesn't know who she is.

Oh.. "Doesn't matter. Come here." I say waving my hand towards me.

She comes closer and I grab her hand and pull her and hug her. "Ryleee" she said laughing.

"Ameliaaaaa. You know you are going to be an amazing person one day. Actually you're already an amazing person." I said while rubbing her hair with my fist as we both laugh.

"Stop it Ryle you'll make my hair messy." She laughs. Her laugh was the best ever. She was the best ever. "It's fine I'll fix it for you." I turn her around, she sits down and she gave me her two hair ties.

After trying to do it perfectly I put her hair in two pigtails. "Do you like it? I tried my best." I asked her. She just hugged me.

"I love it Ryle! Thank you." I smiled to myself. She gasped. "What? Are you okay?" I quickly ask her worried.

"Everything is better now. You smiled!" She spoke with a huge smile on her face. "Amelia! You scared me. I thought something bad happened.." I said looking down slightly.

I can't believe she did that. "Don't be sad. Come on we have to go in now anyway." She was right. "Come on kids!"

Dad shouted for us to come in. "Coming! We just have to get our toys dad!" I said. He just nodded.

We grabbed our toys and walked in. "Go sit down Amelia. I need to ask dad something."

"Okay!" She said running off to the dining room. There was always an empty seat.. It's where mother used to sit.

I walk into the room dad is in. I can hear him arguing.. I peek my head round the corner and see 3 tall men. "Dad? Who's this?" I say quietly.

"You stupid boy! Go to your room and take your sister!" He yelled. I've never heard him properly yell at me before. I started to tear up and ran out of the room.

"Amelia follow me." I said to her as I ran up the stairs, she followed at me and I hid under my bed. "Are we playing hide and seek Ryle?" She asked.

I started to cry slightly. "Yeah.. Come here." I say. She slid under the bed. "Oh my. Ryle are you ok? You're crying." She said in a worried tone.

"Yeah I'm fine come here." I pull her closer to me. "What's going on? Has something bad happened?" I shook my head. That was a lie but I don't want her upset.

I can't stand to see her upset, not again. I hear someone walking up the stairs. Dad? "Is that dad?" Amelia said.

"Shh." I whispered to her. "Wait I need to tell him something, we beat him at hide and seek Ryle!" In that moment she crawled out of the bed and ran out of the door.

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