10- Funeral

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Elias' pov:

A few days after the truth or dare incident me and Adelynn were just watching TV and we heard a loud knock at the door.

"Bloody hell who is knocking that loud?!" Adelynn questioned. She opens the door and their are police at the door, we both look at each other in shock and confusion wondering why the police are here.,

"Are you Elias Heart and Adelynn?" One of the officers said. "Yeah, what's it to you." Adelynn replied.

God this is a police officer why is she being so rude! "We found a body. It has been identified as Evan Reed." He said.

I stared blankly at the office while tears fell down my face. "Now I understand you were both very close to him and I understand this is hard but you must know this was a murder and we will not stop until he is brought to justice." Murder? He was murdered? How..? By who?

Adelynn's face goes paler than a ghost. He can't be dead he just can't everyone loved him no one would of done something like that! So many questions are running through my head and I can't find an answer to a single one of them.

So after the officer left I didn't leave my room for a few days, by that time Adelynn had sorted out a funeral and we had to go to it.

The day of the funeral and we got ready. Adelynn wore a black dress with a slit up to her mid thigh with lace sleeves and black heels and she waved her hair. Definitely not appropriate for a funeral but it's her who's wearing it not me.

I wore a black suit and did my hair as normal and we got in one of Adelynn's cars, yes I said one of them she has about 3.

I don't know where she gets them from but I don't ask.

Adelynn's pov:

As me and Elias were making our way to the funeral we saw so many cars going to it, I didn't realise that there would be so many people or that Evan was liked so much but I guess there is and he was.

"Elias are you going to be ok? We can just drive back home if you want to." I say. "No. No its fine, it will be better for me if I'm here." He answered.

After 10 minutes we arrived and got out of the car, the funeral was outside but luckily it wasn't raining.

After a few minutes of the person reading out the whatever things I heard another car driving up I turned my head and 3 people got out a car.

Two had masks and black glasses and wouldn't you guess the other person was Ryle. Why is he here. He didn't even know Evan he shouldn't be here.

I walk up to him and those two people step in front of me blocking my way.

"Move." I said. "Sorry ma'am we can't do that" One of the guys say, I recognise his voice from when he busted in my house to get Ryle. Also why the hell are they so professional!

"It's good guys, shes a friend." Ryle finally said, god that took him long enough. "Why are you here? Also don't call me your 'friend' we are far from that." I ask as look him dead in the eye.

"Paying my respects, am I not allowed to?" He said with a slight smirk. God I despise him so much.

"Well since your little stunt last week after one of your 'guys' came to get you you're brave to come near me." I said with no fear.

I was always taught never to show any fear, fear makes you weak.

"Aw you are cute if you think you can scare me." He said it so seriously.

"You didn't know Evan so do you come to every funeral you see or as you say 'pay your respect' or is it just to see me and Elias. Hm?" I slightly raised my voice.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to Elias and he stood in the middle of his two guys, now I really want to know more about him.. Why the fuck does he have two random guys like guarding him?

After about 20 minutes it was me, Elias, Ryle and his two guys and a random person I have never seen, he's probably a relative of Evan's that I don't know about.

As Evan's body was being lowered Ryle and his little gang were about to leave but I turned my head and saw the random dude pull out a gun! And shot Ryle in the shoulder!

What the fuck just happened?! "Get him!!" I heard Ryle yell. I looked at Elias who was looking at me and his jaw dropped in shock.

One of them went after him and the other stayed with him and held a piece of cloth to his shoulder and me and Elias just looked at Ryle in shock.

After about 4 maybe 5 minutes the dude came back and said "Boss, I lost him he ran around a corner and he was gone.."

Wait did he just call him boss? "DAMN IT I GIVE YOU ONE JOB AND YOU RUIN IT I SHOULD JUST KIL- fire you right now." Ryle yelled before he calmed himself down at 'fire'.

Was he about to say kill..? He isn't serious is he? He cut himself off he wouldn't of done that unless he was serious, right?

I shouldn't think about it too much. Elias went back to the house and I went in a separate car and followed Ryle

I will find out who Ryle is and what he wants with me and Elias.

How was that guys? Good? Bad? How do we feel about Evan's death? Did you think this would happen to him? Poor Elias. Or is it poor Elias? Who murdered Evan? Is his death significant or do you think I'm just messing with you guys

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