78- Confusion.

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Adelynn's pov:

It's been a week since Ryle blocked Haze's number for me and almost a month since we said goodbye to Elias forever. Part of me still can not believe that he's gone, like he's actually gone.

I always dreamed about having a child but I always wanted to be with Elias, I wanted to teach my child to call him 'Uncle Elias' and then have me and Elias laugh about it. I wanted Elias to be like my child's second father, someone who would love and care about them through everything but he's gone.

He can't do that because he's gone, Haze is gone and my child has no father. I mean Ryle is here, he'll be my child's uncle but it just won't be the same as it would of been with Elias. I just can't figure out why Haze would kill Elias?

There was no motive. Haze loved Elias, too much to even think of killing him. I can't tell anyone my thoughts, I don't trust anyone enough. I trust Ryle but if he thinks that I think he's wrong he'll just go ballistic.

If I'm being completely honest I'm not sure how he'd react, I don't even know what I'd say. What am I supposed to say? That I think Haze didn't kill Elias even though there's evidence against it that I saw with my own eyes, that I touched with my own hands and Haze didn't even try to deny it when I found out.

He'd just say I don't want Haze to of killed Elias so I'm trying to convince myself he didn't, he's told me that before when I tried to speak to him. I just keep thinking that something doesn't add up about all of this but with the confession and finding the gun, the evidence, myself.

I just don't get it. I need to talk to Jason, him saying me and Elias were on the target list before Elias died really put me off and it's bugging me again.

He works for Ryle he wouldn't tell me and he wouldn't go against his boss, I know what Ryle is like and what he's like when he gets betrayed kind of. When people use him for information or when people who work for him give information to other people, I need to find Jason.

I also needed to eat something or else the baby won't be happy with me, I stood up and walked out of the room I was in. I forgot to mention that I was in the main building, I spend a lot of my time here recently so Ryle organized a room for me and it's easier for me as well.

I know Jason is here because he's working today but when is he ever not working, he's always working but I never know what on whether it's just deals but that's Ryle job. I have no idea but I don't ask questions, I can't be bothered with a long ass conversation about his job.

I headed down the steps still wondering whether going to Jason was the best idea, he's loyal to Ryle I know that but where was his loyalty when he told me and Elias were definitely on the list. I got to Jason's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" He yelled through the door, I pulled the handle down, pushed the door open and walked in closing the door behind me. "Oh hey Adelynn, you alright?" He spoke, for a few seconds I looked around I'm not sure what I was looking for or if I was looking for anything at all I just felt like I had to look around.

"I need your help with something." I answered him, I walked over to where he was sitting and sat opposite him. "Sure anything, what's up?" He asked me once more, I'm still debating whether to ask him because whether he had less loyalty that day who knows where he's the same today.

Who knows that if I do tell Jason what I'm thinking that he won't go straight to Ryle, it's not that Ryle scares me I just have no way out. If he begins yelling or some other shit then I have nowhere to go apart from to stay wherever he's yelling, I can't go to Haze, I can't go to Elias, my dad won't have any sympathy. I have no one else.

"I-", I began then I stopped and Jason looked at me confused. "Never mind it's not important I'll just go and ask Ryle." I added on, I couldn't tell Jason and I'm not telling Ryle I just need more answers from Ryle.

"Wait Adelynn!" Jason yelled before I walked out of his office. I didn't listen I know but I need more answers and I need them now, I'm going to guess that Ryle is in his office. I paced up the steps and down the hall to his office, I didn't knock because he's probably just doing paperwork.

I walked in and he wasn't doing paperwork, he was making out with someone. I'm not sure why but that pissed me off so much, what happened to him loving Elias? What happened to him never being able to get over Elias?

He was still making out with that guy, he hadn't noticed I was in the room. I was annoyed obviously but I wasn't going to do anything rational that would be dramatic so instead I just cleared my throat.

The guy who Ryle was kissing turned his head slightly and pushed Ryle away quickly, Ryle turned his head and saw me.

"Adelynn what are you doing here?" Ryle questioned me as the guy was still getting his shirt on. "I came to talk to you about Elias but I see that ship sailed a while ago." I replied to him looking him up and down.

"It's not what it looks like." Ryle's acting like I just caught him cheating, he isn't cheating I just didn't expect him to get over Elias that quickly. "No Ryle it's exactly what it looks like. You have to get over Elias, I won't hold it against you." I explained as I turned around and walked out of the room.

The possibility of Elias's murderer not actually being Haze is making me question it more and more everyday. At first it was just the fact I thought he loved me, he said he loved me and I'm carrying his child but it goes onto why would he do it? Where's the motive?

There's no motive to make Haze kill Elias, Haze didn't like Ryle but he never would of hurt Elias. There's two main reasons he wouldn't of hurt Elias, the first reason being he was my best friend and the second reason being he was his best friend. I know I keep saying there's no motive but there isn't, I am right about there being no motive but my chances of even talking to Haze are completely gone.

I believe there is more to the story, more to Elias's death, more to who murdered him. I shouldn't accuse my own brother, Elias's boyfriend but we were targets. Both my dad and Jason said that, Jason is basically Ryle's right hand man he knows things that others don't.

Jason knows thing that no one else knows, he knows things that probably me or my dad don't know but I can't trust him for that reason.

I know he's Ryle's right hand but that also mean he's Ryle's eyes and ears when he isn't around so he'll tell Ryle anything and everything, he'll tell Ryle if I start to question Elias's death.

Ryle's my brother and I love him obviously but because of what both my dad and Jason told me that me and Elias were definitely on the target list at some point makes me wonder, I shouldn't wonder because he loved Elias but I'm always going to have the suspicion that there is more to Elias's death.

There is something I don't know I can tell, I just need to find out what.

Loving that Adelynn is getting suspicious but what do you guys think? Do you think she'll find out or will Ryle find out she's getting suspicious before she can find out the truth? I am also sorry about the kind of short chapter but we are getting to a good part soon.

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