23- Siblings.

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Adelynn's pov:

I have a feeling that what Ryle tried to tell me the other night wasn't about what he said. I may of overreacted slightly as well. I have a feeling it was something else. Something more important.. Shocking maybe?

I'm not sure maybe I'm overthinking it too much. If it was that serious he would of rung me over the weekend not leaving me on delivered or ignoring all my calls.

Speaking of calls I picked up my phone which had been ringing for a few seconds before hand.

"Hello?" The number wasn't familiar, I have a feeling I knew who it was but I'm not sure.

"Adelynn I need you to come to me. It's about your mother." It was dad. I'm honestly surprised he's actually telling me since the way I spoke to him the last time he called.

"My mother? What is it?" I asked curiously. "She's come back. She isn't dead like you thought, she's alive. I'll explain everything, just come to me please."

I've hardly ever heard him say please, my mother's back? "I'm on my way." As I said that I ended the call.

I put on a white thin strap crop top and beige cargos with white stiletto heels.

Elias had already gone out with some of his stoner mates. To be honest I'm surprised he's got more stoner mates than me but oh well.

Wait did he say go to him? Like his house? Holy shit this is going to be awesome! Fun fact I've never actually been to my dads house before because I lived with my mother and he'd visit us instead of us visiting him.

I pulled up to the address he sent me. Well at least I know he doesn't just spend his money trying to make amends for our father-daughter relationship.

His house is huge! Well from the outside it looks huge not sure about the inside. As I was driving up I saw two men, bodyguards maybe?

I drove to the gates which had 'Rivera Estate' on them. They didn't open? What's the point in having gates like that if they won't open when a car approaches.

I rolled down my window and looked at one of the men. "Um excuse me can you open these for me?" I asked sticking my head out of the window.

"Name." He demanded. "Adelynn?" I said with slight confusion. "Adelynn what and relationship to house owner." He said, not even asking he just like demanded to know.

"Adelynn Rivera and he's my dad." I rolled my eyes. He quickly turned around and put in the pin to open the gates.

"My apologies miss Rivera." He spoke as I drove in. What is my dad? Royalty? I laughed slightly at my own thoughts.

The drive way was massive it was like his own round-about but in the middle was a kind of big sized fountain. There was another two men standing next to the grand staircase which led to the front doors.

I stopped by them. "Uh hi where do I park?" I asked. "We will park it for you miss Rivera." I stopped the car and got out. "Um here?" I spoke while handing one of them my keys.

Why am I being treated with so much respect? I walked up the staircase and opened the door. I stuck my head in to find another grand staircase but it was like those in movies. Two sides of stairs connecting into one.

"Dad?" I raised my voice slightly, the echo was so loud. I wonder where everyone is.

There's a door to the right side, I walked towards it and knocked on it. Someone walked out of it. Another bodyguard? Are you kidding me.

"Can I help you?" This time it was a young boy, 20 maybe 21. Definitely the youngest. "Yes. Who's in there?" I asked him.

"Mr Rivera is in there with his lawyers miss." He said standing tall and professional. "So my father? Cool. Excuse me." As I said that I walked around him and walked into the room.

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