41- Information.

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Adelynn's pov:

So I told Elias I'd be at Haze's for one night so he decides to stay with Ryle for a few days. It's been two out of however many days he's staying there for but I did decide to stay with Haze instead of going back.

Speaking of Haze he walked into the room. "Didn't realize you were still here?" He said confused. "Yeah I went back but Elias is staying with Ryle for a few more days so I came back. Your sister let me in, think she went out though." I replied not looking up from my phone.

He walked over and peaked over at my phone. "What's so interesting?" He asked and I quickly turned my off. "Nothing." I looked at him finally smiling.

"If it's nothing why'd you get rid of it?" He spoke leaning over me, I laughed slightly. "I was just on Instagram." I answered him. "Hmm." He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "How sad. I thought you were going to kiss my lips." I said to him pouting my lips slightly.

"Don't tempt me." He said back, I didn't but he still kissed me anyway. Then a knock on the door, he stopped kissing me so say two words.

"Go away!" He yelled through the door then carried on kissing me pushing me down so I was laying on my back and he was on top of me. "Sir I can't, someone is here for Miss Rivera." One of his guards I presume said that and Haze groaned into the kiss and broke it.

He stood up and walked to the door and opened it so I sat up. "Let them in and send him up here. Tell them to knock before they enter though." Haze ordered the guy, he closed the door and walked back over to me.

"You expecting any visits?" He asked me. "Not that I know of. It's probably Ryle or Elias though." I replied to him grabbing the back of his back. "They'll knock right?" I questioned him. "I told Lucas to tell them to knock so they should." He replied back, I smiled at him and pulled his head down and let his lips touch mine. I fell back into the bed, still kissing him, I feel like kissing Haze is heaven in another form I swear by it.

It had turned into a make-out session and it had been a few minutes before I heard the door knob turn and the door opened. I quickly pushed Haze off me when I opened my eyes and saw who it was. He tried to kiss me again and I turned his head to the doorway.

"Hi dad.." I cleared my throat in awkwardness I guess. "Twice this has happened now." He mumbled.

"Sorry, I didn't think it would be you I thought it was Ryle or Elias." I nervously laughed moving myself to the side of the bed and standing up. "Are you alright? Why'd you come here?" I asked him, I felt Haze's hand rest on my shoulders as he stood next to me.

"Mr Rivera." Haze said to him. "Haze or do you prefer Mr Diaz now?" My dad asked him. "Either. Which ever one you want to call me." Haze replied.

"Dad? What did you need?" I asked him again. "I talked to your brother a few days ago about an event in two weeks. I presume Haze knows about it." He stated. "Yep, Ryle is hosting it right?" Haze asked.

"Yes, Adelynn I want you to show up to it. My original idea before I spoke to Ryle was have you represent me because I wasn't going to go." He explained. "Alright, I'm fine with that." I replied with a little smile.

"But I spoke to Ryle about it and he recommended that you represent yourself, it will be your first event since you knew about this business and we need to make you known as my daughter and Ryle's sister. The Rivera business is one of the most powerful and it's important to be known especially when you're apart of the Rivera family." He explained once more.

"So you want me to represent myself but to be known as your daughter and Ryle's sister? I'd much prefer to be introduced as your daughter but be known as my own woman, not someone's daughter or someone's sister. Is that okay?" I replied back to him, I always feel like Ryle can't or is scared to stand up to our dad but I feel like I'm not.

I've never seen him when he's doing his worst and I'm imagining Ryle has. "I agree with her Mr Rivera. If she's going to be known as your daughter she needs to be introduced as your daughter but she needs to be known as her own woman or she's not going to get any respect and trust me I'll make sure she's respected." Haze seemed to promise him that.

"Are you going to be taking Haze with you then Adelynn?" He asked me. "Isn't Haze already invite? He's literally a boss himself." I questioned him. "It's Ryle's choice and last time I checked he didn't like Haze." My dad stated. "Well he's actually letting me see Haze so we are getting somewhere. There's things he doesn't know but if Haze doesn't get an invite I'll take him with me." I leant my head on Haze's shoulder after saying that.

"Haze, you hurt her and you die. Is that understood?" He said to Haze, well it was more a threat. "Sir when I'm with her she won't be hurt by anyone." Haze replied.

"Even Ryle?" My dad questioned him. "Especially Ryle, no one is going to hurt her I swear and if they do and I'm unable to stop it I'll make sure that person suffers in ways they can't begin to imagine." Haze reassured him.

"No one is going to hurt me dad. I promise." I said to him. "But they have hurt you." He replied. "No one has or is going to hurt me." I smiled at him. "I'm fine I swear." I added on so he looked at me strangely, confused even.

"Addie, Ryle told me what happened." He sighed and put his hand on his head. "I don't know what you're on about." I was trying my best not to let it on to Haze, he'd go mental. "What happened Addie?" Haze asked me so I turned around and walked closer to him.

"Nothing, don't worry." I spoke holding his hand and stroking it softly. "Adelynn I know about the rape." There it was.

"Rape?" Haze spoke gritting his teeth. "No, it's fine I'm fine." I spoke to him making him look at me. "Look at me, I'm fine if I wasn't I wouldn't let you go near me." I turned to my dad and walked towards him slightly.

"I'm fine, Ryle took care of it and it's not going to happen again. It wasn't even rape it was sexual assault I guess." I sighed as my voice got quieter in every word. "If Ryle didn't get there it would of been rape so don't take it so lightly." He spoke.

"Right, can you just go now." I pushed him out of the room. "I expect you to show up to the event!" My dad yelled through the door. "Yep tell Ryle to tell me the date and the time!" I yelled back before locking the door.

"When did it happen." Haze said coldly. "It doesn't matter just leave it." I spoke while walking over to him and pushing him down and I sat on his lap. "I'm not kissing you or doing anything until you tell me when it happened." Haze explained, I sighed at his words and his facial expression seemed worried.

"About a week before I met you so probably 3 to 4 months ago." I answered him. "There, are you happy to know?" I added on, he just looked down and put his head on my chest. "You let me do all these things and it's not even been half a year Addie." His voice was muffled into my shirt.

"Because I'm fine and wanting pity isn't going to make me feel better when people are constantly going to remind me of it." I explained. "Look at me." I added on lifting his head up to face me. "Listen to me, I am fine I'm not hurt anymore Ryle killed the person who did it to me and I will be fine. Trust me." I took a deep breath and he sighed.

"If you kiss me it might take away the memories." I suggested and he smiled. "You're probably lying but it's convincing." Haze spoke once more before kissing my lips and pulling me closer to him. I really should tell Ryle about me and Haze especially if I go to this event with him as my date.

Poor Lucien he keeps walking in on his kids. I do love Haze though he's such an angel like I need a Haze. Where can I find one? Give me opinions though.

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