28- Break.

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TW: Mentions of SA (Sexual Assault) and rape.

Adelynn's pov:

Ever since the argument I had with Ryle while I was, you know, being arrested I've been kind of MIA. Well MIA to him not to Elias or Haze.

Haze keeps asking me to talk about Ryle and about the thing that happened to me, I guess Elias told him. Elias thinks I've been too quiet recently, he either thinks it's the almost rape or the family dinner.

I haven't really talked about it I just want to forget about it, I don't want to relive it by talking about it even though Elias said it's best to talk about it.

I was at Haze's house for the few days and I've met his sister, her name is Nina and she's the sweetest person ever.

I heard a knock at the door so I looked up to see Haze walking in with Elias behind him then I looked back down. "Hey Addie, you feeling okay?" Elias asked me, I looked up again at him and nodded.

"Adelynn you need to talk about whatever is making you feel like this. We're here for you." Elias added on after I didn't answer him properly. "Elias you can't exactly say much, you never spoke to me when it happened to you. Well you didn't speak to me until he died." I explained slightly snapping at him.

"Yes and I regret that, I regret not speaking about it to anyone because now that I have I feel better. That's why I want you to tell me and Haze, we can help you." Elias answered me, I sighed.

"There isn't really much to say. I was going to meet Ryle I decided to take a short cut down an alley way and this random guy tried to rape me, that's it." I quickly explained. "Will you please leave me alone now." I added on after none of them spoke after a few seconds.

I saw Haze whisper something into Elias's ear and then he walked out of the room leaving me and Haze alone. "I know you haven't known me long but I'm just going to say it you can talk to me and I know Ryle. I've known him for longer than you think so I know what he's like and I'm not like that." He explained, he walked closer to where I was sitting down.

He sat next to me and leaned back on the chair and put his arms out, a tear fell out of my eye and down my cheek. I fell into his arms and hugged him back beginning to sob.

"Let it out, let it all out." He spoke, I cried more into his chest while he stroked my hair. "I don't understand, everything was perfect before Ryle." I stated in between my sobs and tears.

"It's okay, it'll get better." He lifted my head up slightly and wiped the tears from my cheek as I caught my breath. "Adelynn you need to talk about it, talk to me about it. I'll listen to you." He stated, I sighed as I wiped the last few tears from under my eye.

"I don't know, everything just happened so fast. I was walking down the alley way to meet Ryle, he said he wanted to speak to me so I told him I'd walk and since there was a lot of short cuts it wouldn't take me long."

I stopped mid sentence and and took a deep, shaken breath. "If you can't carry on it's fine." He spoke as he moved his hand from my hair to around my back, both his arms were hugging me back now.

"You said I need to talk about it, it's better to get it out." I explained before sighing once more. "When I was walking down the alley someone pushed me into the wall and made it so I couldn't get away. I tried to stay calm I asked him if he needed help, I guess I wished it wasn't in the way it was." I added on explaining more, I looked up at Haze with more tears falling down my cheek and to my neck.

"Adelynn don't say anymore, don't go into detail I don't want you to relive it. What happened after it? Did you go to Ryle?" He asked me, I think he actually wants to know if I'm okay. "He didn't fully rape me, it was only sexual assault because Ryle got there before it fully happened and he took me back to the building and he um." I stopped mid-sentence, I know I've killed someone but for some reason it's hard to say it.

"He killed the person didn't he?" Haze asked, before anything I took a deep breath in and I couldn't hold it anymore. I began to sob again uncontrollably, he pulled me onto him again hugging me as continued to cry.

"Don't feel guilty about it, he's your brother he did it for you so you'd be okay." He stated and went quiet for a few seconds. "Just like you did for Elias, to protect Elias." He added on, I looked up at him confused.

"Elias told me that his ex got murdered and when you got arrested for the murder of him it was easy to put the pieces together." He explained, way to make a good first impression Addie. "You must think I'm horrible, I swear I did it to protect him. You have to believe me." I spoke in a rushed tone trying to move myself off him, then he pulled me back?

"It's alright, I do that sort of stuff as a living." He replied back to my rushed response. "What?" I said to him confused, what does he mean?

"You aren't the only one in the family of a mafia business. I lead mine though like Ryle." What the hell? So Ryle and Haze are leading mafia bosses. Why is my life so fucked!!

"So you're telling me that you and Ryle, two people in my life are mafia bosses?" I asked him while wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Don't start, you were born into a mafia family and didn't know." He said in a sassy tone then laughed. "Well I didn't know!" I exclaimed as I got off him. "That's my point!" He replied to me in the same tone I just used.

"Well so were you." I pointed out laughing slightly. "At least I knew." He stated, I grabbed the pillow beside him and hit him with it. "Haze!!" I raised my voice while I kept hitting him laughing, then he grabbed the pillow to stop me and forced it down.

"Okay okay I'll stop." He spoke and I let go of the pillow. "Yes please do because Elias doesn't know." I explained, he gave me a 'really?' look and I nodded.

"Ryle hasn't told him and I would tell him but I'm not sure how he'd react and I don't want him to dislike or hate me because of the family I was born into, y'know what I mean?" I added on then questioned him.

"I have an idea." He said out of nowhere. "Go on." I replied then he walked over to the door and opened it. "Elias come in here a second!" He yelled out of the door then came to sit back down. Seconds later Elias was at the door and walked in.

"What's up?" Elias asked. "Are you done with your little private primary school conversation." He added on with sarcasm. "Yes definitely." Haze replied and me and Elias just laughed a little at that.

"Anyway I was thinking because Adelynn is so very depressed that I would take you two on holiday for a bit, just a week away from everything. It's a 7 hour drive but I have a private jet we can use so it'll be a lot quicker." Haze suggested, to be honest I love that idea.

"I don't care if Adelynn says no I'm saying yes." Elias replied to Haze's requested and I chuckled at his response and smiled. "I'm definitely saying yes. To be fair I need a break from everything and everyone aka Ryle." I explained, Elias came and sat down next to me.

"So, you want a break from your brother and you've only known him as your brother for what? A few weeks?" Elias asked me and I laughed and lent on Elias's shoulder. "It's settled then, we are going away for a week." Haze got up after he spoke. "I'll sort everything out." He added on before walking out of the room leaving me and Elias while I was leaning on his arm.

"I approve." Elias said randomly. "Approve? Approve of what?" I asked him confused. "Of him. You two should be dating already." He exclaimed, I got up and sat up straight.

"Okay no, he's a friend and he just cares about me." I said as I tried to convince Elias but he did not look convinced. "Yeah okay whatever." He said back to me.

"Okay maybe." I admitted after many seconds of silence and Elias jumped up, pulled me up and started jumping up and down around the room. Times like this make me forget I don't have the most normal life and I just wish my life was full of times or moment like this because it's the best feeling.

'He's just a friend' yeah bullshit. I'm shipping Adelynn and Haze

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