39- Feelings.

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Ryle's pov:

What do I do about Elias. I can't get him out of head it's killing me. He's just so good, my god I know I was happy about being set to him but I can't catch feelings.

"Fuck!" I screamed slamming my hands on my desk. Jason, who was sitting on the seat across from my desk eating crisps, looked up at him confused. "What's up with you?" He asked.

"I'm pissed off because I slept with Elias and now I can't get him out of my head." I groaned in frustration.

"Kill him now then." He suggested stuffing his face with more food. "I can't." I replied after a couple minutes of pure silence. "You know your dad is going to go mad if he finds out you can't." He said putting his food down, finally.

"For one Adelynn is my sister and he knew that so I don't understand why she's still my target or why she was in the first place. If he really wanted us to get along like he said he would of taken her off but he hasn't." I explained.

"It is weird because yeah she's your sister but she's also his daughter. I mean I understand slightly why he hasn't taken Elias off because he doesn't know how you feel about Elias and he doesn't know Elias. Maybe you should tell him how you feel about him." He exclaimed.

"Because if he finds out I've fallen for my target it'll just be a repeat of last time. I can't stand that again." I sighed. "Because of Dante? Well he was a traitor over all, Elias isn't. As much as I support you in your job if you love Elias don't hurt him. You're love struck you need to decide what to do and you need to tell your dad." God sake why is so hard.

"Elias doesn't even know about me and this job. Adelynn knows obviously because she found out but I had her swear she wouldn't tell Elias." I explained. "Then sit him down and tell him." He said. "I don't think it's time."

"You said you didn't think it was the time when you slept with Elias but you still did it that night. There's no better time to do something than now." He spoke, I could tell he was loosing his patience slightly.

"I'm going to wait a couple of weeks, see what happens between me and Elias and tell my father and get him off the target list."

Elias's pov:

What can I do about Ryle? He won't get out of my head. I sat there laying on bed with no idea on what to do. Adelynn wasn't here and even if she was I doubt I'd tell her, it's her brother for god sake you think she'd actually be ok with the idea of it? Definitely not.

Ryle seems wonderful and he seems caring but there's something in the back of head telling me there is something off about him. I just can't quite figure out what.

You know what I don't care! There's most likely nothing off about him, I'm just thinking that because of my last relationship. Evan wasn't as good as a guy as he portraited himself. I feel like I should of told Adelynn but he's dead now so it's over.

Also I should probably tell her about Ryle. I grabbed my phone, opened it and dialled her number. She picked up almost instantly.

"Hey?" She spoke. "Are you able to come back home? I need to talk to you about something." I reply. "But I'm so comfortable." She complained. "Then stay." I heard a male voice in the background.

"Who's that?" I asked. "Haze. I'm with him at the moment and yeah." She spoke back. "Come back. The thing I need to tell you is really important Addie." I explained. "Right give me twenty minutes and I'll be home." She said to me before ending the call.

I guess it's time to tell her. She'll find out sooner or later and I'd like her to find out from me. I ended up making myself a chai tea to calm my nerves and sat down waiting nervously for her to arrive.

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