81- Revenge.

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Adelynn's pov:

Everything is planned out, it's smart and vengeful. Now that I know my father was in on the murder of Elias I have so much more I can do, I could take their business from underneath them.

There has never been a female boss for the Rivera business, it's always been a man such as Ryle and my dad and his dad and so on.

This is where it changes, I am where it changes. I will be the reason that this business is turned around.

First I need to destroy them both, I need people to think that neither Ryle nor my father are suitable for the position as boss, I need them to believe that I am the best person for the position.

I have two options, the first option is getting all the other bosses on my side and manipulating them into making the decision. The second option, kill both of them and because the business is family only it'll get passed to me automatically.

Also I have figured out my plan, Ryle knows I know so he's expecting a reaction. I'll give him a reaction, the only thing it'll be ten times worse.

First, I'll slash his tires and smash the windows of his car. I don't know who was in on Elias's murder so the second part of my plan could either be worth everything or worth nothing, I'm going to do to Ryle exactly what he did to me. I'm going to kill his best friend.

My first thought of who to kill was Jason but then I realised that he couldn't of been part of the plan, he was the one who told me and Elias were still on list atleast 2 or 3 weeks before Elias died.

The murder was planned out, it wasn't a last minute decision it couldn't of been. Ryle had obviously planned out to make Haze seem like the bad guy, manipulate me into thinking Haze killed Elias which means that he must of planted the gun in Haze's office.

He planted it in the perfect place for me to find, he knew that if Adrian confessed then I wouldn't have to find out who Elias's killer was because there would be a confession. He also knew that without Haze, even the smallest possibility, I wouldn't think it was him.

The only thing that confuses me is, how did he get Adrian to make a fake confession? Why would Adrian make a fake confession? Especially if he worked for Haze because I knew he worked for Haze. Why would he betray his boss for his bosses rival?

Something doesn't add up on why Adrian confessed to a crime he didn't commit knowing full well he'd die for it, knowing he'd lose his life.

Anyway, it's not like that's important anymore since it wasn't Adrian who killed Elias it was Ryle. It's so difficult to process it, the man who loved Elias. I told Ryle I preferred him to be with Elias because he'd never hurt him, he killed him.

He's ended Elias's life, Elias had been through so much pain and he found it kind of hard to trust Ryle after everything with Evan. Elias loved Ryle and Ryle stabbed him in the back, betrayed him.

I hate to push grief back because of the outcome but at the moment I need to push it back. I need to focus on my revenge, Elias's revenge.

And as I say that, I arrive. The building where it all started and where it's all going to end. Ryle wasn't here I checked before I came here, he hasn't been in 2 days. No one knows where he has been so I'm counting on him coming back today so I can kill him.

I got out of my car, grabbed my knife and baseball bat but I didn't go inside. Oh no, I'm going to destroy his cars first. The first car, a Ferrari F8. Expensive, oh well.

I grabbed my knife and slash the tyres but only 3 tyres, it just means he can't get an insurance claim. After slashing the tyres and I dropped the knife and picked up the baseball bat, I smashed his windows and just endlessly hit the car with grief, pain, anger and pure rage.

I did that same thing will the rest of his car with the same emotions and the same motive. The motive being, make him feel the way I did that day.

The day he lied about not seeing Elias, the day he told me Elias was murdered, the day he told me it was Haze. The day I found out it was him who murdered Elias in cold blood.

After dropping the baseball bat but keeping the knife on hand I headed inside. I previously called Alec saying I needed to talk to him about something urgent, instead I will kill him and Ryle will feel the pain I felt.

I keep mentioning that I'll make Ryle feel the pain but it's all I can focus on, it's all I've been focussing on since I found out what he did. The thing about me when I kill, I kill in style.

I'm aware it's not important how I look when I do kill but to me I need to look like someone who has just done it for justice. Ryle and Alec get a lovely outfit for me to kill them. I'm wearing a black dress that goes just below my knees with a huge slit that goes all the way up my thigh from the side, I'm also wearing black stiletto heels.

If this goes the way I planned it to go as in taking the business from underneath Ryle by killing him then I need to look like someone who can run the business, I have no problem killing people as long as I have a reason.

I mean for god sake I'm about to kill my own brother because he killed Elias. I did have the gun that killed Elias with me because I'm going to kill Ryle with it, but first I have to kill Alec.

I managed to get inside and I saw Alec just standing, clueless that his life was going to end in an instant. "Alec!" I yelled for him, he turned his head to me and smiled.

My plan was going to go perfectly, I could tell. "Addie! Hey." He replied back still smiling and I sped to him.

"You look very nice, have you been somewhere or are you going somewhere?" He asked me, time for everything. "I went to Elias's grave today." I put on a sad tone replying back to what he had asked.

"Oh I'm so sorry, that must be so difficult. Are you dealing with it any better?" He spoke, like I want his pity. If he didn't help Ryle then we wouldn't be in this situation.

"I guess so, sometimes I lash out." I explained, he looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "Lash out? How?" He asked, the one thing I was counting on him saying and the one thing he's going to regret saying.

"Like this." I replied with a smirk on my face, he was confused for a split second I saw it on his face.

I pulled the knife from behind my back and jammed it into the side of his neck, the confusion in his eyes changed to complete and utter horror. I pushed it in further as his screams echoed the room.

"Why." He managed to cough out with blood spiralling out of his mouth and his neck. "I'm just returning the favour to Ryle." I answered him as I kicked him down with my heel and kept my foot on his chest.

"You shouldn't of helped Ryle kill Elias, none of this would be happening." I added on. "You know?" I'm surprised he can still cough out words.

"I've known for a while, the suspicion started when Jason told me that me and Elias were still on the list. I'm surprised he can betray Ryle and you can't." I explained and he just began to shake his head. "Oh my god! Just die!" I yelled as I threw the knife straight into his heart and pulled it back out after.

"An eye for an eye." I said to his lifeless body before walking away. Now for the final bit, this is the bit where I get my revenge.

In about 1 minute and 20 seconds people will be coming in, they'll see Alec's body and since Ryle never gets here before anyone else someone will ring him or they'll tell someone who will ring him.

Ryle will know instantly that it was me and he'll come straight here, while I wait for that to happen I'm going to sit in his office and wait for him with the gun that killed Elias.

That gun, today, will kill Ryle. Mark my words when I say, Ryle will die today. Nothing is going to stop me from killing him. Nothing.

Adelynn's revenge era, I'm here for it. I love it. Finally chapter is next!!

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