29- Found at last.

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Ryle's pov:

"Has anyone heard from Adelynn or Elias?" I ran into the training area. It's been a week since Adelynn ran out and I haven't heard from her or Elias.

I have a lot of people trying to find out what's going on including Jason and Alec. I'm trying to not stress Alec out about it since we are meant to be looking for his sister today.

We have an address, she should be 17 now so I guess we are looking for a 17 year old. I went to where Jason and Alec were and opened the door.

"Alec? You ready?" I asked. He stood up and nodded. "I'm a bit nervous but I want to see her." He spoke. "Jason, are you coming with us? I'd have Adelynn come with us as well but since she hasn't contacted any of us in a week I doubt she'd answer now." I stated.

"Yeah sure. It would probably be better if she had her brother with her instead a random dude while her brother drives." Jason said grabbing his things. "Right let's go then." I grabbed a gun and put it in my pocket, opened the door and walked out.

"Sir!" I heard as I got to the bottom of the stairs. It was Connor. "What is it?" I replied. "We found out where Elias and Adelynn are!" Connor said out of breath.

"Not important at the moment, tell me when I get back." I replied walking away out of the building. I opened the car and got in. "What was that about?" Alec asked. "Connor found out where Elias and Adelynn are." I answered back.

"Well? Where are they?" He proceeded to say. "I don't know I said it wasn't important. In this moment of time the only important thing is you and finding your sister not my sister." I spoke.

"Sir that's very kind." He said smiling. "I think we are past the point in our friendship to call me sir. You can call me Ryle." I replied. "Thank you for helping me I really do appreciate it si- Ryle."

He looked like he was stuck smiling he wouldn't stop. It made me happy to see him happy since he's been so unhappy for so long.

"Are you sure we are going the right way Ryle?" Jason asked through the speakers. "Yes. Why?" I replied. "This place looks a little weird, take a look out of the window." He answered and turned off the speakers.

Alec looked at me confused as I looked out of the window. Jason was right, this place did look weird.

I checked my notes again to make sure we were in the right place, we were but this place seems.. off..?

We pulled up to the house that Paris was presumed to be in and Alec opened the door and ran out faster than I could think.

"Alec wait!" Jason yelled chasing after him. I grabbed my gun and ran after them both. Alec slammed the door open.

"Paris?! Paris where are you! It's me Alec, your brother!" He yells running through every room in the house.

"Alec calm down and stop running around. We will look for her together." I spoke to him. He had stopped running around and was out of breath.

"Jason you look down here, me and Alec will look upstairs." I stated. Jason nodded and me and Alec walked up the stairs. "What do we do if shes not here?" Alec asked. "Then we track her down again and we work for hours to find her again." I explained.

We reached the top of the stairs, there was two rooms but one of the door was broken, missing pieces from it. "This place looks abandoned, you're completely sure this is the right place?" Alec exclaimed.

"Yes I'm sure, go look in that room and I'll look in the other." I said while pointing at the left door. He walked into the room a few seconds after I walked into the other room and then.. "Oh my god! Paris!" I heard Alec scream.

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