42- Meeting.

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Adelynn's pov:

It was the morning and the event was days away, two days to be exact. I got up at 6 in the morning to grab a coffee and to the gym, the gym my family owns to be exact which is in Ryle's business building.

I arrived at around 7 in the morning with my coffee and only a few people were there. I put my hair up in a pony tail and took off my jacket.

I was wearing a grey sports bra and grey cycling shorts, honestly the most comfortable things to workout in for me. Speaking of people in here Tessa showed up.

"Addie. I didn't know you'd be here, you were here yesterday right?" She ran over to me and hugged me. "Yes but I need to fit into my dress for the event in two days and I'm getting there but I'm working out like crazy." I replied to her hugging her back. "Is my brother here?" I added on questioning her. "I think so, I'm not sure whether he went back to your dads or stayed." She answered.

"Oh alright then. I'll probably give him a call later when I'm done here." I said back "which is now actually because I have to do something." I added on and I grabbed my jacket and put it on.

"Bye Tess!" I yelled leaving. "Miss Rivera." I turned my head to see who spoke and it was Jason. "Hey what's up?" I asked him.

"Ryle is requesting your presence." He stated. "You know you don't have to be formal around me right?" I said to him laughing slightly. "It's part of my job to be respectful to be the Rivera family and anyone in it, that includes you."

"Right, where is Ryle?" I asked him. "In his office waiting for you." He replied so I walked up the stairs to his office. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Enter!" I heard Ryle yell through the door, I walked in and saw Elias sitting on his desk while Ryle sat in his chair. "Elias, you've been here the entire time?" I asked him. "Yep, it been a fun time." He replied to me looking at Ryle then back at me once more.

"Please I don't want to know." I sat down in one of the seats in front of Ryle's desk. "So what's up?" I asked him. "We have a meeting about the event with some of the important people who are coming in 30 minutes so I want you to go change out of your sports bra and into something more professional." He explained to me.

"You're giving me 30 minutes to go home which is a 20 minute drive to get changed and come back? Just making you clearer to me." I stated.

"I'll postpone it to 45 minutes just go now." I rushed out and grabbed my keys and turned the engine on in my car and drove. I arrived home and grabbed a black bra, a plain black blazer, plain black trousers and black heels. That should be reasonable.

I literally threw my clothes on and practically hopping to the car trying to get my shoes on, then I realised I can't drive in heels. God I hope I have back up shoes in my car, I opened the door and oh sweet lord I do! I put them on and I have 25 minutes to get there! I ended up shoving my foot on the pedal and it only took me 15 minutes.

I put my heels on after I arrived and got out of the car sorting my hair out slightly. "Miss Rivera. You're aware there's a meeting for you?" Jason asked me. "Yes, I'm aware take me to it please."

He guided me to a room full of men, of course it was full of men. I knocked on the door and Ryle opened the door for me. "Sit here." Ryle whispered to me and pointed at the seat next to his which was also next to Alec.

"Who's she?" One of the men asked Ryle. I stuck my head out and stared at them. "Adelynn. Adelynn Rivera." I replied to that same guy with a smile. I suddenly saw his hand reach for his pocket so I ended up grabbing Ryle's gun from his pocket and pointing at the guy. "What the fuck." I said pointing the gun.

"Enough!" Ryle yelled. "Give me my gun." He said to me, I sighed in annoyance and passed him his gun back.

"You will not disrespect my sister, none of you will." He raised his voice just enough for everyone to hear. "We are here to discuss the event in a couple days not to shoot each other." Ryle added on.

Why the hell did that guy point a gun at me for saying I'm Adelynn Rivera. "I think it's weird how I'm the only female one here." I mumbled to myself. I think Ryle heard me because he rolled his eyes but I don't think anyone else did.

"Adelynn, any ideas or changes you want to make?" Ryle asked me. "Yes, I think the event should have top security." I explained. "Obviously never worked in a mafia before." I heard someone say and laugh. "Wanna repeat yourself?" I asked that guy, he looked confused. "Yes, you." I said again.

"Adelynn we aren't picking fights here." Ryle repeated himself. "It's not my fault these arseholes have no respect for me. You know since I'm a Rivera and you, my brother, are hosting the event." I emphasised the fact I'm a Rivera and that Ryle is my brother, by that time the whispered stopped.

Now I see how much control Ryle has over them when they are all older than him.

"Everyone done now? Good. As I was saying but I was so rudely interrupted, Ryle who's invited?" I asked him. "Basically every leader who will be accompanied by a date or by their assistant or their co-owner unless they have something against us." He replied.

"What about Haze Diaz?" I asked him. "How dare you say that name, its forbidden!" One of the men yelled at me. "Oh is it? Silly me, I'm guessing I shouldn't of slept with him then." I chuckled slightly, I looked at everyone's faces which had dropped and then I looked at Ryle who looked pissed.

"Can't kick me out guys, I'm part of the family. I'm going to invite Haze as my date if Ryle won't so I suggest you all get over yourselves and accept it." I spoke with a rude attitude.

"Okay, I'm done." I added on and then sat down in my seat. "Does anyone have anything else to say?" Ryle asked and he sounded pissed off. "Why are we allowing your sister to bring Haze Diaz. His family have caused so many people to turn against this family." One of them said.

"Because Haze was like 5 when this happened so you can shut up because Haze has done nothing wrong." I spoke out instead of letting Ryle handle the situation.

"Adelynn that's enough now." Ryle grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into my seat. I just sat there while people asked questions about my intentions and I couldn't say anything. I could tell by Ryle's face that his patience was running thin.

"Could everyone stop questioning my sister's actions and intentions, there's no point you aren't going to change her mind." Finally he said something, it was about time. I stood up, walked out of the room and slammed the door and walked down the stairs to the front door.

I am so fucking done with these disrespectful, arrogant, annoying ass people. "Adelynn!" I heard Ryle yell, I just ignored him I was done with him today.

"Adelynn!" He yelled louder to I stopped and turned around. "What." I replied coldly. "That was unprofessional, you are not permitted to leave the room until the person who called the meeting says you can, which is me." Ryle exclaimed. "Oh no, what a shame. It's not my fault you do business with annoying, arrogant and disrespectful men." I raised my voice at him.

"Don't raise your voice at me." I could tell he was trying to not to scream at me, trying to keep his patience. "No, I can do whatever the hell I want. At this rate you are going to be severely disappointed because I'm not going to show up at your stupid ass event!" I shouted at him.

I turned around and started to walk off again. "If you don't show up I'll have you removed from this family." Ryle seemed to threaten me. "You can't remove my blood unless you kill me so nice try asshole." I yelled back at him. I am going to show up to the event and the only reason is to show Haze isn't what everyone accuses him to be.

What are we thinking? Did Adelynn overreact or was it an acceptable reaction? Opinions pleasee.

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