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Ryle's pov:

"You know what you're going to say?" I asked the PI. The 'private investigator' we hired isn't actually a PI it's someone who works for me but Adelynn doesn't know them. "Yes." He replied. "Good." I spoke, I walked away leaving him in the investigation room to set up and I walked down to Jason's office.

I walked into the room and he was sitting with his computer like everyday. "Have you rung her?" I asked him as I sat down in front of him. "Yes, she'll be here I'd say in about 5-10 minutes." He answered me and he sighed.

"Anyone heard from Zach?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Do you not find it weird that he goes completely silent after getting rid of the body?" I added on questioning Jason. "It's a little weird but some people just aren't meant for that side of the business not like me and you." Jason replied and then his phone went off and it was the front gate.

"Adelynn's here with guests apparently." He spoke, shit the dinner was today. "Cancel everything, I forgot that the dinner was today." I told him, we both walked out of the room he went upstairs to tell the PI that the plans were cancelled and I walked to the front door.

As I was walking there I texted my dad telling him to get here as soon as possible because of the dinner. I got to the front door and opened it as I stood inside but looking outside as a limo pulled up in front of the stairs. Adelynn got out first and waved and I smiled back at her, then Haze got out, then Ethan and finally Nina.

I didn't really know Nina but Adelynn says she loves her so she can't be that bad but she also says she loves Haze so I don't know. Addie sped up in front of everyone to get to me.

"Is dad here yet?" She asked me. "I forgot about the dinner but I've texted him so he should be on his way." I replied back to her and she sighed. "Is everything set up?" She questioned me again. "It should be done." I answered her and let out a relieved breath. "I'm so glad everything is going smoothly for once." She stated.

"Right I'll go get Haze, Nina and Ethan to sit down and get them a drink and hopefully dad will be here by then." She added on and then walked away to the others. I walked into the kitchen and called my dad and he picked up.

"Where are you?" I asked hastily. "I'm nearly here." He replied and I took a deep calmed down breath. "Hurry." That was the last thing I said to him before ending the call.

Adelynn had set up the table so there is one chair on each end of the table and two chairs on both sides of the tables. Adelynn and Haze were sat on one side while Ethan and Nina were sat on the other side. I guess the two on each end are for me and my dad, I sat down in one of the chairs and sighed.

"Ryle, where is Lucien?" Haze asked me, I looked up at him and I just stared for a few seconds. "Ryle you're being asked a question." Adelynn spoke and my eyes turned to her and then back to Haze. "He's on his way. He should be here any second." I answered Haze's question.

"So what are we eating?" Nina asked, I swear she's adopted she's nothing like Haze or Ethan. As I was about to speak to her Adelynn spoke first. "We are getting options, we have a lot of options so don't worry there will be something you like." She spoke in a happy tone, she seems to of warmed up to that family quite quickly.

Just as I was about to tap Addie, Lucien walked in. Perfect timing as usual. "I'm so glad I didn't miss the first course." He spoke, this is going to be quite a show. No one actually answered him so he sat down.

"Does everyone want to start off with drinks?" Adelynn finally spoke first. "We are serving champagne." She added on and everyone nodded, she got up and walked into the other room. She was only gone for a few moments but that was more than enough time for me to hate Haze even more and for my dad to hate Ethan more.

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