37- Skin

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Ryle's pov:

I was woken by my alarm and Elias leaning on me. It was 9:30am which means I missed my normal wake up alarm.

I lifted his arm off me and put it down gently as I got up, I grabbed a tank top and shorts and put them on. I went to a mirror and lifted up my top to see scratch marks all over my back. Damn. This is going to be fun.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Elias still laying in bed. I walked over to him and put my hand on his head. "I'll be back in a hour to an hour and a half. There's food in the mini fridge and a coffee machine. Don't leave this room until I get back." I said to him lifted my hand back up.

He mumbled something I couldn't tell what it was. I walked out of the room to the stairs and headed down. Well I might as well go to the gym, I've got nothing else to do. And just for the fun of it.

I reached the area and some people were still here, that's surprising normally people have been and gone by now. I took my shirt off revealing all the scratch marks on my back. I stepped onto the treadmill before hearing someone speak.

"Someone had fun." I turned my head and it was Jason. "What was that?" I stepped off and stepped towards him.

"I said someone had fun. Are those on your back why you didn't want to be disturbed for four hours?" He questioned. "Not that it's any of your business but yes that's why." I replied back to him.

"Jesus Christ Ryle, how long did you go for it looks painful." He spoke again with a slight laugh at the end. "Let's just say, I'm glad people listened to you when you told them not to disturb me." I replied.

"And this fun was with?" I turned my head quickly to see Adelynn. "Is it any of your business?" I said with a slight bit of attitude.

"If it's who I think then yes it is my business." She spoke back letting her hair down. "And who might you think it is?" I asked her. She just raised her brows and gave me the 'do I look stupid to you' look.

I chuckled a little. "Whatever I'll go find out myself." She spoke. I grabbed her arm. "Wait, who I sleep with is none of your business, why are you trying to make it your business?" I said to her.

"Because Ryle, Elias likes you if it's not Elias then he's going to be heartbroken." I groaned in frustration.

"Adelynn! How about we go get a Starbucks." Jason interrupted. "You can't bribe me with Starbucks." She replied to him. "I'll pay.." He said hesitantly.

"Hmm, fine." She spoke skipping off happily. "Go get Elias out of here before we get back." Jason whispered to me. "If he can walk." I chuckled. He just rolled his eyes and walked off.

Elias's pov:

I love how he said to not leave the room like I'd even try to walk at this point. I'm kidding I can walk although I'm surprised I can. I laughed slightly at my own thoughts.

I can't describe the way my mind is about last night, everything looks fuzzy but it also seems so clear. I can't remember anything but I can also remember everything it's just so weird. I stepped out of the bed and threw on some shorts.

I didn't have a shower last night so I should probably have one and get home as soon as I can because knowing Addie she'll send a whole search party out cause I didn't go home last night. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door and stepped into the shower.

I turned the hot water and let it hit my back, I still believe the best thing is when warm water hits your back either in the early morning or the late night. I feel lost in my own thoughts, I feel like I can't mentally process last night.

He was supposed to tell me what happened that night, why I had that hickey and I ended up getting more. I mean it's not like he didn't explain what happened it just turned into something enjoyable when he was explaining it. As the water hit me more I stepped into it more.

All of a sudden I felt two hands grab my waist and pull my backwards. I felt like my throat dropped to my stomach.

"You couldn't wait for me?" Ryle. I turned around to look at him while his hands refuse to leave my waist. "I didn't shower last night so I decided to this morning. And how come your back so soon? I thought you weren't going to be back for an hour." I said to him pulling him under the shower.

"The first part of my plan worked, I went to the gym but a couple people saw the mess you made on my back. Including Adelynn." He replied.

"Adelynn's here?" I said with confusion. "She was before Jason bribed her with Starbucks so unless you want her to know we have to get you out of here before they get back." He said cupping my face.

"Do I wanna leave though? I'd rather just stay under this shower with you." I spoke lifting my face up to his. "We can for about 15 minutes if you want me to get Jason to stall Addie?" He asked me. I just smiled at him.

"Hurry and tell him then." I spoke without letting my smile drop. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed his phone, I saw him open it and then I decided to turn away and grab the body wash.

"Still couldn't wait." I laughed a little turning back to him. I laveered the soap and put it on his chest. He put one of his hands round my back and the other at the back of my neck so I lifted my face up slightly.

"Where's this going Mr. Rivera." I said being a little flirty. "Where do you want it to go?" He replied back with a question. "A kiss?" I suggested.

He didn't even have to reply back to me before his lips made contact with mine. I opened my mouth slightly in the kiss and his tongue slipped in. He pulled my body closer to his and pushed my head closer to gain more access.

He stopped a few times for a breath but he went straight back in, like he couldn't hold himself. When he pulled back I finally said something. "Ryle, you said Addie would be back soon. You have to let me leave." He groaned in frustration.

"Or Adelynn could just put up with it." He added on before making his kisses down to my neck. "We both know she'd make a big deal out of it." I spoke as my breathing became slightly heavier.

"You know what else we both know? That you want to stay here with me." He spoke in a flirtatious way. I moved back slightly and looked up as him. He sighed deeply. "I'm sorry but give it a week or two and we'll tell her."

"And what exactly are we telling her?" He asked. "What are we then? We aren't just friends." I pointed out.

"No we aren't." He spoke before lifting my face up to kiss me again. I pulled back. "So what are we?" I asked. "That, Elias, is what we are going to figure out another day." He replied and grabbed a towel and handed it to me.

"Want me to dry you or are you capable?" He asked again. "I'm capable." I replied. "Shame." He mumbled and smirked as he walked away. What have I gotten myself into. Whatever it is, I love it.

I love Ryle and Elias so much and I have so many plans for them, I can't get over them they are just perfect. What do you think of Ryle and Elias? And how do you think Adelynn is going to react when she finds out?

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