32- Protect.

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Ryle's pov:

"You let her go alone?!" I yelled at Alec. "Look she said he wanted to speak to him alone. It's her dad!" He screamed back.

I stared at him smirking, he took a step back. "Look she's your sister and I'm her friend, you wouldn't hurt her right?"

He added a nervous laugh at the end. "I had someone follow her. She made it to her dad, I swear." He added on.

I just kept staring at him. "Please sir I swear she went to him." He was practically begging for nothing bad to happen.

"She won't speak to me at the moment so I'll have to take your word for it for the moment but Alec understand this, if you lied to me you'll wish you didn't." I threatened him.

I think the only reason he's uneasy is because someone lied to me about something important a couple months ago and they suddenly went missing.

"I swear sir, I don't lie to you." He spoke back. "How long was she in there for?" I asked him. "About forty minutes. I don't know what they talked about, your father may tell you that if you ask him." He answered me.

"I might go to him then. You know to make sure you didn't lie to me." I spoke to him. I walked away after that to go to Jason.

"I'm going to Lucien, keep an eye on this place for me until I get back." I said. He just nodded and I walked towards the car.

I got in and sat down. "Where to sir?" The driver asked. "To my fathers. How long will it take exactly?" I asked.

"It'll take about 25 minutes." He replied. I sat back trying to relax, I'm never nervous to see him let alone speak to him but I am this time. I'm still trying to figure out.

I was trying to figure out for 15 minutes of the drive before I heard something. A gun shot well at least I wasn't the one who got shot or I wouldn't of heard it.

I grabbed my gun from out of the compartment in the back seats. I looked out the window and it was Elias? Elias wasn't the one with the gun there was someone else.

"Pull over." I ordered and he pulled over and with that so did whoever was driving in the car Elias was in. I opened the door.

"Sir I wouldn't go out there if I were you they are probably here to kill you." The driver spoke out. "Don't worry I know them, they're a friend." I replied and stepped out of the car.

Elias basically ran out the car and starting running towards me. "Why are you shooting at my ca-" Before I could finish my sentence he practically jumped into my arms and hugged me.

"Woah!" I yelled a little pushing him off me. "What are you doing?" I added on. "What do you mean? I told Adelynn I really liked you I thought you felt the same way.." His face looked so disappointed.

"Ryle, we kissed.." He spoke with a slight sadness in his voice. "Elias you need to give me time to process this, think about it. I don't know how I feel right now give me a couple days and I'll have your answer."

I can't be doing this, I only know him for one reason and one reason only and that's my reason. "Why not now? What can you possibly doing?" He questioned me.

"I'm going to see my father about Adelynn." I replied to him. "I'm sorry Elias I just have a lot going on I haven't chance to think about this or how I feel." I added on.

"It's okay I guess. I'll let you go then.." He still had a slight sadness in his tone of voice. I walked back to my car and got in.

"Everything go okay sir?" The driver asked. "Yes just keep going to my father's house." We arrived and I got out and walked up the stairway to the front door.

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