16- Pain.

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Trigger Warning: Small mention of SA (Sexual Assault).

Adelynn's pov:

I keep wondering what the hell happened the other night with Elias. He just ran in and straight to his room and I heard him scream into something.

"Oi Elias!" I yell up the stairs. "What!" He screams back.

"I'm going out for a bit! I'm going to go find Ryle! I'll be back in a few hours, alright?" I shout up the stairs. "Okay!" That's all I heard him say before I walked out.

I got in my car and to my surprise the black one isn't there. Of course it isn't, I'll call dad later he probably took it. Again.

Honestly sometimes he is such a piss take. Looks I'm taking the Ferrari then, not a bad thing. My favourite brand is Ferrari.

Also I lied about where I was going I'm heading to the bar for a drink see if I can find myself a hot guy there, doubtful but it's always worth a shot. Maybe even an actual shot.

Anyway after about 15 minutes of driving I arrive at the bar. I get out of the car and walk in.

Since I do come here a lot everyone knows me and everyone knows I hook up with someone each time I come here so people will end up trying to flirt or impress me which can get really annoying.

I walk over to the bar and sit down in my usual seat well tried to. There is someone in my seat, he looks new. "Move." I say coldly. He turned around with a drink in his mouth. He's definitely knew I have never seen him before. "What?" He questioned.

"I said. Move." God now I need to repeat myself. "Why? You don't own this seat." Well only one thing to do now.

"Jack!" I yell across the room. "Hey Adelynn. What's up?" He came over to me. He's my favourite I've never hooked up with him he's more of a best friend.

"He's in my seat and won't move and I had to repeat myself. Twice." I say with a serious tone. Jack put his hand on the dudes shoulder.

"Bro this is Adelynn's seat. She's a regular she always sits there it's how to get drinks easier so move or you'll have the whole bar moving you." Aw he's so sweet.

The dude did move and I sat down. "Hey Adelynn, the usual?" That's the bartender his name is Luke.

He's my favourite out of the 3 but I know his timetable so I mostly come here when he's working. "I might have a different drink today. I'm celebrating."

I smiled as I pick up a menu. "Oh? What are we celebrating? That you aren't pregnant?" The whole bar laughed when he said that.

I'm not that bothered about it because I'm the one who said it the first time so I guess he copied off the joke.

"I'll take a martini and no I'm not pregnant I'm waiting for the right man first. What I'm celebrating is private just know it's going to be a huge advantage to me."

He walked away to go make my drink and some obviously drunk dude came over and put his arm round me. I knew he was drunk because he reeked of alcohol.

"Hey gorgeous, you all alone here?" If this is his idea of flirting its crap. "No I'm not I'm here with a friend, he just went to the bathroom he should be back in a minute."

I know I didn't come here with anyone but sometimes it's best to lie especially in situations like this. "He? Well if he's only your friend I'm sure he won't mind if we have a bit of fun." Ugh disgusting he isn't even good looking.

"No I'm good." I say as I turn my head the other way. "Oh come on baby just one night?" I'm slowly loosing my patience. "Dude! I said-" I got cut off by him getting pulled back by his hair and slammed to the floor. "Are you ok?" It was Ryle, of course it was him.

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