11- Business

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Ryle's pov:

For fuck sake! Of course he has to call me boss right in front of them! "Jason. Car now." I said with irritation.

"Elias, Adelynn pleasure seeing you, I hope to see you again soon. Bye for now." I said looking straight at them.

And like usual Adelynn is giving me the look she thinks scares me, if only she knew. I got in the car with Jason and Alec, Alec was driving while me and Jason sat in the back.

For about 10 minutes of driving I just stared at Jason while he tried to avoid looking at me or avoiding eye contact.

"Jason." I finally spoke up. He turns his head straight away to look at me "Boss." He said with slight fear.

He knows exactly what I can do, that is why he's scared. "You know that girl who came up to me?" I asked him.

"No boss I don't know her personally." He replies. "I think you should know who she is Jason whether it's personal or not." I say while my patience is hanging on by a thread.

"Sorry boss, I'll research her when we get back!" He said with fear and kept nodding continuously. God so annoying.

"Fucking hell Jason. No wonder no one likes you!" I slightly raise my voice and roll my eyes. He didn't answer me after that, he just turned his head and looked out of the window the rest of the drive.

When we got back I got out of the car first and walked to the building while Jason and Alec trail after me.

I have to admit it is slightly annoying I have to always have people following me around when I go out, even when I go to Adelynn and Elias I have those two waiting in the car around the corner from their house.

We got into the building and as per usual everyone is lining up either side waiting for me, I have to be honest it feels kind of good having this much power over people.

While I'm walking down the hall all I can hear is people saying 'boss' and I'm just nodding at them because I can't be arsed to reply to everyone.

I reach my office and as usual, papers. Papers everywhere, you know sometimes I really wanna quit this job but not until I've finished this particular thing that I have to do and then I'll think about it.

No who am I kidding, I'm never going to quit this job, it's too much to loose and I'm kind of stuck here after all. After about 10 maybe 15 minutes of me doing paperwork Alec bursts into my office, without knocking I may add.

"Boss!" He yelled while out of a breath. "Oh my god what now!" I raised my voice at him. "Some girl is here!" Alec said still out of breath.

"Ok? Just kill her it's not hard." For god sake I swear these people are so stupid sometimes! "No boss you don't get it, it's Adelynn!" He exclaimed.

What. The bitch followed me didn't she, of course she did. "That stupid bitch!" I yell while speed walking down the stairs.

I walk down to the front of the building. "Hello Adelynn, can I help you?" I said with an annoyed smile.

"You do have a job!" She practically screamed at me. "Yes Adelynn I do, we established that a couple weeks ago. What about it? I have work to do at this job." My smile dropped as I became more serious.

I knew she was smart but apparently she is dumb enough to follow me.

"Why do you have guards out here, and I will add were very rude." She has so much attitude, it's quite funny actually. I laughed a bit.

"You're a mafia boss aren't you." She said smirking and my smile dropped. I was in pure shock. How does she know?

"And I'm right, if you are wondering how I know well that just proved it all of it was a complete guess and you being quiet after I say it just confirmed it for me. It was quite the stretch for you to be this! But aren't mafia people meant to be smart? Not you." She laughed slightly after saying that.

"Adelynn. Don't tell anyone." I say with a slight threatening tone in my voice. She raised her brows. "Please." God what the hell am I doing.

"Please? You seriously think you saying please to me will stop me from going back to Elias and getting him away from you! You're delusional." She stared straight at me while saying that.

I am killing her first I don't care she's dead first. "You won't run though?" I asked her confused. "You aren't as scary as you try to make yourself Ryle." She replied looking me dead in the eye. "I'll do anything." I said and she looked at me smiling again. "Anything?" She questioned me.

"To a limit." I turn my head away for a second then looked back at her.

"If you hurt Elias, I don't care if you hurt me, but if you hurt Elias believe me you'll wish you were dead when I finish with you. You will be begging me to kill you if you hurt him and no it's not a threat it's a promise." She thinks she's scary and it's wonderful, she has no idea what I can do to her.

She has no idea who she is dealing with! "Fine." She gets back in her car and I go back to my office.

When I get inside I throw a bunch of papers off my desk and they flew across the room. "For fuck sake! Why does this happen to me! This is bullshit, it never happened to him!"

I shouted that loud that for the next 4 hours no one dared to come near my office. How do I know that? Well I didn't hear one footstep outside my door.

Let me know was this expected? Did any of expect Ryle to be like this? Is there a deeper meaning to his story or is he just heartless??

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