56- Confirmation.

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Ryle's pov:

"What's happening with Elias and Adelynn then?" Jason asked me, I looked at him confused. "You know what I mean." He added on and he sighed.

"He means because Elias and Adelynn were on the target list and now that Adelynn is your sister and you're dating Elias what's happening with them? Like are you still going to kill them?" Chase asked me in a rushy tone like he was only asking for Jason, like he wanted to know as well.

"I don't know, Adelynn's my sister I don't want to hurt her let alone kill her. Elias, I mean I'm with him we are together I can't kill him." I explained while grabbing another pile of papers to sign. "They are on the list for a reason, they need to be killed." Jason exclaimed, I looked up at him and he didn't back down.

"I'm not killing them, Adelynn's a Rivera anyone will have a reason to kill a Rivera. Elias doesn't deserve to die he's been through too much." I explained once again. "Do you understand me?" I asked him adding onto what I just said.

"It's not me that will be bothered if you don't do it, it'll be your dad." Jason stated, he's really getting on my nerves today. "I don't care, why would he want me to kill his daughter? And Elias he likes Elias so why would he want me to kill him. It makes no sense so unless they is anyone else you can think of who would want me to kill them, please go right ahead and tell me." I raised my voice slightly, to think this guy went from not even wanting to look at me to being this confident talking to me and questioning everything I do like I can't take him down quicker than I brought him up.

Before he was about to speak my phone started ringing. "Excuse me." I spoke and I walked out of the room, I took my phone out and answered the call. "Ryle, hi I need to talk to you. Are you free?" It was Adelynn, it was probably about her mother or something along those lines.

"Yeah I'm free." I replied. "Good. Where are you?" She asked me, I can't exactly say I was with Jason and Chase talking about whether I'm going to kill you and Elias.

"I'm at the building just going over some papers with Jason and Chase." I answered her, yes I lied but it's for her good. "Right okay, I'll be there in 25 minutes I just have to pick which car to take." She stated and then she ended the call.

I sighed before I walked back into the room with Jason and Chase and sat down. "Who was that?" Jason asked, I looked up at him while I ran my fingers through my hair. "It was Adelynn, she's coming over to talk to me about something." I replied and Jason laughed slightly turning his head slightly.

"Speak of the devil and she will appear." He stated, I looked at him up and down. "None of you are to say anything." I spoke and I stood up. "Yes sir." They both replied in sync.

Adelynn's pov:

So I'm in my car and I'm about 5 or so minutes away from Ryle, the only reason I'm going to him is because I feel like I need some answers.

Like what my dad said when he told me Ryle was my brother, he said me and Elias were on some target list to be killed like why I don't understand it which is why I'm going to Ryle. Plus I'm his sister why would he kill me and he's now dating Elias why would he kill Elias? It makes no sense what my dad said, I know it was ages ago but for some reason recently it's all that's been on in my head.

Maybe it was something to get me away from Ryle but I just want answers and I'm not sure why but I feel like Ryle won't lie to me.

Or maybe I'm overthinking it with everything that's going on including the fact my mother shows up out of no where and since then I have no idea what she's done or where she is, I just hope she's okay I mean I know she kind of left me for nearly 6 years but she's still my mother and I don't think she intended to hurt me. Anyway enough of that I was finally here.

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